# Copyright 2022 Cerebras Systems.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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Utility to load the config from yaml or .py config file
import importlib
import importlib.util
import logging
import os
from dataclasses import asdict
import yaml
from cerebras.modelzoo.common.registry import registry
# TODO : This is a bit ugly and should be removed.
# This is an ignore list of some QA params that we find in our configs.
# These are injected via test params or similar before run.py call so we find them here.
# If we find these, we ignore them for now.
ignore_list = [
[docs]def flatten_sparsity_params(kwargs):
Config classes package sparsity related params in a sub dict.
ALthough, if we use native yaml config, they come unrolled.
This utility unwraps the sparsity related params(if present)
into an unroller sparsity param dict for consistency.
kwargs : Input args
Flattened dict
if isinstance(kwargs, (int, float, list, tuple)):
return kwargs
if 'groups' in kwargs:
kwargs = kwargs.pop('groups', {})
return kwargs # No need to flatten if no groups present
if isinstance(kwargs, dict):
additional_dict = kwargs.pop('params', {})
flattened_dict = kwargs.copy()
for key, value in additional_dict.items():
new_key = f"{key}"
flattened_dict[new_key] = value
return flattened_dict
elif isinstance(kwargs, list):
param_list = []
for param in kwargs:
additional_dict = param.pop('params', {})
flattened_dict = param.copy()
for key, value in additional_dict.items():
new_key = f"{key}"
flattened_dict[new_key] = value
return param_list
return kwargs
[docs]def flatten_optimizer_params(kwargs):
Config classes package optimizer related params in a sub dict.
ALthough, if we use native yaml config, they come unrolled.
This utility unwraps the optimizer related params(if present)
into an unroller optimizer param dict for consistency.
kwargs : Input args dict
flattened_args: Flattened dict
additional_dict = kwargs.pop('optim_params', {})
flattened_dict = kwargs.copy()
for key, value in additional_dict.items():
new_key = f"{key}"
flattened_dict[new_key] = value
return flattened_dict
[docs]def process_config(config, config_class, params_conf):
Perform config mapping and validation
config: The config class object
config_class: The clas the config belongs to
params_conf: Dictionary of params
# Disabled by default, enable for internal test trains
# that might have some unused params left to be cleaned
allow_config_class_validation_failures = int(
if allow_config_class_validation_failures == 1:
"Config class validation failure fallback is enabled for the run which is intended for"
"internal runs only, unset CONFIG_CLASS_VALIDATION_FALLBACK env variable if you want a"
"strict validaiton enforced for configs using config class"
config = config_class(**params_conf)
except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except
f"CONFIG WARNING: Falling back to default flow because of config class error: {e}"
"config could not be validated via config class, proceed if this is expected"
# invalidate the config class object
config = None
config = config_class(**params_conf)
except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except
raise ValueError(
f"CONFIG ERROR : Invalid param configuration supplied. Please fix error : {e} or "
"contact Cerebras support"
return config
[docs]def validate_config_params(params_conf, model_name):
Load the config class and run validation
check on the config based on parameter constraints
params_conf: The config params passed as a dict
model_name: The model key name used by config map to check what class of config to use
# Pop the description field as we dont have a corresponding config class member
if "description" in params_conf:
descr = params_conf["description"]
logging.info(f"Loading config : {descr}")
ignored_keys = {}
# Pop the keys to be ignored and store them in a separate dictionary
for key in ignore_list:
if key in params_conf:
ignored_keys[key] = params_conf.pop(key)
f"CONFIG WARNING: Config class ignored usage of param {key} ."
"Please note this type of usage is not permitted, please modify your config."
config_class = registry.get_config_class(model_name)
config = None
if config_class is not None:
logging.info(f"Loading config class : {config_class}")
config = process_config(config, config_class, params_conf)
logging.info(f"Config has been validated using config class")
# TODO: Add an error comment here once the config classes are ready and implemented.
# For now silently default to old path
f"Config loaded using yaml path without using config class"
if config:
params = asdict(config)
params = params_conf
if params.get("sparsity") is not None:
params["sparsity"] = flatten_sparsity_params(params["sparsity"])
if params.get("optimizer") is not None:
params["optimizer"] = flatten_optimizer_params(params["optimizer"])
# Insert the ignored keys back into the dictionary
return params
[docs]def get_config_from_yaml(yaml_path, model_name):
Get the config object after reading input yaml. Also runs validation
check on the config based on parameter constraints
yaml_path: The path to the config yaml file
model_name: The model key name used by config map to check what class of config to use
with open(yaml_path, 'r') as file:
params_conf = yaml.safe_load(file)
config_class = registry.get_config_class(model_name)
config = None
if config_class is not None:
logging.info(f"Loading config class{config_class} from yaml path")
config = process_config(config, config_class, params_conf)
f"Config {config} has been validated using config class from {yaml_path}"
# TODO: Add an error comment here once the config classes are ready and implemented.
# For now silently default to old path
f"Config loaded using yaml path without using config class"
params = {}
if config:
params = asdict(config)
params = params_conf
return params
[docs]def read_from_config_class_file(file_path, function_name):
Read the config class file and call the config generator function to get config object
file_path: The path to the config .py file
function_name: The config creation function defined in the config class creator .py file
# Dynamically import the module fromt he config class file
config_module_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file_path))[0]
spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(config_module_name, file_path)
config_module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
# Get the config creation function from the module
get_config = getattr(config_module, function_name, None)
if get_config and callable(get_config):
# Override the existing function with the same name to make sure we call the correct one
locals()[function_name] = get_config
# Call the imported function
return get_config()
f"Could not find a valid config class creator in {file_path},"
return None
[docs]def get_config_from_class(config_class_file):
Read the config class file and returns a config object
config_class_file: The path to the config .py file
config = read_from_config_class_file(
config_class_file, "get_variant_config"
if config is not None:
f"Config {config_class_file} has been validated using config class"
return config