Add arguments to the data preprocessing parser. |
Process data preprocessing CLI arguments to parameters :returns: |
Since we do character-level FIM we need to detokenize, determine boundaries to split, and re-tokenize after splitting. |
Clean the provided text using ftfy normalization and wikitext detokenization. |
Write the input params to file. |
Write outputs of execution |
Takes in an array of input_ids, mask, and labels, and performs the FIM operation to re-arrange into PSM and SPM format with some probability |
Takes in list of prefix/middle/suffix token lists, along with respective FIM (or AR) formats. |
Get data statistics from the sample. |
Get all files of given filetypes from input directory. |
Retrieve configuration parameters :returns: |
Argparser definition for command line arguments from user. |
Recursively finds size of objects |
When performing FIM, we tokenize each chunk again after splitting. |
Helper for padding. |
Set up logging to log warnings to a file in the specified output directory. |
Function to split the text into smaller sequences of length max_tok_len and then tokenize each of the smaller sequences. |
The goal of our truncation scheme is to avoid removing tokens from the middle section. |
Since we perform FIM at character-level, we potentially split characters in the middle of a word. |
Truncates token sequences to fit within a specified MSL, parameterized by max_turn_length. |
Update eos_id and pad_id in data_params |
Update config parameters with CLI arguments |
Detokenizer for wikitext. |