
class cerebras.modelzoo.data.vision.segmentation.transforms.noise_transforms.GaussianNoiseTransform[source]#

Bases: object

Adds additive Gaussian Noise

  • noise_variance – variance is uniformly sampled from that range

  • p_per_sample

  • p_per_channel

  • per_channel – if True, each channel will get its own variance sampled from noise_variance

  • data_key

CAREFUL: This transform will modify the value range of your data!


__init__(noise_variance=(0, 0.1), p_per_sample=1, p_per_channel: float = 1, per_channel: bool = False, data_key='data')[source]#

Adds additive Gaussian Noise

  • noise_variance – variance is uniformly sampled from that range

  • p_per_sample

  • p_per_channel

  • per_channel – if True, each channel will get its own variance sampled from noise_variance

  • data_key

CAREFUL: This transform will modify the value range of your data!


Call self as a function.