Source code for cerebras.modelzoo.trainer.callbacks.loop

# Copyright 2022 Cerebras Systems.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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This module provides the base LoopCallback class and its subclasses,
TrainingLoop and ValidationLoop, which are used to manage the
training and validation loops in the Trainer.

import logging
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from contextlib import contextmanager
from math import ceil
from typing import Optional, Union
from warnings import warn

import cerebras.pytorch as cstorch
from cerebras.modelzoo.trainer.callbacks import CoreCallback

[docs]class LoopCallback(CoreCallback, ABC): """ Base class for all loop callbacks. This class should not be instantiated directly. Only subclasses of LoopCallback should be used. The loop callback owns the global step and is responsible for incrementing it after each training step. """ @abstractmethod def __init__(self): pass def setup(self, trainer): trainer.global_step = 0 def on_train_batch_end(self, trainer, model, outputs, batch, batch_idx): if trainer.should_run_optimizer_step: # Only increment the global step if the optimizer step was run trainer.global_step += 1 def on_save_checkpoint(self, trainer, state_dict): state_dict["global_step"] = trainer.global_step def on_load_checkpoint(self, trainer, state_dict): if "global_step" in state_dict: trainer.global_step = state_dict["global_step"]
[docs]class TrainingLoop(LoopCallback): """Callback class that manages the training loop.""" def __init__( self, num_steps: Optional[int] = None, max_steps: Optional[int] = None, num_epochs: Optional[int] = None, steps_per_epoch: Optional[int] = None, eval_frequency: Union[int, float, None] = 1.0, eval_steps: Optional[int] = None, grad_accum_steps: int = 1, ): """ Args: num_steps: The total number of training steps to perform. This will take precedence over max_steps. max_steps: The maximum number of training steps to perform. max_steps if provided will take the global step into account. That is, providing max_steps is equivalent to setting ``num_steps = max_steps - global_step``. num_epochs: The number of epochs to train for. This argument is mutually exclusive with num_steps. steps_per_epoch: Number of steps to train for in each epoch. eval_frequency: Frequency of evaluation during training. It can be: - a positive integer which specifies the number of training steps between evaluations. - a float in the range [0.0, 1.0] which specifies the fraction of training steps between evaluations. i.e. if `eval_frequency=0.5`, evaluation will be performed once after half of the training steps have completed and once more at the end of training. - If None or zero, no evaluation is performed during training. eval_steps: The number of validation steps to perform. grad_accum_steps: Number of steps to accumulate gradients before performing an optimizer step. This is only relevant for CPU/GPU runs. """ super().__init__() self.num_steps = num_steps self.max_steps = max_steps self.num_epochs = num_epochs self.steps_per_epoch = steps_per_epoch self.eval_frequency = eval_frequency self.grad_accum_steps = grad_accum_steps self.val_loop = ValidationLoop(eval_steps) self.train_steps = None self.checkpoint_steps = None def on_enter_fit( self, trainer, stack, train_dataloader, val_dataloader, loop ): if loop is self: stack.enter_context(trainer.on_exception("fit")) def on_fit_start(self, trainer, train_dataloader, val_dataloader, loop): if loop is not self: return if not isinstance(train_dataloader, raise TypeError( f"train_dataloader must be an instance of " f"Got {type(train_dataloader)}" ) # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init if not trainer.backend.is_e2e_execution: self.total_steps = 1 else: self.total_steps = train_dataloader, initial_step=trainer.global_step, num_steps=self.num_steps, max_steps=self.max_steps, num_epochs=self.num_epochs, steps_per_epoch=self.steps_per_epoch, grad_accum_steps=self.grad_accum_steps, ) if ( self.eval_frequency is None or self.eval_frequency == 0 or (val_dataloader is None and not trainer.validation_callbacks) ): if val_dataloader is not None: warn( f"A validation dataloader was provided but `eval_frequency` " f"is {self.eval_frequency}. The trainer will not run " f"validation during training." ) elif trainer.validation_callbacks: warn( f"A validation callback was provided but `eval_frequency` " f"is {self.eval_frequency}. The trainer will not run " f"validation during training." ) self.num_trains = 1 self.train_steps = self.total_steps return error_msg = ( f"`eval_frequency` must be a positive integer " f"or a float in the range (0.0, 1.0]. " f"Got {self.eval_frequency} with type {type(self.eval_frequency)}. " f"To disable validation during training, set `eval_frequency` to None" ) if isinstance(self.eval_frequency, float): if not 0.0 < self.eval_frequency <= 1.0: raise ValueError(error_msg) self.train_steps = ceil(self.eval_frequency * self.total_steps) elif isinstance(self.eval_frequency, int): if self.eval_frequency <= 0: raise ValueError(error_msg) self.train_steps = min(self.eval_frequency, self.total_steps) else: raise TypeError(error_msg) self.num_trains = ceil(self.total_steps / self.train_steps) def on_enter_train(self, trainer, stack, train_dataloader, loop, loop_idx): if loop is self: stack.enter_context(trainer.on_exception("train")) def on_train_start(self, trainer, model, train_dataloader, loop, loop_idx): if loop is not self: return if self.train_steps is None: raise RuntimeError( "Detected that TrainingLoop.on_fit_start was called " "before TrainingLoop.on_train_start." ) curr_step = self.train_steps * loop_idx if loop_idx == self.num_trains - 1: self.train_steps = self.total_steps - self.train_steps * loop_idx elif loop_idx >= self.num_trains: raise RuntimeError( "Number of training runs exceeds the number of expected runs." ) if trainer.checkpoint and (ckpt_steps := trainer.checkpoint.steps): ckpt_steps = min(ckpt_steps, self.total_steps) start = (ckpt_steps - curr_step % ckpt_steps) - 1 end = self.train_steps final_loop = loop_idx == self.num_trains - 1 if start < end: self.checkpoint_steps = [ start=start, step=ckpt_steps, end=end, include_last=final_loop, ) ] ) elif final_loop: # If checkpointing is enabled, we always want a checkpoint at # the final step regardless. self.checkpoint_steps = end else: self.checkpoint_steps = None else: self.checkpoint_steps = None f"Starting training loop {loop_idx + 1}, from global step {trainer.global_step} to " f"{trainer.global_step + self.train_steps}" )
[docs]class ValidationLoop(LoopCallback): """Callback class that manages the validation loop.""" def __init__(self, eval_steps: Optional[int] = None, hook="validate"): """ Args: eval_steps: The number of validation steps to perform. hook: The base name of the validation hooks to run. Default: "validate". """ super().__init__() self._eval_steps = None self._max_eval_steps = eval_steps self.on_start_hook = f"on_{hook}_start" self.on_end_hook = f"on_{hook}_end" self.on_batch_start_hook = f"on_{hook}_batch_start" self.on_batch_end_hook = f"on_{hook}_batch_end" def on_enter_validate(self, trainer, stack, val_dataloader, loop): if loop is not self: return stack.enter_context(trainer.on_exception("validate")) @contextmanager def register_non_standard_hooks(): # Whitelist the non-standard hooks for the current validation run non_standard_hooks = { self.on_start_hook, self.on_end_hook, self.on_batch_start_hook, self.on_batch_end_hook, } - trainer.non_standard_hooks_whitelist if not any( hasattr(callback, hook_name) for callback in trainer.all_callbacks for hook_name in non_standard_hooks ): warn( f"No callbacks found that implement any of the specified " f"non-standard hooks: {','.join(non_standard_hooks)}. " "This means that no validation hooks will be run." ) try: trainer.non_standard_hooks_whitelist |= non_standard_hooks yield finally: trainer.non_standard_hooks_whitelist -= non_standard_hooks stack.enter_context(register_non_standard_hooks()) @property def eval_steps(self) -> int: """Returns the number of validation steps to perform.""" if self._eval_steps is None: raise RuntimeError( f"Detected that {self.__class__.__name__}.on_validate_start was not called." ) return self._eval_steps def on_validate_start(self, trainer, model, val_dataloader, loop): if loop is not self: return if ( val_dataloader is not None and not isinstance(val_dataloader, and ( not isinstance(val_dataloader, (list, tuple)) or not all( isinstance(d, for d in val_dataloader ) ) ): raise TypeError( f"val_dataloader must be an instance or list of " f"Got {type(val_dataloader)}" ) if not trainer.backend.is_e2e_execution: self._eval_steps = 1 else: self._eval_steps = val_dataloader, num_steps=self._max_eval_steps, num_epochs=1 if self._max_eval_steps is None else None, )