Source code for

# Copyright 2022 Cerebras Systems.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import logging
from typing import Any, List, Optional, Union

import numpy as np
import torch
import torchvision
from pydantic import Field, PositiveInt
from import Subset
from import default_collate
from import StandardTransform

from cerebras.modelzoo.common.input_utils import get_streaming_batch_size
from cerebras.modelzoo.config import DataConfig
from import (
from import (
from import get_preprocess_transform
from import LambdaWithParam
from import is_gpu_distributed, task_id

[docs]class VisionClassificationProcessorConfig(DataConfig): data_dir: Union[str, List[str]] = "." """ The path to the data """ image_size: List[int] = [224, 224] """ The size of the images in the dataset """ num_classes: int = ... """ The number of classification classes in the dataset """ batch_size: int = 128 """ Global batch size for the dataloader """ shuffle: bool = True """ Whether or not to shuffle the dataset. """ shuffle_seed: Optional[int] = None """ The seed used for deterministic shuffling. """ drop_last: bool = True """ Similar to the PyTorch drop_last setting except that samples that when set to `True`, samples that would have been dropped at the end of one epoch are yielded at the start of the next epoch so that there is no data loss. This is necessary for a data ordering that is independent of the distributed setup being used. """ num_workers: int = 0 """ How many subprocesses to use for data loading """ prefetch_factor: Optional[int] = 10 """ Number of batches loaded in advance by each worker """ persistent_workers: Optional[bool] = True """ Whether or not to keep workers persistent between epochs. """ sampler: str = "random" """ Type of data sampler to use""" ra_sampler_num_repeat: PositiveInt = 3 """ Number of repeats for Repeated Augmentation sampler.""" mixup_alpha: float = 0.1 """ Alpha parameter for the mixup transform.""" cutmix_alpha: float = 0.1 """ Alpha parameter for the cutmix transform.""" noaugment: bool = False """ Indicates to skip augmentation as part of preprocessing. """ transforms: List[dict] = ... """ List of transforms for preprocessing """ mixed_precision: Optional[Any] = Field(default=None, deprecated=True) fp16_type: Optional[Any] = Field(default=None, deprecated=True)
[docs]class VisionClassificationProcessor: def __init__(self, config: VisionClassificationProcessorConfig): if isinstance(config, dict): config = VisionClassificationProcessorConfig(**config) # data settings self.data_dir = config.data_dir self.image_size = config.image_size self.num_classes = config.num_classes self.allowable_split = None # params for preprocessing dataset self.pp_params = dict() self.pp_params["noaugment"] = config.noaugment self.pp_params["transforms"] = config.transforms # params for data loader self.global_batch_size = config.batch_size self.batch_size = get_streaming_batch_size(self.global_batch_size) self.shuffle = config.shuffle self.shuffle_seed = config.shuffle_seed if self.shuffle_seed is not None: torch.manual_seed(self.shuffle_seed) self.drop_last = config.drop_last # multi-processing params. self.num_workers = config.num_workers self.prefetch_factor = config.prefetch_factor self.persistent_workers = config.persistent_workers self.distributed = is_gpu_distributed() # sampler self.sampler = config.sampler self.ra_sampler_num_repeat = config.ra_sampler_num_repeat self.mixup_alpha = config.mixup_alpha self.cutmix_alpha = config.cutmix_alpha def create_dataloader(self): dataset = self.create_dataset() mixup_transforms = [] if self.mixup_alpha > 0.0: mixup_transforms.append( RandomMixup(self.num_classes, p=1.0, alpha=self.mixup_alpha) ) if self.cutmix_alpha > 0.0: mixup_transforms.append( RandomCutmix(self.num_classes, p=1.0, alpha=self.cutmix_alpha) ) if mixup_transforms: mixup_fn = torchvision.transforms.RandomChoice(mixup_transforms) collate_fn = lambda batch: mixup_fn(*default_collate(batch)) if self.distributed: # distributed samplers require a seed if self.shuffle_seed is None: self.shuffle_seed = 0 if self.sampler == "repeated-aug": data_sampler = RepeatedAugSampler( dataset, shuffle=self.shuffle, seed=self.shuffle_seed, num_repeats=self.ra_sampler_num_repeat, batch_size=self.batch_size, ) else: data_sampler = dataset, shuffle=self.shuffle, seed=self.shuffle_seed, ) else: if self.shuffle: data_sampler = dataset, generator=self._generator_fn() ) else: data_sampler = dataloader = dataset, batch_size=self.batch_size, sampler=data_sampler, num_workers=self.num_workers, pin_memory=self.distributed, drop_last=self.drop_last, prefetch_factor=self.prefetch_factor, persistent_workers=self.persistent_workers, worker_init_fn=self._worker_init_fn, ) return dataloader def create_dataset(self): raise NotImplementedError( "create_dataset must be implemented in a child class!!" ) def _get_target_transform(self, x, *args, **kwargs): return np.int32(x) def process_transform(self, use_training_transforms=True): if self.pp_params["noaugment"]: transform_specs = [ {"name": "resize", "size": self.image_size}, {"name": "to_tensor"}, ] logging.warning( "User specified `noaugment=True`. The input data will only be " "resized to `image_size` and converted to tensor." ) self.pp_params["transforms"] = transform_specs transform = get_preprocess_transform(self.pp_params) target_transform = LambdaWithParam(self._get_target_transform) return transform, target_transform def split_dataset(self, dataset, split_percent, seed): num_sample = len(dataset) rng = np.random.default_rng(seed) sample_idx = self.create_shuffled_idx(num_sample, rng) split_idx = [0] if sum(split_percent) != 100: raise ValueError( f"Sum of split percentage must be 100%! Got {sum(split_percent)}" ) for sp in split_percent[:-1]: offset = num_sample * sp // 100 new_end = split_idx[-1] + offset split_idx.append(new_end) split_idx.append(num_sample) return [ VisionSubset(dataset, sample_idx[start:end]) for start, end in zip(split_idx[:-1], split_idx[1:]) ] def create_shuffled_idx(self, num_sample, rng): shuffled_idx = np.arange(num_sample) rng.shuffle(shuffled_idx) return shuffled_idx def _worker_init_fn(self, worker_id): worker_info = worker_id = if worker_info is not None else 0 if self.shuffle_seed is not None: np.random.seed(self.shuffle_seed + worker_id) def _generator_fn(self): generator_fn = None if self.shuffle_seed is not None: seed = self.shuffle_seed + task_id() generator_fn = torch.Generator(device="cpu") generator_fn.manual_seed(seed) return generator_fn
[docs]class VisionSubset(Subset): def __init__(self, dataset, indices): assert isinstance( dataset, torchvision.datasets.VisionDataset ), f"Dataset must be type VisionDataset, but got {type(dataset)} instead." super().__init__(dataset, indices)
[docs] def set_transforms( self, transforms=None, transform=None, target_transform=None ): """ transforms (callable, optional): A function/transforms that takes in an image and a label and returns the transformed versions of both. transform (callable, optional): A function/transform that takes in an PIL image and returns a transformed version. E.g, ``transforms.RandomCrop`` target_transform (callable, optional): A function/transform that takes in the target and transforms it. """ has_transforms = transforms is not None has_separate_transform = ( transform is not None or target_transform is not None ) if has_transforms and has_separate_transform: raise ValueError( "Only transforms or transform/target_transform can " "be passed as argument" ) if has_separate_transform: # uses previous transform and target_transform if no new fcns are specified if transform is not None: self.dataset.transform = transform if target_transform is not None: self.dataset.target_transform = target_transform self.dataset.transforms = StandardTransform( transform, target_transform ) elif has_transforms: self.dataset.transforms = transforms
def truncate_to_idx(self, new_length): self.indices = self.indices[:new_length]