Set up a Cerebras virtual environment#

Before you launch your first job in the Cerebras Wafer-Scale cluster, create a Python virtual environment to install Cerebras’s software dependencies. You need to create the virtual environment only once for every release.


Python version#

Use Python 3.8 to set up your environment.

Create a Cerebras virtual environment#

1. Create your Python virtual environment. It can also be pre-configured by a system administrator and could have a different name. For demonstration purposes, let’s create a virtual environment named venv_cerebras_pt using the following command:

/opt/python3.8/bin/python3.8 -m venv venv_cerebras_pt

2. Install the cerebras_pytorch package using the following commands:

source venv_cerebras_pt/bin/activate

Note that now you should be in the (venv_cerebras_pt) environment.

pip install --upgrade pip
pip install cerebras_pytorch==2.2.1

Validate the setup#

To confirm that your Cerebras PyTorch python package is correctly installed in your environment, you can utilize a utility called cerebras_install_check. This tool helps verify that the installed Cerebras software in your environment is compatible with the deployed appliance versions. Follow these steps to use the utility:

1. First, activate your virtual environment where the Cerebras PyTorch package is installed. If you named your virtual environment “venv_cerebras_pt”, you can activate it using:

source venv_cerebras_pt/bin/activate

After this command, your command line prompt should indicate that you’re in the “venv_cerebras_pt” environment.

2. With the environment activated, run the cerebras_install_check command:


By compiling a model as part of its verification process, cerebras_install_check offers a thorough check, ensuring that every aspect of the Cerebras environment is set up correctly. If the utility detects any issues, it will provide detailed feedback for troubleshooting and resolution.