Source code for

# Copyright 2022 Cerebras Systems.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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Processor for PyTorch BERT training.

import csv
import os
import random
from typing import Any, List, Literal, Optional, Union

import numpy as np
import torch
from pydantic import Field, PositiveInt, field_validator

from cerebras.modelzoo.common.input_utils import (
from cerebras.modelzoo.config import DataConfig
from cerebras.modelzoo.config.types import AliasedPath
from import (
from import (

[docs]class BertCSVDynamicMaskDataProcessorConfig(DataConfig): data_processor: Literal["BertCSVDynamicMaskDataProcessor"] data_dir: Union[str, List[str]] = ... "Path to the data files to use." batch_size: PositiveInt = ... "The batch size." disable_nsp: bool = False "Whether Next Sentence Prediction (NSP) objective is disabled." dynamic_mlm_scale: bool = False "Whether to dynamically scale the loss." buckets: Optional[List[int]] = None """ A list of bucket boundaries. If set to None, then no bucketing will happen, and data will be batched normally. If set to a list, then data will be grouped into `len(buckets) + 1` buckets. A sample `s` will go into bucket `i` if `buckets[i-1] <= element_length_fn(s) < buckets[i]` where 0 and inf are the implied lowest and highest boundaries respectively. `buckets` must be sorted and all elements must be non-zero. """ mask_whole_word: bool = False "Flag to whether mask the entire word." do_lower: bool = False "Flag to lower case the texts." vocab_file: AliasedPath = ... "Path to the vocabulary file." oov_token: str = "[UNK]" "Out of vocabulary token." mask_token: str = "[MASK]" "Mask token." document_separator_token: str = "[SEP]" "Seperator token." exclude_from_masking: List[str] = ["[CLS]", "[SEP]", "[PAD]", "[MASK]"] "Tokens that should be excluded from being masked." max_sequence_length: int = ... max_predictions_per_seq: int = ... masked_lm_prob: float = 0.15 gather_mlm_labels: bool = True labels_pad_id: int = 0 input_pad_id: int = 0 attn_mask_pad_id: int = 0 segment_pad_id: int = 0 shuffle: bool = True "Whether or not to shuffle the dataset." shuffle_seed: Optional[int] = None "The seed used for deterministic shuffling." shuffle_buffer: Optional[int] = None """ Buffer size to shuffle samples across. If None and shuffle is enabled, 10*batch_size is used. """ num_workers: int = 0 "The number of PyTorch processes used in the dataloader." prefetch_factor: Optional[int] = 10 "The number of batches to prefetch in the dataloader." persistent_workers: bool = True "Whether or not to keep workers persistent between epochs." drop_last: bool = True "Whether to drop last batch of epoch if it's an incomplete batch." # The following fields are deprecated and unused. # They will be removed in the future once all configs have been fixed mixed_precision: Optional[Any] = Field(default=None, deprecated=True) vocab_size: Optional[Any] = Field(default=None, deprecated=True) num_examples: Optional[Any] = Field(default=None, deprecated=True) steps: Optional[Any] = Field(default=None, deprecated=True) whole_word_masking: Optional[Any] = Field(default=None, deprecated=True) def post_init(self, context): super().post_init(context) if not self.num_workers: self.prefetch_factor = None # the default value in DataLoader self.persistent_workers = False @field_validator("disable_nsp", mode="after") @classmethod def get_disable_nsp(cls, disable_nsp, info): if info.context: model_config = info.context.get("model", {}).get("config") if hasattr(model_config, "disable_nsp"): return model_config.disable_nsp return disable_nsp @field_validator("vocab_file", mode="after") @classmethod def get_vocab_file(cls, vocab_file): if not os.path.exists(vocab_file): raise ValueError(f"Vocab file does not exist: {vocab_file}") return os.path.abspath(vocab_file)
[docs]class BertCSVDynamicMaskDataProcessor( """ Reads csv files containing the input text tokens, adds MLM features on the fly. """ def __init__(self, config: BertCSVDynamicMaskDataProcessorConfig): super().__init__() # Input params. self.meta_data = get_meta_data(config.data_dir) self.meta_data_values = list(self.meta_data.values()) self.meta_data_filenames = list(self.meta_data.keys()) # Please note the appending of [0] self.meta_data_values_cum_sum = np.cumsum([0] + self.meta_data_values) self.num_examples = sum(map(int, self.meta_data.values())) self.disable_nsp = config.disable_nsp self.batch_size = get_streaming_batch_size(config.batch_size) self.num_batches = self.num_examples // self.batch_size assert ( self.num_batches > 0 ), "Dataset does not contain enough samples for one batch. Please choose a smaller batch size" self.num_tasks = num_tasks() self.task_id = task_id() self.num_batch_per_task = self.num_batches // self.num_tasks assert ( self.num_batch_per_task > 0 ), "Dataset cannot be evenly distributed across the given tasks. Please choose fewer tasks to run with" self.num_examples_per_task = self.num_batch_per_task * self.batch_size self.files_in_task = get_data_for_task( self.task_id, self.meta_data_values_cum_sum, self.num_examples_per_task, self.meta_data_values, self.meta_data_filenames, ) self.shuffle = config.shuffle self.shuffle_seed = config.shuffle_seed if config.shuffle_buffer is None: self.shuffle_buffer = 10 * self.batch_size else: self.shuffle_buffer = config.shuffle_buffer self.mask_whole_word = config.mask_whole_word self.do_lower = config.do_lower self.dynamic_mlm_scale = config.dynamic_mlm_scale self.buckets = config.buckets # Multi-processing params. self.num_workers = config.num_workers self.drop_last = config.drop_last self.prefetch_factor = config.prefetch_factor self.persistent_workers = config.persistent_workers # Get special tokens and tokens that should not be masked. self.special_tokens = { "oov_token": config.oov_token, "mask_token": config.mask_token, "document_separator_token": config.document_separator_token, } self.exclude_from_masking = config.exclude_from_masking if self.do_lower: self.special_tokens = { key: value.lower() for key, value in self.special_tokens.items() } self.exclude_from_masking = list( map(lambda token: token.lower(), self.exclude_from_masking) ) # Get vocab file and size. self.vocab, self.vocab_size = build_vocab( config.vocab_file, self.do_lower, self.special_tokens["oov_token"] ) # Init tokenizer. self.tokenize = self.vocab.forward # Getting indices for special tokens. self.special_tokens_indices = { key: self.tokenize([value])[0] for key, value in self.special_tokens.items() } self.exclude_from_masking_ids = [ self.tokenize([token])[0] for token in self.exclude_from_masking ] # We create a pool with tokens that can be used to randomly replace input tokens # for BERT MLM task. self.replacement_pool = list( set(range(self.vocab_size)) - set(self.exclude_from_masking_ids) ) # Padding indices. # See self.labels_pad_id = config.labels_pad_id self.input_pad_id = config.input_pad_id self.attn_mask_pad_id = config.attn_mask_pad_id if not self.disable_nsp: self.segment_pad_id = config.segment_pad_id # Max sequence lengths size params. self.max_sequence_length = config.max_sequence_length self.max_predictions_per_seq = config.max_predictions_per_seq self.masked_lm_prob = config.masked_lm_prob self.gather_mlm_labels = config.gather_mlm_labels # Store params. self.data_buffer = [] self.csv_files_per_task_per_worker = [] self.processed_buffers = 0
[docs] def load_buffer(self): """ Generator to read the data in chunks of size of `data_buffer`. :returns: Yields the data stored in the `data_buffer`. """ self.processed_buffers = 0 self.data_buffer = [] while self.processed_buffers < len(self.csv_files_per_task_per_worker): ( current_file_path, num_examples, start_id, ) = self.csv_files_per_task_per_worker[self.processed_buffers] with open(current_file_path, "r", newline="") as fin: data_reader = csv.DictReader(fin) for row_id, row in enumerate(data_reader): if start_id <= row_id < start_id + num_examples: self.data_buffer.append(row) else: continue if len(self.data_buffer) == self.shuffle_buffer: if self.shuffle: self.rng.shuffle(self.data_buffer) for ind in range(len(self.data_buffer)): yield self.data_buffer[ind] self.data_buffer = [] self.processed_buffers += 1 if self.shuffle: self.rng.shuffle(self.data_buffer) for ind in range(len(self.data_buffer)): yield self.data_buffer[ind] self.data_buffer = []
def __len__(self): # Returns the len of dataset on the task process if not self.drop_last: return ( self.num_examples_per_task + self.batch_size - 1 ) // self.batch_size elif self.buckets is None: return self.num_examples_per_task // self.batch_size else: # give an under-estimate in case we don't fully fill some buckets length = self.num_examples_per_task // self.batch_size length -= len(self.buckets) return length
[docs] def get_single_item(self): """ Iterating over the data to construct input features. :return: A tuple with training features: * np.array[int.32] input_ids: Numpy array with input token indices. Shape: (`max_sequence_length`). * np.array[int.32] labels: Numpy array with labels. Shape: (`max_sequence_length`). * np.array[int.32] attention_mask Shape: (`max_sequence_length`). * np.array[int.32] token_type_ids: Numpy array with segment indices. Shape: (`max_sequence_length`). * np.array[int.32] next_sentence_label: Numpy array with labels for NSP task. Shape: (1). * np.array[int.32] masked_lm_mask: Numpy array with a mask of predicted tokens. Shape: (`max_predictions`) `0` indicates the non masked token, and `1` indicates the masked token. """ # Iterate over the data rows to create input features. for data_row in self.load_buffer(): # `data_row` is a dict with keys: # ["tokens", "segment_ids", "is_random_next"]. tokens = parse_text(data_row["tokens"], do_lower=self.do_lower) if self.disable_nsp: # truncate tokens to MSL tokens = tokens[: self.max_sequence_length] else: assert ( len(tokens) <= self.max_sequence_length ), "When using NSP head, make sure that len(tokens) <= MSL." ( input_ids, labels, attention_mask, masked_lm_mask, ) = create_masked_lm_predictions( tokens, self.max_sequence_length, self.special_tokens_indices["mask_token"], self.max_predictions_per_seq, self.input_pad_id, self.attn_mask_pad_id, self.labels_pad_id, self.tokenize, self.vocab_size, self.masked_lm_prob, self.rng, self.exclude_from_masking, self.mask_whole_word, self.replacement_pool, ) features = { "input_ids": input_ids, "attention_mask": attention_mask, } if self.gather_mlm_labels: # Gather MLM positions _mlm_positions = np.nonzero(masked_lm_mask)[0] _num_preds = len(_mlm_positions) gathered_mlm_positions = np.zeros( (self.max_predictions_per_seq,), dtype=np.int32 ) gathered_mlm_positions[:_num_preds] = _mlm_positions gathered_labels = np.zeros( (self.max_predictions_per_seq,), dtype=np.int32 ) gathered_labels[:_num_preds] = labels[_mlm_positions] gathered_mlm_mask = np.zeros( (self.max_predictions_per_seq,), dtype=np.int32 ) gathered_mlm_mask[:_num_preds] = masked_lm_mask[_mlm_positions] features["labels"] = gathered_labels features["masked_lm_mask"] = gathered_mlm_mask features["masked_lm_positions"] = gathered_mlm_positions else: features["labels"] = labels features["masked_lm_mask"] = masked_lm_mask if not self.disable_nsp: next_sentence_label = np.zeros((1,), dtype=np.int32) token_type_ids = ( np.ones((self.max_sequence_length,), dtype=np.int32) * self.segment_pad_id ) segment_ids = data_row["segment_ids"].strip("[]").split(", ") token_type_ids[: len(segment_ids)] = list(map(int, segment_ids)) next_sentence_label[0] = int(data_row["is_random_next"]) features["token_type_ids"] = token_type_ids features["next_sentence_label"] = next_sentence_label yield features
def __iter__(self): batched_dataset = bucketed_batch( self.get_single_item(), self.batch_size, buckets=self.buckets, element_length_fn=lambda feats: np.sum(feats["attention_mask"]), drop_last=self.drop_last, seed=self.shuffle_seed, ) for batch in batched_dataset: if self.dynamic_mlm_scale: scale = self.batch_size / torch.sum(batch["masked_lm_mask"]) batch["mlm_loss_scale"] = scale.expand(self.batch_size, 1) yield batch def _worker_init_fn(self, worker_id): worker_info = if worker_info is not None: worker_id = num_workers = worker_info.num_workers else: # Single-process worker_id = 0 num_workers = 1 self.processed_buffers = 0 if self.shuffle_seed is not None: self.shuffle_seed += worker_id + 1 self.rng = random.Random(self.shuffle_seed) # Shard the data across multiple processes. self.csv_files_per_task_per_worker = shard_list_interleaved( self.files_in_task, worker_id, num_workers ) if self.shuffle: self.rng.shuffle(self.csv_files_per_task_per_worker)
[docs] def create_dataloader(self): """ Classmethod to create the dataloader object. """ if self.num_workers: dataloader = self, batch_size=None, num_workers=self.num_workers, prefetch_factor=self.prefetch_factor, persistent_workers=self.persistent_workers, worker_init_fn=self._worker_init_fn, ) else: dataloader =, batch_size=None) self._worker_init_fn(0) return dataloader