- class cerebras.modelzoo.data.nlp.t5.T5DynamicDataProcessor.T5DynamicDataProcessorConfig(*args, **kwargs)[source]#
Number of sequences per batch.
A list of boundaries for sequence lengths to bucket together in order to speed up VTS/VSL.
If True, will lowercase all tokens in vocabulary.
If the last batch is not the full size, i.e. the dataset could not divide evenly into the batch-size, do not use the last batch.
If set, will divide the loss for a token by the length of the sequence that the token comes from.
Token for end-of-sequence
Number of sentinel tokens for T5 objective
Can set specific padding for inputs
Can set specific padding for labels
Specifies how many documents to pack together
Number of processes that move data to the accelerator system, so that the system doesn't process data faster than it receives it.
Token for out-of-vocabulary words/sub-words
If set, will concatenate sequences so that computation is performed on real data rather than padding
Token for padding
If set, workers will not be shutdown after going through the dataset once.
Number of batch loaded in advance by each worker.
If true the data will be shuffled before passing into the model.
Size of buffer used to store data before shuffling
Sets random seed for the order of data shuffling.
Token for start-of-sequence
Path to directory containing the output of preprocess.sh, with all the files of tokenized data.
Largest possible sequence length for the input.
Path to file containing tokens of vocabulary, one token per line.
Largest possible sequence length for the labels.
- src_vocab_file = Ellipsis#
Path to file containing tokens of vocabulary, one token per line.
- src_data_dir = Ellipsis#
Path to directory containing the output of preprocess.sh, with all the files of tokenized data.
- batch_size = Ellipsis#
Number of sequences per batch. Note that it is different between systems.
- shuffle = True#
If true the data will be shuffled before passing into the model. Recommended for training. Can be set to False for debugging.
- shuffle_seed = None#
Sets random seed for the order of data shuffling. Allows for reproducibility while still shuffling data.
- shuffle_buffer = None#
Size of buffer used to store data before shuffling
- extra_ids = 0#
Number of sentinel tokens for T5 objective
- src_max_sequence_length = Ellipsis#
Largest possible sequence length for the input. If longer it will be truncated. All other sequences padded to this length.
- tgt_max_sequence_length = Ellipsis#
Largest possible sequence length for the labels. If longer it will be truncated. All other sequences padded to this length.
- num_workers = 0#
Number of processes that move data to the accelerator system, so that the system doesn’t process data faster than it receives it.
- drop_last = True#
If the last batch is not the full size, i.e. the dataset could not divide evenly into the batch-size, do not use the last batch.
- prefetch_factor = 10#
Number of batch loaded in advance by each worker.
- persistent_workers = True#
If set, workers will not be shutdown after going through the dataset once.
- do_lower = False#
If True, will lowercase all tokens in vocabulary. T5’s vocabulary is cased so this is not recommended.
- buckets = None#
A list of boundaries for sequence lengths to bucket together in order to speed up VTS/VSL.
- dynamic_loss_weight = False#
If set, will divide the loss for a token by the length of the sequence that the token comes from.
- pack_sequences = False#
If set, will concatenate sequences so that computation is performed on real data rather than padding
- num_documents_to_concatenate = 128#
Specifies how many documents to pack together
- oov_token = '<unk>'#
Token for out-of-vocabulary words/sub-words
- sos_token = '<s>'#
Token for start-of-sequence
- eos_token = '</s>'#
Token for end-of-sequence
- pad_token = '<pad>'#
Token for padding
- labels_pad_id = None#
Can set specific padding for labels
- input_pad_id = None#
Can set specific padding for inputs