Source code for cerebras.pytorch.sparse.utils

# Copyright 2016-2023 Cerebras Systems
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

import inspect
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import torch

import cerebras.pytorch as cstorch
from cerebras.appliance.utils.classes import retrieve_all_subclasses
from cerebras.pytorch.utils._decorators import lazy_tensor_lru_cache
from cerebras.pytorch.utils.typing import signature_matches_type_hint

[docs]class HyperParameterSchedule(ABC): """ Base class for step-aware hyperparameters used in Sparsity Optimizers. """ def __init__(self): # Wrap the compute method with a cached equivalent self.compute = lazy_tensor_lru_cache(maxsize=1)(self.compute) self.update = lazy_tensor_lru_cache(maxsize=1)(self.update) # Wrap the get_min_max_end method with a cached equivalent as it only # needs to be computed once self.get_min_max_end = lazy_tensor_lru_cache(maxsize=1)( self.get_min_max_end )
[docs] @abstractmethod def compute(self, step: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Return a torch.Tensor with the value of the hyperparatmer at the given step. Args: step: int64 tensor holding current step Returns: torch.Tensor on the device of step with the value of the hyperparamter """
[docs] def __call__(self, step: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: return self.compute(step)
[docs] def update(self, is_update_step: torch.Tensor): """ Given a boolean tensor indicating if this is an update step, update the internal state of this hyperparameter. Args: is_update_step: A boolean tensor indicating if this is an update step. """
def cache_clear(self): self.compute.cache_clear() self.update.cache_clear()
[docs] def visit_state(self, fn): """ Applies a lambda to each stateful value. """
def state_dict(self): return {} def load_state_dict(self, state): pass
[docs] def get_min_max_end( self, begin: int, end: int ) -> Tuple[float, float, float]: """ Given a beginning and ending step, compute the statistics of this step-aware hyper parameter. Used for estimating memory requirements for dynamic sparsity. Return [min, max, ending] """ # By default, assume monotonic behavior and sample the callable begin_value = self(torch.tensor(begin)).item() end_value = self(torch.tensor(end)).item() if begin_value < end_value: return (begin_value, end_value, end_value) else: return (end_value, begin_value, end_value)
[docs]class Constant(HyperParameterSchedule): """ Constant at every step. """ def __init__(self, value: float): """ Args: value: The constant value of the hyperparameter """ super().__init__() self.value = value
[docs] def compute(self, step: torch.Tensor): return torch.tensor(self.value)
[docs]class Linear(HyperParameterSchedule): r""" Linear change from an initial value. :math:`y(step) = init + step \cdot slope` """ def __init__(self, init: float, slope: float): """ Args: init: The initial value of the hyperparameter slope: The rate of change of the hyperparameter """ super().__init__() self.init = torch.tensor(init) self.slope = torch.tensor(slope)
[docs] def compute(self, step: torch.Tensor): if not isinstance(step, torch.Tensor): step = torch.tensor(step, dtype=torch.float) return self.init + step * self.slope
[docs]class Exp(HyperParameterSchedule): """ Exponential, approaching an asymptotic final value :math:`y(step) = final + (init-final) e^{step \cdot gamma}` """ def __init__(self, init: float, gamma: float, final: float = 1): """ Args: init: The initial value of the hyperparameter gamma: The rate of change of the hyperparameter final: The final value of the hyperparameter (Default: 1.0) """ super().__init__() = torch.tensor(final) self.scale = - torch.tensor(init) self.gamma = torch.tensor(gamma)
[docs] def compute(self, step: torch.Tensor): if not isinstance(step, torch.Tensor): step = torch.tensor(step, dtype=torch.float) return - self.scale * torch.exp(step * self.gamma)
[docs]class Power(HyperParameterSchedule): """ Power law. :math:`y(step) = init \cdot beta^{step}` """ def __init__(self, init: float, beta: float): """ Args: init: The initial value of the hyperparameter beta: The rate of change of the hyperparameter """ super().__init__() self.init = torch.tensor(init) self.beta = torch.tensor(beta)
[docs] def compute(self, step: torch.Tensor): if not isinstance(step, torch.Tensor): step = torch.tensor(step, dtype=torch.float) return self.init * torch.pow(self.beta, step)
[docs]class Cosine(HyperParameterSchedule): """ Cosine function for oscilating between an initial (maximum) value down to a minimum and back to the maximum every period. :math:`y(step) = o + a \cdot \cos(step \cdot \pi / half\_period)`, where :math:`o = (init + minimum)/2` and :math:`a = init - o`. """ def __init__(self, init: float, half_period: float, minimum: float = 0.0): """ Args: init: The initial value of the hyperparameter half_period: The number of steps to complete a full cycle minimum: The minimum value of the hyperparameter """ super().__init__() # cos(x) mean is 0, compute mean of (init+min)/2 o = (minimum + init) / 2 # cos(pi) max is 1, remove offset a = init - o self.amp = torch.tensor(a) self.offset = torch.tensor(o) self.freq = torch.tensor(torch.pi / half_period)
[docs] def compute(self, step: torch.Tensor): if not isinstance(step, torch.Tensor): step = torch.tensor(step, dtype=torch.float) return self.amp * torch.cos(step * self.freq) + self.offset
[docs] def get_min_max_end( self, begin: int, end: int ) -> Tuple[float, float, float]: min_value = (-self.amp + self.offset).item() max_value = (self.amp + self.offset).item() end_value = self(torch.tensor(end)).item() if max_value < min_value: # swap, amp must be negative min_value, max_value = max_value, min_value return (min_value, max_value, end_value)
[docs]class Cycling(HyperParameterSchedule): """ Hyper parameter cycling between discrete values at update steps. """ def __init__(self, values: List[float]): """ Args: values: A list of discrete values to cycle through """ super().__init__() self.values = values self.index = torch.tensor(0, dtype=torch.int64)
[docs] def compute(self, step: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: if not isinstance(step, torch.Tensor): step = torch.tensor(step, dtype=torch.float) # Terrible unrolled version to work around stack limitations v = torch.tensor(self.values[0], device=step.device) for i, vi in enumerate(self.values): vi = torch.tensor(vi, device=step.device) v = torch.where(self.index == i, vi, v) return v
[docs] def update(self, is_update_step: torch.Tensor): self.index = torch.where( is_update_step, torch.where(self.index == len(self.values) - 1, 0, self.index + 1), self.index, )
[docs] def get_min_max_end( self, begin: int, end: int ) -> Tuple[float, float, float]: # Technically not an "end" since it cycles, so assume its cycled # completely by the end of dynamic updates. return (min(self.values), max(self.values), self.values[-1])
[docs] def visit_state(self, fn): new_index = fn(self.index) if new_index is not None: self.index = new_index
def state_dict(self): return {"index": self.index} def load_state_dict(self, state): self.index = state.pop("index")
[docs]class Lambda(HyperParameterSchedule): """ Invoke a user's lambda function of step to obtain the hyper parameter. """ def __init__(self, fn: Callable[[torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor]): """ Args: fn: A lambda function that takes a step and returns a hyperparameter """ super().__init__() self.fn = fn
[docs] def compute(self, step: torch.Tensor): return self.fn(step)
[docs] def get_min_max_end( self, begin: int, end: int ) -> Tuple[float, float, float]: # Can't assess any statistics of a user provided lambda return None
HyperParameterCallable = Callable[[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor] HyperParameterScheduleType = Union[ int, float, List[int], List[float], Tuple, Dict, HyperParameterCallable, HyperParameterSchedule, ]
[docs]def make_hyperparam_schedule(schedule): """ Given some user specified configuration, construct a HyperParameterSchedule object that is step aware. """ if isinstance(schedule, HyperParameterSchedule): return schedule if isinstance(schedule, (int, float)): return Constant(schedule) if isinstance(schedule, (list, tuple)): return Cycling(schedule) if callable(schedule): signature = inspect.signature(schedule) if signature_matches_type_hint(signature, HyperParameterCallable): return Lambda(schedule) hyperparam_classes = { cls.__name__.lower(): cls for cls in retrieve_all_subclasses(HyperParameterSchedule) if not inspect.isabstract(cls) } if isinstance(schedule, dict): schedule = schedule.copy() typename = schedule.pop("type", None) if not typename: raise ValueError("Must specify `type`") cls = hyperparam_classes.get(typename.lower()) return cls(**schedule) valid_types = sorted(hyperparam_classes.keys()) raise ValueError( f"Unhandled {schedule}. Options are:\n" f"* int/float: ConstantHyperParameter\n" f"* list[int/float]: CyclingHyperParameter\n" f"* Callable: LambdaHyperParameter\n" f"* BaseHyperParameter: used as-is\n" f"* {{\"type\": ...}} as one of {valid_types}" )
[docs]class UpdateSchedule(ABC):
[docs] @abstractmethod def is_update_step(self, step: torch.LongTensor) -> torch.BoolTensor: """ Given a training step rankless tensor, return a rankless bool tensor if this is a sparsity update step. """
def __call__(self, step: torch.LongTensor) -> torch.BoolTensor: return self.is_update_step(step)
[docs]class FreqSchedule(UpdateSchedule): """ When schedulding sparsity update steps on a regular interval, this class allows configuring the start and stop step in addition to the update frequency. """ def __init__(self, freq=1, start=0, stop=None): """ Args: freq: The frequency of steps at which to update the sparsity pattern (Default: 1) start: The step at which to start updating the sparsity pattern (Default: 0) stop: The step at which to stop updating the sparsity pattern (Default: None) """ super().__init__() self.start = start self.freq = freq self.stop = stop
[docs] def is_update_step(self, step: torch.LongTensor) -> torch.BoolTensor: # First, check if this is (after offsetting from start) an update step # based on the frequency check_step = step if self.start: check_step = step - self.start is_update_step = check_step % self.freq == 0 # Next add the bounds checking if applicable if self.start: is_update_step &= step >= self.start if self.stop is not None: is_update_step &= step < self.stop return is_update_step
[docs]class ListSchedule(UpdateSchedule): """ When schedulding requires an irregular update cadence, explicit steps can be provided as a list. """ def __init__(self, steps: Union[List[int], torch.Tensor]): """ Args: steps: A list of steps at which to update the sparsity pattern """ super().__init__() steps = tuple(steps) self.steps = steps self.start = min(steps) self.stop = max(steps)
[docs] def is_update_step(self, step: torch.LongTensor) -> torch.BoolTensor: is_update_step = torch.tensor(False, device=step.device) for s in self.steps: is_update_step |= step == s return is_update_step
UpdateScheduleCallable = Callable[ # torch.tensor(shape=[], dtype=int64) -> torch.tensor(shape=[], dtype=bool) [torch.LongTensor], torch.BoolTensor, ] UpdateScheduleType = Union[Dict, UpdateScheduleCallable]
[docs]def make_update_schedule(update: UpdateScheduleType) -> UpdateScheduleCallable: """ Instantiate a supported schedule type. """ if isinstance(update, UpdateSchedule): return update if update is None: # always update return FreqSchedule(freq=1) elif isinstance(update, dict): update = update.copy() if "freq" in update: return FreqSchedule(**update) elif "steps" in update: return ListSchedule(update["steps"]) elif callable(schedule): signature = inspect.signature(schedule) if signature_matches_type_hint(signature, ScheduleCallable): return schedule raise ValueError( f"Invalid `update`: {update}. Valid options are:\n" f"* None: Assume every step is an update step" f'* {{"freq": freq, "start": start, "stop": stop}}\n' f'* {{"steps": steps}}: List of specific update steps\n' f"* Callable: Used as-is\n" )
UnshaperCallable = Callable[[torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor] ShaperReturn = Tuple[torch.Tensor, UnshaperCallable] ShaperCallable = Callable[[torch.Tensor], ShaperReturn]
[docs]class ScoreShaper(ABC): @abstractmethod def __call__(self, tensor: torch.Tensor) -> ShaperReturn: """ Given a tensor, such as a score or mask, reshape it so that the inner dimension is the one over which magnitudes should be compared. Args: tensor: Will be reshaped so that the inner dimension Returns: tuple containing: - reshaped ``tensor`` - Callable to reverse this shaper. """
[docs]class ScoreFlattener(ScoreShaper): """ Default ScoreShaper which everything is flattened, providing a global competition for magnitude. If only sub-portions of the weight should compete for magnitude, provide an alternative shaper object. """ def __call__(self, tensor: torch.Tensor) -> ShaperReturn: def unshaper(ret: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: return ret.view(tensor.shape) return tensor.view(-1), unshaper
[docs]class OutputGroupScoreShaper(ScoreShaper): """ A ScoreShaper interface when weights are logically shaped as [num_groups*out_per_group, insize], but need to be scored in a "balanced" fashion as [num_groups, out_per_group*insize] Examples: >>> # Common score used for the following examples >>> score=torch.tensor([[1.0, 2.0], ... [0.0, -1.0]]) >>> # 50% sparsity, drops the 2 lowest magnitude >>> make_mask_topk_sparsity( ... score=score, ... sparsity=torch.tensor(0.5), ... ) tensor([[ True, True], [False, False]]) >>> # 50% sparsity, but computed rowwise >>> make_mask_topk_sparsity( ... score=score, ... sparsity=torch.tensor(0.5), ... score_shaper=OutputGroupScoreShaper(num_groups=2) ... ) tensor([[False, True], [ True, False]]) """ def __init__(self, num_groups): self.num_groups = num_groups def __call__(self, tensor: torch.Tensor) -> ShaperReturn: def unshaper(ret: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: return ret.view(tensor.shape) return tensor.view(self.num_groups, -1), unshaper
[docs]class InputGroupScoreShaper(ScoreShaper): """ A ScoreShaper interface when weights are logically shaped as [outsize, num_groups*in_per_group], but need to be scored in a "balanced" fashion as [num_groups, outsize*in_per_group] Examples: >>> # Common score used for the following examples >>> score=torch.tensor([[1.0, 0.0], ... [2.0, -1.0]]) >>> # 50% sparsity, drops the 2 lowest magnitude >>> make_mask_topk_sparsity( ... score=score, ... sparsity=torch.tensor(0.5), ... ) tensor([[ True, False], [ True, False]]) >>> # 50% sparsity, but computed columnwise >>> make_mask_topk_sparsity( ... score=score, ... sparsity=torch.tensor(0.5), ... score_shaper=InputGroupScoreShaper(num_groups=2) ... ) tensor([[False, True], [ True, False]]) """ def __init__(self, num_groups): self.num_groups = num_groups def __call__(self, tensor: torch.Tensor) -> ShaperReturn: O, I = tensor.shape # Swap [O,I] -> [I, O] and flatten [N, I/N*O] ret = tensor.permute(1, 0).reshape(self.num_groups, -1) def unshaper(ret: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: # flatten [N, I/N*O] -> [I, O] then swap to [O, I] return ret.view(I, O).permute(1, 0).contiguous() return ret, unshaper
[docs]def make_mask_drop_minimum( score: torch.FloatTensor, mask: torch.BoolTensor, drop_fraction: torch.FloatTensor, score_shaper: Optional[ShaperCallable] = None, ) -> torch.BoolTensor: """ Given a sparse ``score`` (with ``mask``), return a new ``torch.BoolTensor`` the same shape as `mask` where a ``drop_fraction`` portion of the currently present (``mask==True``) connections are dropped (``mask==False``). The connections are dropped at positions corresponding to the `lowest` values of ``score``. Equivalently, a subset of ``mask`` is returned corresponding to the `highest` magnitude elements of ``score``. Args: score: Values used to evaluate which positions to drop mask: Current connections, same shape as ``score`` drop_fraction: What fraction of current connections to drop score_shaper: If given, ``score`` (and ``mask``) will be interpreted as multiple independent subtensors. This can be used to ensure sparsity distribution is "balanced" or to produce blockwise sparsity. By default, ``score`` and ``mask`` are reinterpreted as 1D tensors, yielding completely unstructured sparsity. Returns: New mask that has existing connections dropped. No connections will be regrown (unless drop_fraction is negative). """ if not score_shaper: score_shaper = ScoreFlattener() score, unshape = score_shaper(score) # Compute total remaining dense elements kept after dropping a certain # fraction of current connections. keep_fraction = 1 - drop_fraction current_k = mask.sum().float() # Divide the dropping evenly among groups if the score has them. groups = 1 for dim in score.size()[:-1]: groups *= dim current_k /= groups num_dense_elem = (keep_fraction * current_k).int() # Return the new mask and the number of dense elements (often needed for # make_mask_grow_maximum with target sparsity) new_mask = unshape(_make_mask_topk_k(score, num_dense_elem)) return new_mask, num_dense_elem
[docs]def make_mask_grow_maximum( score: torch.FloatTensor, mask: torch.BoolTensor, sparsity: torch.FloatTensor, mask_nonzero: Optional[torch.IntTensor] = None, score_shaper: Optional[ShaperCallable] = None, ) -> torch.BoolTensor: """ Given a sparse ``score`` (with ``mask``), return a new torch.BoolTensor the same shape as ``mask`` where some currently pruned connections are regrown (from those positions with the highest score) such that the returned mask has the given target sparsity. If ``mask`` is already less sparse (has more connections) than the target, none are regrown and the original mask is returned as-is. That is, the given ``mask`` should be `more` sparse than the target sparsity. Args: score: Values used to evaluate which positions to regrow mask: Current connections, same shape as ``score`` drop_fraction: What fraction of current connections to drop mask_nonzero: If given, the number of nonzero elements currently in the mask, used to control the number of connections needing regrowth. If it is not given, will be computed as ``mask.nonzero().int()``. Since ``make_mask_grow_maximum`` is often used in conjunction with ``make_mask_drop_minimum``, this value is commonly available. score_shaper: If given, ``score`` (and ``mask``) will be interpreted as multiple independent subtensors. This can be used to ensure sparsity distribution is "balanced" or to produce blockwise sparsity. By default, ``score`` and ``mask`` are reinterpreted as 1D tensors, yielding completely unstructured sparsity. Returns: New mask that has connections regrown necessary to reach (decrease to) the target sparsity. """ # Ensure mask and grow_mask are in fact disjoint (i.e. this function _only_ # grows) by disqualifying any non-pruned score elements. score = torch.where(mask, float('-inf'), score) if not score_shaper: score_shaper = ScoreFlattener() score, unshape = score_shaper(score) # Regrow connections to reach the target sparsity. density = 1 - sparsity numel = torch.tensor(score.size(dim=-1), dtype=torch.float) num_dense_elem = (density * numel).int() # The final mask needs a total of num_dense_elem connections and will be # the union of 2 disjoint masks mask|grow_mask, so compute the size of # grow_mask. if mask_nonzero is None: mask_nonzero = mask.sum().int() num_grow_elem = torch.clamp(num_dense_elem - mask_nonzero, min=0) # Find the positions of the highest magnitude score needed to reach the # target sparsity after regrowing. grow_mask = unshape(_make_mask_topk_k(score, num_grow_elem)) # Return the combined mask and grow_mask return mask.logical_or(grow_mask)
[docs]def make_mask_topk_sparsity( score: torch.FloatTensor, sparsity: torch.FloatTensor, score_shaper: Optional[ShaperCallable] = None, ) -> torch.BoolTensor: """ Given a dense ``score``, return a ``torch.BoolTensor`` which is True at positions corresponding to values in the top ``k = (1-sparsity)*score.numel()`` of ``score``. Args: score: Values used to evaluate which positions to keep. sparsity: rankless tensor in range [0,1] controlling fraction of the resulting mask that will be pruned. score_shaper: If given, ``score`` will be interpreted as multiple independent subtensors. This can be used to ensure sparsity distribution is "balanced" or to produce blockwise sparsity. By default, ``score`` is reinterpreted as a 1D tensor, yielding completely unstructured sparsity. Returns: ``mask`` with given ``sparsity``, keeping only the highest values from ``score``. Examples: >>> # Common score used for the following examples >>> score=torch.tensor([[1.0, 2.0], ... [0.0, -1.0]]) >>> # 25% sparsity, drops the one lowest magnitude >>> make_mask_topk_sparsity( ... score=score, ... sparsity=torch.tensor(0.25), ... ) tensor([[ True, True], [ True, False]]) >>> # 75% sparsity, drops the 3 lowest magnitude >>> make_mask_topk_sparsity( ... score=score, ... sparsity=torch.tensor(0.75), ... ) tensor([[False, True], [False, False]]) """ if not score_shaper: score_shaper = ScoreFlattener() score, unshape = score_shaper(score) density = 1 - sparsity numel = torch.tensor(score.size(dim=-1), dtype=torch.float) num_dense_elem = (density * numel).int() new_mask = _make_mask_topk_k(score, num_dense_elem) return unshape(new_mask)
def _make_mask_topk_k( score: torch.FloatTensor, num_dense_elem: torch.IntTensor, ) -> torch.BoolTensor: if cstorch.use_cs(): # `torch.topk` uses a python integer for the `k` operand, which will # change throughout training. Even though this integer is computed from # tensors (the sparsity schedule), calling .item() on it breaks the # ability to trace the dataflow. # Since we only trace the program once, this prevents us from using # `torch.topk. Although even if it somehow did accept a traceable # tensor for `k`, the result would not be statically shaped, causing # other issues. # Instead, sort the whole tensor... indices = torch.sort(score, dim=-1, descending=True).indices # .. and mask off all but the first k indices, replacing them with the # largest(0th) index. This works even if num_dense_elem == numel. iota = torch.arange( indices.shape[-1], dtype=num_dense_elem.dtype, device=num_dense_elem.device, ) in_topk = iota < num_dense_elem indices = torch.where(in_topk, indices, indices[..., 0:1]) else: # CPU/GPU _, indices = torch.topk(score, num_dense_elem.item(), dim=-1) mask = torch.zeros_like(score, dtype=torch.bool) # expand necessary due to bug in TorchScript src_opt = torch.tensor(True, dtype=mask.dtype, device=mask.device).expand( mask.shape ) mask = mask.scatter(-1, indices, src_opt) return mask