Source code for data_processing.h5_map_dataset.samplers

# Copyright 2022 Cerebras Systems.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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import itertools

import torch

from modelzoo.transformers.pytorch.input_utils import cluster_config

[docs]class CBSampler( """ A sampler to handle sharding, batching, and skipping of map style datasets intended for use on CSX. Sharding is performed in such a way that data order is independent of the number of systems being used and the number of workers per system. """
[docs] def __init__( self, data_source, shuffle=True, seed=None, start_index=0, shard=True, batch_size=None, drop_last=True, ): """ Create a sampler to handle shuffling in a deterministic and restartable way as well as sharding. Args: data_source ( dataset to sample from shuffle (bool): whether or not to shuffle the dataset seed (int): The seed used to make shuffling deterministic start_index (int): The index of the first sample to yield shard (bool): Whether or not to shard the dataset across Cerebras data streamer nodes batch_size (int): The batch size to use to compute sharded indices and group samples into batches. If `None`, no batching will be performed. This is the global batch size visible to the dataset rather than the microbatch size. """ cluster_spec, _ = cluster_config() _num_systems = cluster_spec.num_csx if batch_size is not None and batch_size % _num_systems: raise ValueError( f"The global batch size must be a multiple of the number of " f"CS-2s being used. Got global batch size {batch_size} and " f"number of systems {_num_systems}." ) if _num_systems > 1 and not drop_last: raise ValueError( f"`drop_last=False` is only supported on GPU. Please re-run " f"with `drop_last=True`." ) microbatch_size = ( batch_size // _num_systems if batch_size is not None else None ) self.sampler = BaseSampler( data_source, shuffle=shuffle, seed=seed, start_index=start_index ) if batch_size is not None: self.sampler = BatchSampler( self.sampler, microbatch_size, drop_last ) if shard: self.sampler = Sharder(self.sampler) if batch_size is not None and _num_systems > 1: self.sampler = BatchAccumulator(self.sampler, _num_systems)
def __iter__(self): return iter(self.sampler) def __len__(self): return len(self.sampler)
[docs]class BaseSampler( """ Handle shuffling and skipping """
[docs] def __init__( self, data_source, num_samples=None, shuffle=True, seed=None, start_index=0, ): self.data_source = data_source self._num_samples = num_samples if not isinstance(self.num_samples, int) or self.num_samples <= 0: raise ValueError( "num_samples should be a positive integer " "value, but got num_samples={}".format(self.num_samples) ) self._num_samples_frozen = self.num_samples self.shuffle = shuffle self.seed = seed self.epoch = start_index // self.num_samples self.start_index = start_index - self.num_samples * self.epoch
@property def num_samples(self): if self._num_samples is None: return len(self.data_source) return self._num_samples def __iter__(self): if self.num_samples != self._num_samples_frozen: raise RuntimeError( f"Data source passed into Sampler must have the same length " f"every epoch. Original length was {self._num_samples_frozen}, " f"new length is {self.num_samples}" ) if self.shuffle: gen = torch.Generator() gen.manual_seed(self.seed + self.epoch) if self.num_samples >= len(self.data_source): perm = torch.randperm(self.num_samples, generator=gen) else: perm = torch.randperm(len(self.data_source), generator=gen) perm = perm[: self.num_samples] perm = perm[self.start_index :] else: perm = torch.arange(self.start_index, self.num_samples) yield from perm.tolist() self.epoch += 1 self.start_index = 0 def __len__(self): return self.num_samples - self.start_index
[docs]class Sharder(
[docs] def __init__(self, data_source): self.data_source = data_source cluster_spec, worker_spec = cluster_config() self.task_id = ( worker_spec.local_rank * cluster_spec.num_csx + worker_spec.wse_id ) self.num_tasks = cluster_spec.num_workers_per_csx * cluster_spec.num_csx self.first_task = 0
def __iter__(self): n = len(self.data_source) effective_task_id = (self.task_id - self.first_task) % self.num_tasks for i, x in enumerate(self.data_source): if i % self.num_tasks == effective_task_id: yield x self.first_task = ( self.first_task + (n % self.num_tasks) ) % self.num_tasks def __len__(self): effective_task_id = (self.task_id - self.first_task) % self.num_tasks n = len(self.data_source) l = n // self.num_tasks if n % self.num_tasks > effective_task_id: l += 1 return l
[docs]class BatchSampler( """ A slight modification of the PyTorch batch sampler such that any samples not yielded at the end of an epoch when `drop_last=True` will be yielded at the start of the next epoch. This is necessary for shard-invariance. Adapted from the PyTorch batch sampler """
[docs] def __init__(self, sampler, batch_size, drop_last): if ( not isinstance(batch_size, int) or isinstance(batch_size, bool) or batch_size <= 0 ): raise ValueError( "batch_size should be a positive integer value, " "but got batch_size={}".format(batch_size) ) if not isinstance(drop_last, bool): raise ValueError( "drop_last should be a boolean value, but got " "drop_last={}".format(drop_last) ) self.sampler = sampler self.batch_size = batch_size self.drop_last = drop_last self.leftover_samples = []
def __iter__(self): # Implemented based on the benchmarking in if self.drop_last: sampler_iter = itertools.chain(self.leftover_samples, self.sampler) while True: try: batch = [] for _ in range(self.batch_size): batch.append(next(sampler_iter)) yield batch except StopIteration: self.leftover_samples = batch break else: batch = [0] * self.batch_size idx_in_batch = 0 for idx in self.sampler: batch[idx_in_batch] = idx idx_in_batch += 1 if idx_in_batch == self.batch_size: yield batch idx_in_batch = 0 batch = [0] * self.batch_size if idx_in_batch > 0: yield batch[:idx_in_batch] def __len__(self): if self.drop_last: return ( len(self.sampler) + len(self.leftover_samples) ) // self.batch_size else: return (len(self.sampler) + self.batch_size - 1) // self.batch_size
[docs]class BatchAccumulator( """ Accumulate neighboring batches into one single larger batch. This is the inverse operation to the splitting of batches into microbatches that happens when using multiple CSX systems. """
[docs] def __init__( self, data_source, n_accum, ): """ Assumes data_source is an iterator of batches where each batch has the same length (i.e. `drop_last=True`). """ self.data_source = data_source self._n = n_accum self._next_batch = []
def __iter__(self): data_iter = itertools.chain(self._next_batch, self.data_source) self._next_batch = [] while True: try: for _ in range(self._n): self._next_batch.append(next(data_iter)) yield [x for batch in self._next_batch for x in batch] self._next_batch = [] except StopIteration: break def __len__(self): return (len(self.data_source) + len(self._next_batch)) // self._n