Source code for cerebras.modelzoo.data_preparation.data_preprocessing.data_preprocessor

# Copyright 2022 Cerebras Systems.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

This module implements a generic data preprocessor called `DataPreprocessor`.
It internally uses `DataFrame` and `DataReader` to read and process data.

import glob
import importlib
import json
import logging
import math
import os
import shutil
import sys
import time
import traceback
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
from functools import partial
from multiprocessing import Lock, Pool, Process, Queue, Value, cpu_count
from threading import Event, Thread
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple

import h5py
import numpy as np
import psutil
from datasets import load_dataset
from PIL import Image
from tqdm import tqdm

from cerebras.modelzoo.common.utils.utils import check_and_create_output_dirs
from cerebras.modelzoo.data_preparation.data_preprocessing.data_reader import (
from cerebras.modelzoo.data_preparation.data_preprocessing.pretraining_token_generator import (
from cerebras.modelzoo.data_preparation.data_preprocessing.utils import (

from cerebras.modelzoo.data_preparation.data_preprocessing.dpo_token_generator import (  # noqa
from cerebras.modelzoo.data_preparation.data_preprocessing.fim_token_generator import (  # noqa
from cerebras.modelzoo.data_preparation.data_preprocessing.finetuning_token_generator import (  # noqa
from cerebras.modelzoo.data_preparation.data_preprocessing.nlg_token_generator import (  # noqa
from cerebras.modelzoo.data_preparation.data_preprocessing.vsl_finetuning_token_generator import (  # noqa
from cerebras.modelzoo.data_preparation.data_preprocessing.vsl_pretraining_token_generator import (  # noqa

logger = logging.getLogger(__file__)

[docs]def get_available_memory(): """ Returns available memory in bytes. """ mem = psutil.virtual_memory() return mem.available
[docs]def get_compression_factor(filename: str) -> int: """ Calculate and return the compression factor based on a file's extension. Args: filename (str): The name of the file. Returns: int: Compression factor. Returns 3 for all compressed and parquet formats, otherwise returns 1 for uncompressed formats. """ compressed_formats = [ ".jsonl.zst", ".jsonl.zst.tar", ".json.gz", ".parquet", ] for format in compressed_formats: if filename.endswith(format): return 3 # compression factor for compressed/parquet formats return 1 # default factor for uncompressed formats
[docs]def format_time(seconds): """ Format seconds into a human-readable string showing hours:minutes:seconds, minutes:seconds, or seconds. """ hours, remainder = divmod(int(seconds), 3600) minutes, seconds = divmod(remainder, 60) if hours: return f"{hours}h:{minutes:02d}m:{seconds:02d}s" elif minutes: return f"{minutes}m:{seconds:02d}s" else: return f"{seconds}s"
[docs]def update_progress( pbar: tqdm, progress_counter: Value, total_chunks: int, data_stats: dict, start_time: float, stop_event: Event, ) -> None: """ Update the progress bar based on the current progress. Args: pbar (tqdm): The progress bar instance. progress_counter (Value): A shared counter to track progress across processes. total_chunks (int): Total chunks to process. start_time (float): The start time of the process. stop_event (Event): Event to signal when to stop updating progress. Returns: None """ = total_chunks while not stop_event.is_set(): progress = progress_counter.value # Update total if actual progress exceeds estimated total_chunks if progress >= = progress + 1 # Update the progress bar total if progress > pbar.n: num_processed = progress - pbar.n pbar.update(num_processed) elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time avg_time_per_chunk = elapsed_time / pbar.n estimated_remaining = avg_time_per_chunk * ( - pbar.n) formatted_estimated_remaining = format_time(estimated_remaining) # Update progress bar description with processed/total chunks pbar.set_description(f"Processing {pbar.n}/{} chunks") # Update the progress bar postfix with avg processing time and estimated time postfix_items = OrderedDict( avg_time=f"{avg_time_per_chunk:.3f}s/chunk", eta=formatted_estimated_remaining, discarded=data_stats["discarded"].value, processed=data_stats["processed"].value, ) pbar.set_postfix( postfix_items, refresh=True, ) time.sleep(0.5)
[docs]def check_and_create_dir(dir: Optional[str], split_dir: Optional[str]) -> str: """ Ensures a directory exists, optionally handling a subdirectory. It prompts the user for action if the directory already has files. Args: dir (Optional[str]): Base directory path. Defaults to 'input_dir' in cwd. split_dir (Optional[str]): Subdirectory to add to the base directory. Returns: str: The final directory path ensured to exist. """ # Set default directory if none provided if dir is None: dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'input_dir') # Append subdirectory if provided if split_dir: dir = os.path.join(dir, split_dir) # Check for existing files and handle existing files if os.path.isdir(dir) and os.listdir(dir): _in = input( "Input directory already contains file(s). Do you want to delete " "the folder and download the dataset again? " "(yes/no): " ) if _in.lower() in ["y", "yes"]: shutil.rmtree(dir) os.makedirs(dir) # Recreate directory after removal elif _in.lower() in ["n", "no"]: return dir else: raise ValueError( f"Inputs can be yes, no, y, or n. Received {_in}!!" ) else: # Create directory if it does not exist os.makedirs(dir, exist_ok=True) return dir
[docs]def default_hook(x): return x
[docs]def save_image_locally(example, idx, image_key, image_dir): image_data = example[image_key] if isinstance(image_data, list): image_paths = [] for i, img_data in enumerate(image_data): if img_data is None: image_paths.append(None) else: image_path = os.path.join(image_dir, f"{idx}_{i}.png") if img_data is None: image_paths.append(None) continue if isinstance(img_data, Image.Image): image_paths.append(f"{idx}_{i}.png") elif isinstance(img_data, str): image_paths.append(img_data) else: raise ValueError( f" Image data format - {type(image_data)} is not supported" ) example[image_key] = image_paths else: if image_data is None: example[image_key] = None else: image_path = os.path.join(image_dir, f"{idx}.png") if isinstance(image_data, Image.Image): example[image_key] = f"{idx}.png" elif isinstance(image_data, str): example[image_key] = image_data else: raise ValueError( f" Image data format - {type(image_data)} is not supported" ) return example
[docs]def update_data_stats( final_data_stats, data_stats: Dict[str, int], shared_stats=False ) -> None: if shared_stats: for key in data_stats: final_data_stats[key].value += data_stats[key] else: for key in data_stats: final_data_stats[key] += data_stats[key]
[docs]class DataPreprocessor: def __init__(self, params): """ Initialize the class with given parameters. Args: params (dict): Configuration parameters. """ self.params = params self.json_params_file = None self.running_avg_processing_time = 0 self.chunks_processed = 0 self.process_params()
[docs] def load_dataset(self, input_data_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]]) -> str: """ Loads a dataset from a specified source and saves it in a specified format in the given directory, potentially within a subdirectory denoted by a 'split'. Args: input_data_params (Dict[str, Optional[str]]): Parameters for dataset loading including 'source', 'split' (optional), and 'format'. Returns: str: The directory where the dataset has been saved. Raises: ValueError: If the specified format is not supported. """ split_type = input_data_params.pop('split', None) cache_dir = input_data_params.pop('cache_dir', None) cache_dir = check_and_create_dir(cache_dir, split_type) source_dataset = input_data_params.pop('source') input_data_params = ( {} if input_data_params is None else input_data_params ) # Load the dataset with or without the split if split_type is not None: dataset = load_dataset( source_dataset, split=split_type, cache_dir=cache_dir, **input_data_params, ) else: dataset = load_dataset( source_dataset, cache_dir=cache_dir, **input_data_params ) if self.data_keys.get("image_key") in dataset.column_names: process_images_fn = partial( save_image_locally, image_key=self.data_keys.get("image_key"), image_dir=self.image_dir, ) dataset = process_images_fn, with_indices=True, num_proc=self.processes ) # Determine the file path based on format format_type = input_data_params.get('format', 'parquet') file_path = os.path.join(cache_dir, "data", f"dataset.{format_type}") # Save the dataset in the desired format if format_type == 'parquet': dataset.to_parquet(file_path) elif format_type == 'jsonl': dataset.to_json(file_path, orient='records', lines=True) else: ValueError( f"{format_type} is not supported by the data preprocessor." )"Dataset saved in {format_type} format at {file_path}") return os.path.join(cache_dir, "data")
[docs] def process_params(self) -> None: """ Process parameters by calling various initialization methods. """ self.setup_output_directory() self.process_setup_params() self.process_dataset_params() self.process_processing_params() self.handle_input_files() self.initialize_miscellaneous_attributes() self.check_unused_params()
[docs] def setup_output_directory(self) -> None: """ Set up the output directory based on provided configuration. """ self.output_dir = self.params["setup"].get("output_dir", "./output/") if not self.params["processing"].get("resume_from_checkpoint", False): check_and_create_output_dirs(self.output_dir, filetype="h5")"\nWriting data to {self.output_dir}.\n") self.json_params_file = os.path.join( self.output_dir, "data_params.json" ) self.checkpoint_path = os.path.join(self.output_dir, "checkpoint.txt") dump_args(self.params, self.json_params_file)
[docs] def handle_input_files(self) -> None: """ Handle input files based on provided configuration. """ setup_params = self.params["setup"] metadata_files = setup_params.pop("metadata_files", None) if metadata_files: metadata_files = metadata_files.split(",") input_data_params = setup_params.pop("data", None) data_source_type = input_data_params.pop("type", None) input_dir = None if data_source_type == 'huggingface': input_dir = self.load_dataset(input_data_params) elif data_source_type == 'local': input_dir = input_data_params.pop("source") assert ( input_dir ), "Input data directory must be specified in source for local data" else: ValueError( f"Invalid data source type: {data_source_type}. Source type can be ['huggingface', 'local']" ) self.input_files = sorted( get_files(input_dir=input_dir, metadata_files=metadata_files) )
[docs] def process_setup_params(self) -> None: """ Setup the number of processes based on provided configuration. """ self.processes = self.params["setup"].pop("processes", cpu_count()) self.mode = self.params["setup"].pop("mode", None) if self.mode is None: raise ValueError( "Data preprocessing mode is not set. Please set it." ) if self.mode == 'custom':"Initializing custom processing mode") self.token_generator_name = self.params["setup"].get( "token_generator" ) if not self.token_generator_name: raise ValueError( "Token generator name is not provided for custom mode. Please provide it." ) else: self.token_generator_name = self.token_generator_name.split( ":" )[1] self.image_dir = self.params["setup"].get("image_dir")
[docs] def check_unused_params(self) -> None: """ Check for any unused parameters and log them as warnings. """ unused_setup_params = [ key for key in self.params["setup"].keys() if key != "output_dir" ] if unused_setup_params: logger.warning( f"\nThe following setup params are unused: {', '.join(unused_setup_params)}" ) if self.params.get("dataset"): logger.warning( "The following dataset params are unused: " + ", ".join(self.params["dataset"].keys()) ) if self.params.get("processing"): logger.warning( "The following processing params are unused: " + ", ".join(self.params["processing"].keys()) )
[docs] def process_dataset_params(self) -> None: """ Process dataset specific parameters. """ dataset_params = self.params.get("dataset", {}) use_vsl = dataset_params.get("use_vsl", False) self.multimodal = dataset_params.get("is_multimodal", False) if self.multimodal and self.image_dir: os.makedirs(self.image_dir, exist_ok=True) self.training_objective = dataset_params.get("training_objective", None) # Set the token generator name if self.mode == "pretraining": if self.training_objective == 'fim':"Initializing fill in the middle pretraining mode") self.token_generator_name = "FIMTokenGenerator" else: if use_vsl:"Initializing VSL pretraining mode") else:"Initializing pretraining mode") self.token_generator_name = ( "VSLPretrainingTokenGenerator" if use_vsl else "PretrainingTokenGenerator" ) elif self.mode == "finetuning": if use_vsl:"Initializing VSL finetuning mode") else:"Initializing finetuning mode") self.token_generator_name = ( "VSLFinetuningTokenGenerator" if use_vsl else "FinetuningTokenGenerator" ) elif self.mode == "dpo":"Initializing dpo mode") self.token_generator_name = "DPOTokenGenerator" elif self.mode == "nlg":"Initializing dpo mode") self.token_generator_name = "NLGTokenGenerator" else: if self.mode != "custom": ValueError( f"Invalid processor mode specified. The modes can be ['pretraining', 'finetuning', 'dpo', 'nlg', 'custom']" ) ## initialize the final data statistics stats_fields = [ "discarded", "processed", "successful", "examples", "total_raw_docs", "raw_docs_skipped", "loss_valid_tokens", "num_pad_tokens", "non_pad_tokens", "num_masked_tokens", "num_tokens", "normalized_bytes_count", "normalized_chars_count", "raw_bytes_count", "raw_chars_count", "num_sequences_before_packing", ] self.final_data_stats = {field: Value("Q", 0) for field in stats_fields}
[docs] def estimate_queue_size(self, fraction_of_memory=0.5): """ Estimates an optimal queue size based on the max_chunk_size and a fraction of available system memory. Args: - fraction_of_memory: Fraction of available system memory to be used for queues. Returns: - An integer representing the optimal queue size. """ available_memory = get_available_memory() memory_for_queues = available_memory * fraction_of_memory queue_size = int( memory_for_queues / (self.read_chunk_size * (self.processes - 1) * 2) ) return queue_size
[docs] def process_processing_params(self) -> None: """ Process the processing parameters and initialize relevant class attributes. """ processing_params = self.params["processing"] self.resume_from_checkpoint = processing_params.pop( "resume_from_checkpoint", False ) self.max_seq_length = processing_params.get("max_seq_length", 2048) self.read_chunk_size = ( processing_params.pop("read_chunk_size", 1024) * 1024 ) # By default, set to 1 MB. self.write_chunk_size = ( processing_params.pop("write_chunk_size", 1024) * 1024 ) # write_chunk_size is given in KB. formatted_max_chunk_size = self.human_readable_size( self.read_chunk_size )"\nChunk size : {formatted_max_chunk_size}.\n") self.write_in_batch = processing_params.pop("write_in_batch", False) self.read_hook_path = processing_params.pop("read_hook", None) self.read_hook_kwargs = processing_params.pop("read_hook_kwargs", None) if not self.read_hook_path: raise ValueError("Read hook path is missing.") if not self.read_hook_kwargs: raise ValueError("Read hook kwargs is missing.") self.data_keys = { key: value for key, value in self.read_hook_kwargs.items() if key.endswith('_key') } if self.data_keys == {}: raise ValueError( f"No data keys found. Please provide data keys in 'read_hook_kwargs'" ) self.read_hook_fn = self.load_read_hook_fn() self.shuffle = processing_params.pop("shuffle", False) if self.shuffle: self.shuffle_seed = processing_params.get("shuffle_seed", 0) self.writer_process_num = (self.processes - 1) // 2 else: self.writer_process_num = math.ceil((self.processes - 1) / 10) self.skip_jsonl_decoding_error = processing_params.pop( "UNSAFE_skip_jsonl_decoding_errors", False ) self.tokenize_process_num = self.processes - 1 - self.writer_process_num self.initialize_tokenizer(processing_params) # Create tokenizer queues for each tokenizer process self.tokenizer_queues = None if self.tokenize_process_num > 0: # Set up communication queues self.fraction_of_RAM_alloted = processing_params.get( "fraction_of_RAM_alloted", 0.7 ) queue_size = min( self.estimate_queue_size( fraction_of_memory=self.fraction_of_RAM_alloted ), 50, ) if queue_size == 0: raise ValueError( """ The max_chunk_size set at present exceeds what can be allocated in memory. To carry out this preprocessing task, it's necessary to reduce the max_chunk_size. """ ) self.tokenizer_queues = [ Queue(maxsize=queue_size) for _ in range(self.tokenize_process_num) ] self.writer_queues = [ Queue(maxsize=queue_size) for _ in range(self.tokenize_process_num) ] if isinstance( self.token_generator, PretrainingTokenGenerator ) and not isinstance( self.token_generator, VSLPretrainingTokenGenerator ): self.prefix_queue = Queue()
def load_read_hook_fn(self): from functools import partial module_name, func_name = self.read_hook_path.rsplit(':', 1) mod = importlib.import_module(module_name) func = getattr(mod, func_name) # Use functools.partial to bind the kwargs to the function read_hook_fn = partial(func, **self.read_hook_kwargs) return read_hook_fn
[docs] def initialize_tokenizer(self, processing_params: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """ Initialize tokenizer based on the provided `tokenizer_type` parameter. Args: processing_params (Dict[str, Any]): Dictionary of processing parameters. """ hf_tokenizer = processing_params.pop("huggingface_tokenizer", None) custom_tokenizer = processing_params.pop("custom_tokenizer", None) if hf_tokenizer and custom_tokenizer: raise ValueError( f"Both custom and huggingface tokenizer cannot be provided. Please provide one tokenizer" ) elif not hf_tokenizer and not custom_tokenizer: raise ValueError( f"Tokenizer is not provided. Please provide either huggingface_tokenizer or custom_tokenizer" ) tokenizer_params = processing_params.pop("tokenizer_params", None) is_gpt2_tokenizer = False if hf_tokenizer: self.initialize_huggingfacetokenizer(hf_tokenizer, tokenizer_params) else: if custom_tokenizer == "gpt2tokenizer": is_gpt2_tokenizer = True self.initialize_gpt2tokenizer(tokenizer_params) elif custom_tokenizer == "neoxtokenizer": self.initialize_neoxtokenizer(tokenizer_params) else: "Initializing the tokenizer as a custom tokenizer..." ) self.initialize_customtokenizer( custom_tokenizer, tokenizer_params ) # Override eos id and pad id from user args if ( processing_params.get("eos_id") is not None ): # important as id could be set to 0 f"Overriding the eos id {self.eos_id} from the tokenizer with supplied eos id: {processing_params['eos_id']}." ) self.eos_id = processing_params.pop("eos_id") self.pad_id = self.eos_id if processing_params.get("pad_id") is not None: f"Overriding the pad id {self.pad_id} from the tokenizer with supplied pad id: {processing_params['pad_id']}." ) self.pad_id = processing_params.pop("pad_id") if not self.eos_id: self.eos_id = self.pad_id # set pad id same as eos id elif self.pad_id != self.eos_id and is_gpt2_tokenizer: f"Pad id {self.pad_id} supplied from command line is different from eos id {self.eos_id}. For GPT2 tokenizer, pad id and eos id must be the same. Setting pad id to eos id." ) self.pad_id = self.eos_id if self.mode == "custom": module_path, class_name = ( self.params["setup"].pop("token_generator").split(":") ) module = importlib.import_module(module_path) TokenGeneratorClass = getattr(module, class_name) self.token_generator = TokenGeneratorClass( self.params, self.tokenizer, self.eos_id, self.pad_id ) else: if self.token_generator_name == "NLGTokenGenerator": self.token_generator = getattr( sys.modules[__name__], self.token_generator_name )(self.max_seq_length) else: self.token_generator = getattr( sys.modules[__name__], self.token_generator_name )(self.params, self.tokenizer, self.eos_id, self.pad_id) # Update eos_id, pad_id and features in processing section, for TokenFlow. updated_args = { "pad_id": self.pad_id, "eos_id": self.eos_id, "features": getattr(self.token_generator, 'features', []), } update_args(updated_args, self.json_params_file)
[docs] def initialize_gpt2tokenizer( self, tokenizer_params: Dict[str, Any] ) -> None: """ Initialize GPT-2 tokenizer. Args: processing_params (Dict[str, Any]): Dictionary of processing parameters. """ vocab_file = tokenizer_params.pop("encoder_file", None) encoder_file = tokenizer_params.pop("vocab_file", None) if not vocab_file: raise ValueError( "`vocab_file` is missing for GPT2 tokenizer, please provide it under `tokenizer_params`." ) if not encoder_file: raise ValueError( "`encoder_file` is missing for GPT2 tokenizer, please provide it using `tokenizer_params`." ) tokenizer_params = {} if tokenizer_params is None else tokenizer_params from transformers import GPT2TokenizerFast self.tokenizer = GPT2TokenizerFast( vocab_file=vocab_file, merges_file=encoder_file, name_or_path="gpt2-tokenizer", **tokenizer_params, ) self.eos_id = self.tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids("<|endoftext|>") self.pad_id = self.tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids("<|endoftext|>")
[docs] def initialize_neoxtokenizer( self, tokenizer_params: Dict[str, Any] ) -> None: """ Initialize Neox tokenizer. Args: processing_params (Dict[str, Any]): Dictionary of processing parameters. """ from tokenizers import Tokenizer from transformers import PreTrainedTokenizerFast encoder_file = tokenizer_params.pop("encoder_file", None) if not encoder_file: raise ValueError( "`encoder_file` is missing for Neox tokenizer, please provide it using `tokenizer_params`." ) tokenizer_params = {} if tokenizer_params is None else tokenizer_params tokenizer_model = Tokenizer.from_file(encoder_file) self.tokenizer = PreTrainedTokenizerFast( tokenizer_object=tokenizer_model, name_or_path="neox-tokenizer", **tokenizer_params, ) self.eos_id = self.tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids("<|endoftext|>") self.pad_id = self.tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids("<|padding|>") if self.pad_id is None: self.pad_id = self.eos_id
[docs] def initialize_huggingfacetokenizer( self, hf_tokenizer: str, tokenizer_params: Dict[str, Any] ) -> None: """ Initialize Hugging Face tokenizer. Args: hf_tokenizer: str: HuggingFace tokenizer name. processing_params (Dict[str, Any]): Dictionary of processing parameters. """ from transformers import AutoTokenizer tokenizer_params = {} if tokenizer_params is None else tokenizer_params self.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained( pretrained_model_name_or_path=hf_tokenizer, **tokenizer_params, ) self.eos_id = self.tokenizer.eos_token_id self.pad_id = ( self.eos_id if self.tokenizer.pad_token_id is None else self.tokenizer.pad_token_id )
[docs] def initialize_customtokenizer( self, custom_tokenizer, tokenizer_params: Dict[str, Any], ) -> None: """ Initialize custom tokenizer. Args: custom_tokenizer: str: Path to implemenation of custom tokenizer. tokenizer_params: (Dict[str, Any]): Dictionary of tokenizer parameters. """ tokenizer_params = {} if tokenizer_params is None else tokenizer_params module, class_name = custom_tokenizer.rsplit(':', 1) module = importlib.import_module(module) TokenizerClass = getattr(module, class_name) self.tokenizer = TokenizerClass(**tokenizer_params) self.eos_id = self.tokenizer.eos_token_id self.pad_id = self.tokenizer.pad_token_id
[docs] def initialize_miscellaneous_attributes(self) -> None: """ Initialize miscellaneous attributes. """ self.n_examples = ( 0 ## stores the total number of sequences in the current dataset )
[docs] def get_params_file(self) -> str: """ Retrieve the path to the JSON parameters file. Returns: str: Path to the JSON parameters file. """ return self.json_params_file
[docs] def get_output_dir(self) -> str: """ Retrieve the output directory path. Returns: str: Path to the output directory. """ return self.output_dir
[docs] def calculate_total_size(self) -> int: """ Calculate the total size of all input files, taking compression factors into consideration. Returns: int: The total size of all input files in bytes. """ total_size = sum( os.path.getsize(file) * get_compression_factor(file) for file in self.input_files ) return total_size
[docs] def human_readable_size(self, size, decimal_places=2): """ Convert a size in bytes to a human-readable format (e.g., KB, MB, GB). Args: size (int): Size in bytes. decimal_places (int): Number of decimal places for rounding. Returns: str: Formatted size string. """ for unit in ["B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB"]: if size < 1024.0 or unit == "TB": break size /= 1024.0 return f"{size:.{decimal_places}f} {unit}"
[docs] def calculate_total_chunks(self, total_size: int) -> int: """ Calculate the total number of chunks based on the given total size and the predefined max chunk size. Parameters: total_size (int): The total size of the data in bytes. Returns: int: Total number of chunks. """ max_chunk_size_bytes = self.read_chunk_size return math.ceil(total_size / max_chunk_size_bytes)
[docs] def read_checkpoint(self, num_writers) -> List[Tuple[int, int, int]]: """ This function reads the checkpoint args from the created checkpoint file. Parameters: num_writers: The number of writer processes """ # Collect all the stats from previous processing # Pattern to find checkpoint stats JSON files checkpoint_pattern = os.path.join( self.output_dir, 'checkpoint_process_stats*.json' ) if self.resume_from_checkpoint: # Read and aggregate stats from each file for stats_file in glob.glob(checkpoint_pattern): with open(stats_file, 'r') as file: stats_data = json.load(file) # Update final_data_stats with aggregated values update_data_stats(self.final_data_stats, stats_data, True) process_checkpoints = [ (0, 0, 0, 0, 0) for process in range(num_writers) ] root, extension = os.path.splitext(self.checkpoint_path) for pid in range(num_writers): process_checkpoint_path = root + f'_process_{pid}.txt' if self.resume_from_checkpoint and os.path.isfile( process_checkpoint_path ): try: with open(process_checkpoint_path, "r") as file: ( file_idx, doc_idx, start_chunk_number, num_chunks_written, num_sequences_written, ) = [int(i) for i in", ")] process_checkpoints[pid] = ( file_idx, doc_idx, start_chunk_number, num_chunks_written, num_sequences_written, ) f"Process {pid} resuming from file number: {file_idx}, " f"and number of hdf5 files written = {num_chunks_written}" ) except Exception as e: # if checkpoint path is at initialization, # file may exist, but no data might be written in the file # in that event, do not do anything, go to the final return logger.error(e) return process_checkpoints
[docs] def write_remaining_prefix(self, chunk_locks, pid) -> Tuple[int, Dict]: """ This function writes the prefix remaining after processing LMData when pack_sequences is set to true. Parameters: chunk_locks : List of locks for appending to hdf5 files during shuffling pid: Process id of the current process """ root, _ = os.path.splitext(self.checkpoint_path) process_checkpoint_path = root + f'_process_{pid}.txt' ## write remaining prefix from all processes for LMData tasks when pack sequences is set to true if not ( self.token_generator_name == "PretrainingTokenGenerator" or self.token_generator_name == "FIMTokenGenerator" ): return else: output_file_name = os.path.join( self.output_dir, f"output_chunk_{pid}_{0}_{0}_{0}.h5", ) prefix_stats = { "num_pad_tokens": 0, "non_pad_tokens": 0, "num_masked_tokens": 0, "loss_valid_tokens": 0, "num_tokens": 0, } if self.shuffle: np.random.seed(self.shuffle_seed) prefix = [] sentinels_received = 0 try: while True: curr_prefix = self.prefix_queue.get() if curr_prefix is None: sentinels_received += 1 if sentinels_received == self.tokenize_process_num: break else: if isinstance(curr_prefix, list): prefix.extend(curr_prefix) elif isinstance(curr_prefix, dict): prefix.append(curr_prefix) if prefix != []: ( encoded_prefix, prefix_stats, ) = self.token_generator.encode_leftover_prefix(prefix) if encoded_prefix != {}: base_name, extension = os.path.splitext( output_file_name ) chunk_number = int(base_name.split('_')[-1]) df_chunk = DataFrame(self.data_keys) for key, value in encoded_prefix.items(): df_chunk.tokenized_data[key].append(value) update_data_stats( self.final_data_stats, prefix_stats, True ) chunk_data = chunk_number, df_chunk if not self.shuffle: buffer = {} for ( data_label, data, ) in df_chunk.tokenized_data.items(): data = np.concatenate(data, axis=0) buffer.setdefault(data_label, []).append(data) with h5py.File(output_file_name, "w") as h5f: self.save_buffer_to_hdf5( h5f, buffer, self.write_in_batch ) self.final_data_stats["examples"].value += int( h5f.attrs["n_examples"] ) else: n_examples = self.append_df_to_hdf5( df_chunk, self.output_dir, chunk_locks, ) self.final_data_stats[ "examples" ].value += n_examples df_chunk.tokenized_data.clear() except Exception as e: logger.error( f"Exception in write_remaining_prefix: \n {traceback.format_exc()}", )
@staticmethod def shuffle_single_file(args): file_path, shuffle_seed, pid = args np.random.seed(shuffle_seed + pid) with h5py.File(file_path, 'r+') as hf: dataset_length = hf[list(hf.keys())[0]].shape[0] # Generate a consistent shuffle index shuffle_index = np.arange(dataset_length) np.random.shuffle(shuffle_index) # Apply the shuffle index to each dataset for key in hf.keys(): dataset = hf[key] data_array = dataset[:] dataset[...] = data_array[shuffle_index]
[docs] def split_shuffle_second_pass(self): """ This function divides the output hdf5 files into different processes and prepares them for the second pass of shuffling. """"The second pass of shuffling has started") # Get the list of HDF5 files hdf5_file_list = sorted( glob.glob(os.path.join(self.output_dir, "*.h5")) ) hdf5_file_list_length = len(hdf5_file_list) # Check if there are no HDF5 files present if hdf5_file_list_length == 0: logger.error( "No HDF5 files found in the output directory for shuffling." ) return try: # Process the first file to estimate the available memory first_file_path = hdf5_file_list[0] with h5py.File(first_file_path, 'r') as hf: dataset = hf["data"] available_memory = psutil.virtual_memory().available dataset_size = dataset.dtype.itemsize * estimate_second_phase_processes = math.ceil( (0.4 * available_memory) / dataset_size ) # Calculate the number of processes to use in the second phase second_phase_processes = min( estimate_second_phase_processes, self.processes ) args_list = [ (file_path, self.shuffle_seed, pid) for pid, file_path in enumerate(hdf5_file_list) ] # Start processing with a pool of processes with Pool(processes=second_phase_processes) as pool: with tqdm( total=hdf5_file_list_length, desc="Processing", dynamic_ncols=True, ) as pbar: for _ in pool.imap_unordered( DataPreprocessor.shuffle_single_file, args_list ): pbar.update() except Exception as e: logger.error( f"Exception in split_shuffle_second_pass: \n {traceback.format_exc()}", )
[docs] def process_files( self, file_paths, process_idx, checkpoint_args, progress_counter, chunk_locks, ) -> None: """ Process the given files, tokenize the data chunks, and save to HDF5 format. Parameters: file_paths: list of file_paths. process_idx: Index of current process among all process spawned for file split checkpoint_args (Tuple[int, int, int]): File index, doc start index, and hdf5 index. progress_counter (Value[int]): Shared counter tracking number of processed chunks. chunk_locks : List of locks for appending to hdf5 files during shuffling """ try: if self.shuffle: np.random.seed(self.shuffle_seed + process_idx) # Initial setup reader = Reader( file_paths, max_chunk_size=self.read_chunk_size, keys=self.data_keys, read_hook_fn=self.read_hook_fn, skip_jsonl_decoding_error=self.skip_jsonl_decoding_error, ) ( file_idx, doc_start_idx, start_chunk_number, num_chunks_written, num_sequences_written, ) = checkpoint_args process_chunk_number = start_chunk_number checkpoint_args = (file_idx, doc_start_idx) root, extension = os.path.splitext(self.checkpoint_path) process_checkpoint_path = root + f'_process_{process_idx}.txt' process_stats_path = root + f'_process_stats_{process_idx}.json' buffer = {} cum_size = 0 process_data_stats = defaultdict(int) for df_chunk in reader.stream_data(checkpoint_args): # Tokenize chunk df_chunk.tokenize(self.token_generator) update_data_stats( self.final_data_stats, df_chunk.data_stats, True ) update_data_stats( process_data_stats, df_chunk.data_stats, False ) if df_chunk.tokenized_data == {}: process_chunk_number += 1 progress_counter.value += 1 continue checkpoint_doc_idx = df_chunk.end_doc_idx + 1 if isinstance( self.token_generator, (VSLPretrainingTokenGenerator, VSLFinetuningTokenGenerator), ): checkpoint_doc_idx = df_chunk.start_doc_idx if not self.shuffle: for data_label, data in df_chunk.tokenized_data.items(): data = np.concatenate(data, axis=0) if data_label not in buffer: buffer[data_label] = [] buffer[data_label].append(data) if get_size(buffer) >= self.write_chunk_size: output_file_name = os.path.join( self.output_dir, f"output_chunk_{process_idx}_{df_chunk.file_idx}_{df_chunk.start_doc_idx}_{process_chunk_number}.h5", ) with h5py.File(output_file_name, "w") as h5f: self.save_buffer_to_hdf5( h5f, buffer, self.write_in_batch ) self.final_data_stats["examples"].value += int( h5f.attrs["n_examples"] ) process_data_stats["examples"] += int( h5f.attrs["n_examples"] ) num_chunks_written += 1 buffer = {} else: n_examples = self.append_df_to_hdf5( df_chunk, self.output_dir, chunk_locks, ) self.final_data_stats["examples"].value += n_examples process_data_stats["examples"] += n_examples cum_size += get_size(df_chunk.tokenized_data) if cum_size >= self.write_chunk_size: num_chunks_written += 1 cum_size = 0 df_chunk.tokenized_data.clear() progress_counter.value += 1 process_chunk_number += 1 checkpoint_data = [ df_chunk.file_idx, checkpoint_doc_idx, process_chunk_number, num_chunks_written, 0, ] self.update_checkpoint(process_checkpoint_path, checkpoint_data) if len(buffer) > 0: output_file_name = os.path.join( self.output_dir, f"output_chunk_{process_idx}_{df_chunk.file_idx}_{df_chunk.start_doc_idx}_{process_chunk_number}.h5", ) with h5py.File(output_file_name, "w") as h5f: self.save_buffer_to_hdf5(h5f, buffer, self.write_in_batch) self.final_data_stats["examples"].value += int( h5f.attrs["n_examples"] ) process_data_stats["examples"] += int( h5f.attrs["n_examples"] ) num_chunks_written += 1 checkpoint_data = [ df_chunk.file_idx, checkpoint_doc_idx, process_chunk_number, num_chunks_written, 0, ] self.update_checkpoint(process_checkpoint_path, checkpoint_data) dump_args(process_data_stats, process_stats_path) if isinstance( self.token_generator, PretrainingTokenGenerator ) and not isinstance( self.token_generator, VSLPretrainingTokenGenerator ): if self.token_generator.prefix != []: self.prefix_queue.put(self.token_generator.prefix) elif self.token_generator.prefix_doc != None: self.prefix_queue.put(self.token_generator.prefix_doc) self.prefix_queue.put(None) except Exception as e: logger.error( f"Exception in process_files: \n {traceback.format_exc()}", )
[docs] def file_split_process_dataset(self) -> None: """ Process the dataset by splitting files across multiple processes. """ start_time = time.time() self.tokenize_process_num = self.processes total_size = self.calculate_total_size() self.total_chunks = self.calculate_total_chunks(total_size) self.total_output_files = math.ceil(total_size / self.write_chunk_size) # Distribute file paths among the processes process_file_lists = [[] for _ in range(self.processes)] process_checkpoints = self.read_checkpoint(self.processes) num_chunks_written = sum( [checkpoint_args[-2] for checkpoint_args in process_checkpoints] ) # Assign files to each process for idx, file in enumerate(self.input_files): target_process = idx % self.processes process_file_lists[target_process].append(file) # Setup the shared progress counter progress_counter = Value("i", num_chunks_written) if self.shuffle and self.processes > 1: lock_pool_size = cpu_count() chunk_locks = [Lock() for _ in range(lock_pool_size)] else: chunk_locks = None # Spawn only self.processes - 1 subprocesses, as the main process will also handle files processes = [ Process( target=self.process_files, args=( files, pid + 1, # Process index starts at 1 for subprocesses process_checkpoints[pid + 1], # Start at next checkpoint progress_counter, chunk_locks, ), ) for pid, files in enumerate( process_file_lists[1:] ) # Exclude main process ] # Start the subprocesses for p in processes: p.start() # Using tqdm for progress bar with tqdm( total=self.total_chunks, desc="Processing", dynamic_ncols=True ) as pbar: stop_event = Event() # Signal to stop progress update progress_thread = Thread( target=update_progress, args=( pbar, progress_counter, self.total_chunks, self.final_data_stats, start_time, stop_event, ), ) progress_thread.start() # Main process handles the files assigned to process 0 self.process_files( process_file_lists[0], 0, # Main process index is 0 process_checkpoints[0], progress_counter, chunk_locks, ) self.write_remaining_prefix(chunk_locks, self.processes) # Wait for all processes to finish for p in processes: # TODO: We had to add a timeout here # as a workaround to avoid hanging at the # join. We need to figure out a better # solution. p.join(timeout=1e-6) # Final update of the progress bar to make sure it reaches `progress_counter.value` pbar.n = progress_counter.value = progress_counter.value pbar.refresh() stop_event.set() # Signal the progress update thread to stop progress_thread.join() # Wait for the progress update thread to finish if self.shuffle: self.split_shuffle_second_pass() elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time f"The process_dataset function took {elapsed_time:.2f} seconds to complete." )
[docs] def reader_process(self, process_checkpoints: List[Tuple]) -> None: """ Reads data from input files and distributes them to the tokenizer queues. Args: process_checkpoints (List[Tuple[int, int, int, int, int]]): List of File index, doc start index, start_chunk_number, num_chunks_written, num_sequences_written """ try: # Initialize reader with necessary parameters reader = Reader( self.input_files, max_chunk_size=self.read_chunk_size, keys=self.data_keys, read_hook_fn=self.read_hook_fn, skip_jsonl_decoding_error=self.skip_jsonl_decoding_error, ) sorted_process_checkpoints = sorted( process_checkpoints, key=lambda x: x[2] ) ( file_idx, doc_start_idx, start_chunk_number, num_chunks_written, num_sequences_written, ) = sorted_process_checkpoints[0] checkpoint_args = (file_idx, doc_start_idx) chunk_number = start_chunk_number # Initialize chunk number counter for df_chunk in reader.stream_data(checkpoint_args): tokenizer_index = ( chunk_number - start_chunk_number ) % self.tokenize_process_num writer_index = tokenizer_index % self.writer_process_num # Skip chunks that have already been processed if chunk_number < process_checkpoints[writer_index][2]: chunk_number += 1 continue # Distribute chunks to tokenizer queues in a round-robin fashion tokenizer_queue = self.tokenizer_queues[tokenizer_index] tokenizer_queue.put( (chunk_number, df_chunk) ) # Send chunk number with df_chunk chunk_number += 1 except Exception as e: # Log error during initialization or reading logger.error( f"Exception in reader process: \n {traceback.format_exc()}", ) finally: # Ensure that sentinel values are placed in each tokenizer queue to indicate end of reading for tq in self.tokenizer_queues: tq.put(None)
[docs] def tokenizer_process(self, idx: int) -> None: """ Tokenizes data and forwards the tokenized data to the writer queue. Args: idx (int): Queue ID to forward tokenized chunks of data. """ try: while True: chunk_data = self.tokenizer_queues[idx].get() if chunk_data is None: # Sentinel value indicates termination if isinstance( self.token_generator, PretrainingTokenGenerator ) and not isinstance( self.token_generator, VSLPretrainingTokenGenerator ): if self.token_generator.prefix != []: self.prefix_queue.put(self.token_generator.prefix) elif self.token_generator.prefix_doc != None: self.prefix_queue.put( self.token_generator.prefix_doc ) self.prefix_queue.put(None) self.writer_queues[idx].put(None) break ( chunk_number, df_chunk, ) = chunk_data # Unpack chunk number and data frame chunk df_chunk.tokenize(self.token_generator) self.writer_queues[idx].put((chunk_number, df_chunk)) except Exception as e: # Capture and log the full traceback for debugging logger.error( f"Exception in tokenizer process: {os.getpid()} \n {traceback.format_exc()}", ) self.writer_queues[idx].put(None) # Signal termination to writer # Signal termination to prefix queue if isinstance( self.token_generator, PretrainingTokenGenerator ) and not isinstance( self.token_generator, VSLPretrainingTokenGenerator ): self.prefix_queue.put(None)
[docs] def writer_process( self, progress_counter: "Value[int]", num_sentinels: int, writer_idx: int, chunk_locks: List[Lock], process_checkpoints: Tuple, ) -> None: """ Process that writes tokenized data to HDF5 format. Args: progress_counter (Value[int]): Shared counter tracking number of processed chunks. num_sentinels : Number of sentinels to be received for the current writer process writer_idx : The index of the current writer process chunk_locks : List of locks for appending to hdf5 files during shuffling process_checkpoints: Checkpoint for the current process. This is used for resuming from checkpoint. """ process_data_stats = defaultdict(int) sentinels_received = 0 tokenizer_idx = writer_idx num_chunks_written = process_checkpoints[-2] root, extension = os.path.splitext(self.checkpoint_path) process_checkpoint_path = root + f'_process_{writer_idx}.txt' process_stats_path = root + f'_process_stats_{writer_idx}.json' if self.shuffle: np.random.seed(self.shuffle_seed + writer_idx) buffer = {} cum_size = 0 try: while True: chunk_data = self.writer_queues[tokenizer_idx].get() ## We need to allocate the writer queues to writer processes in a round robin fashion. ## When the writer queue index (aka tokenizer_idx) goes beyond the total writer queues(aka self.tokenize_process_num) reset it to the current writer process index(aka writer_idx). tokenizer_idx = tokenizer_idx + self.writer_process_num if tokenizer_idx >= self.tokenize_process_num: tokenizer_idx = writer_idx if chunk_data is None: sentinels_received += 1 if sentinels_received == num_sentinels: break continue chunk_number, df_chunk = chunk_data update_data_stats( self.final_data_stats, df_chunk.data_stats, True ) update_data_stats( process_data_stats, df_chunk.data_stats, False ) if df_chunk.tokenized_data == {}: progress_counter.value += 1 continue else: checkpoint_doc_idx = df_chunk.end_doc_idx + 1 if isinstance( self.token_generator, ( VSLPretrainingTokenGenerator, VSLFinetuningTokenGenerator, ), ): checkpoint_doc_idx = df_chunk.start_doc_idx if not self.shuffle: for data_label, data in df_chunk.tokenized_data.items(): data = np.concatenate(data, axis=0) if data_label not in buffer: buffer[data_label] = [] buffer[data_label].append(data) if get_size(buffer) >= self.write_chunk_size: output_file_name = os.path.join( self.output_dir, f"output_chunk_{writer_idx}_{df_chunk.file_idx}_{df_chunk.start_doc_idx}_{chunk_number}.h5", ) with h5py.File(output_file_name, "w") as h5f: self.save_buffer_to_hdf5( h5f, buffer, self.write_in_batch ) self.final_data_stats["examples"].value += int( h5f.attrs["n_examples"] ) process_data_stats["examples"] += int( h5f.attrs["n_examples"] ) num_chunks_written += 1 buffer = {} else: n_examples = self.append_df_to_hdf5( df_chunk, self.output_dir, chunk_locks, ) self.final_data_stats["examples"].value += n_examples process_data_stats["examples"] += n_examples cum_size += get_size(df_chunk.tokenized_data) if cum_size >= self.write_chunk_size: num_chunks_written += 1 cum_size = 0 df_chunk.tokenized_data.clear() progress_counter.value += 1 checkpoint_data = [ df_chunk.file_idx, checkpoint_doc_idx, chunk_number + 1, num_chunks_written, 0, ] self.update_checkpoint( process_checkpoint_path, checkpoint_data ) if len(buffer) > 0: output_file_name = os.path.join( self.output_dir, f"output_chunk_remaining_{df_chunk.file_idx}_{df_chunk.start_doc_idx}.h5", ) with h5py.File(output_file_name, "w") as h5f: self.save_buffer_to_hdf5(h5f, buffer, self.write_in_batch) self.final_data_stats["examples"].value += int( h5f.attrs["n_examples"] ) process_data_stats["examples"] += int( h5f.attrs["n_examples"] ) num_chunks_written += 1 checkpoint_data = [ df_chunk.file_idx, checkpoint_doc_idx, chunk_number + 1, num_chunks_written, 0, ] self.update_checkpoint(process_checkpoint_path, checkpoint_data) dump_args(process_data_stats, process_stats_path) except Exception as e: logger.error( f"Exception in writer process {os.getpid()}: \n {traceback.format_exc()}", )
[docs] def task_split_process_dataset(self) -> None: """ Split the dataset processing tasks across multiple processes. """ start_time = time.time() total_size = self.calculate_total_size() readable_size = self.human_readable_size(total_size)"Total size of dataset: {readable_size}") self.total_chunks = self.calculate_total_chunks(total_size) self.total_output_files = math.ceil(total_size / self.write_chunk_size) f"Approximate number of chunks to process: {self.total_chunks}" ) process_checkpoints = self.read_checkpoint(self.writer_process_num) total_num_chunks_written = sum( [checkpoint_args[-2] for checkpoint_args in process_checkpoints] ) progress_counter = Value("i", total_num_chunks_written) # Log process information"Total processes: {self.processes}")"Reader processes: 1")"Tokenizer processes: {self.tokenize_process_num}")"Writer processes: {self.writer_process_num}") if self.shuffle and self.writer_process_num > 1: lock_pool_size = 128 chunk_locks = [Lock() for _ in range(lock_pool_size)] else: chunk_locks = None chunks_per_writer = [ ( (self.tokenize_process_num // self.writer_process_num + 1) if i < self.tokenize_process_num % self.writer_process_num else (self.tokenize_process_num // self.writer_process_num) ) for i in range(self.writer_process_num) ] # Initialize and start processes tokenizers = [ Process( target=self.tokenizer_process, args=(idx,), ) for idx in range(self.tokenize_process_num) ] writers = [] for idx in range(self.writer_process_num): writers.append( Process( target=self.writer_process, args=( progress_counter, chunks_per_writer[idx], idx, chunk_locks, process_checkpoints[idx], ), ) ) for t in tokenizers: t.start() for w in writers: w.start() # Use tqdm for the progress bar with tqdm( total=self.total_chunks, desc="Processing", dynamic_ncols=True ) as pbar: stop_event = Event() progress_thread = Thread( target=update_progress, args=( pbar, progress_counter, self.total_chunks, self.final_data_stats, start_time, stop_event, ), ) progress_thread.start() self.reader_process(process_checkpoints) for t in tokenizers: # TODO: We had to add a timeout here # as a workaround to avoid hanging at the # join. We need to figure out a better # solution. t.join(timeout=1e-6) self.write_remaining_prefix(chunk_locks, self.writer_process_num) for w in writers: w.join() # Final update of the progress bar to make sure it reaches `progress_counter.value` pbar.n = progress_counter.value = progress_counter.value pbar.refresh() stop_event.set() progress_thread.join() if self.shuffle: self.split_shuffle_second_pass() end_time = time.time() elapsed_time = end_time - start_time f"The process_dataset function took {format_time(elapsed_time)} to complete." )
[docs] def process_dataset(self) -> dict: """ Process the dataset either through file split or task split methods. """ if self.processes < 3: self.file_split_process_dataset() else: self.task_split_process_dataset() data_stats = defaultdict(int) data_stats["examples"] = 0 ## Some statistics are present only for a subset of the tasks. Only include them if not 0 optional_keys = [ "num_sequences_before_packing", "total_raw_docs", "raw_docs_skipped", ] for key in self.final_data_stats: if key in optional_keys and self.final_data_stats[key].value == 0: continue data_stats[key] = self.final_data_stats[key].value if data_stats["examples"] > 0: data_stats["average_chars_per_sequence"] = math.ceil( data_stats["raw_chars_count"] / data_stats["examples"] ) data_stats["average_bytes_per_sequence"] = math.ceil( data_stats["raw_bytes_count"] / data_stats["examples"] ) if data_stats.get("num_sequences_before_packing") is not None: data_stats["vsl_packing_factor"] = ( data_stats.pop("num_sequences_before_packing") / data_stats["examples"] ) else: data_stats["average_chars_per_sequence"] = data_stats[ "average_bytes_per_sequence" ] = 0 data_stats["features"] = getattr(self.token_generator, 'features', []) return data_stats
[docs] def get_vocab_size(self): """Get tokenizer vocabulary size Returns: vocab_size (int): text to tokenize """ return len(self.tokenizer)
def save_buffer_to_hdf5( self, h5file, buffer, write_in_batch, dtype="i4", compression="gzip" ): n_examples = 0 for data_label in [*buffer]: data = np.concatenate(buffer[data_label], axis=0) if data.dtype.kind == 'S': dtype = h5py.string_dtype(encoding='utf-8') elif data.dtype == np.bool_: dtype = np.bool_ else: dtype = "i4" if len(data.shape) > 1: chunks_shape = ( 1, *data.shape[1:], ) # Set chunk shape for multidimensional data else: chunks_shape = None n_examples = data.shape[0] dset = h5file.create_dataset( data_label, data=data, dtype=dtype, chunks=chunks_shape, compression=compression, ) if not write_in_batch: for idx, f in enumerate(data): dset[idx] = f h5file.attrs["n_examples"] = n_examples
[docs] def append_df_to_hdf5( self, df_chunk, output_dir, chunk_locks, dtype="i4", compression="gzip" ): """ Appends each sequence in a dataframe to different HDF5 files efficiently. Assumes that all data labels have the same number of entries. """ # Step 1: Concatenate data for each data_label data_dict = {} n_examples = None # Will determine after concatenation for data_label, data_list in df_chunk.tokenized_data.items(): # Perform necessary concatenation along axis=0 data = np.concatenate(data_list, axis=0) data_dict[data_label] = data if n_examples is None: n_examples = data.shape[0] else: assert ( n_examples == data.shape[0] ), "All data_labels must have the same number of examples" # Step 2: Generate shuffled indices shuffled_indices = np.random.choice( np.arange(self.total_output_files), n_examples ) # Step 3: Group indices per output file idx_seq_to_indices = defaultdict(list) for idx, idx_seq in enumerate(shuffled_indices): idx_seq_to_indices[idx_seq].append(idx) # Step 4: Write data to HDF5 files in batches for idx_seq, indices in idx_seq_to_indices.items(): indices = np.array(indices) output_file_name = os.path.join( output_dir, f"output_chunk_{idx_seq}.h5" ) lock = ( chunk_locks[idx_seq % len(chunk_locks)] if chunk_locks else None ) with optional_lock(lock): with h5py.File(output_file_name, "a") as h5f: # Initialize or update n_examples attribute if 'n_examples' in h5f.attrs: old_n_examples = h5f.attrs['n_examples'] else: old_n_examples = 0 new_n_examples = old_n_examples + len(indices) h5f.attrs['n_examples'] = new_n_examples for data_label, data in data_dict.items(): # Extract elements corresponding to current indices elements = data[indices] # Determine appropriate dtype data_dtype = elements.dtype if data_dtype.kind == 'S': dtype = h5py.string_dtype(encoding='utf-8') elif data_dtype == np.bool_: dtype = np.bool_ else: dtype = "i4" # Set chunk shape and max shape if elements.ndim > 1: chunks_shape = (1,) + elements.shape[1:] maxshape = (None,) + elements.shape[1:] else: chunks_shape = None maxshape = (None,) if data_label not in h5f: # Create dataset with maxshape for future resizing h5f.create_dataset( data_label, data=elements, dtype=dtype, chunks=chunks_shape, maxshape=maxshape, compression=compression, ) else: # Resize dataset and append new data old_size = h5f[data_label].shape[0] new_size = old_size + elements.shape[0] # Ensure correct shape during resizing new_shape = (new_size,) + h5f[data_label].shape[1:] h5f[data_label].resize(new_shape) h5f[data_label][old_size:] = elements return n_examples
def update_checkpoint( self, process_checkpoint_path, checkpoint_data, ): with open(process_checkpoint_path, "w") as file: file.write( f"{checkpoint_data[0]}, {checkpoint_data[1]}, {checkpoint_data[2]}, {checkpoint_data[3]}, {checkpoint_data[4]}" ) file.flush()