Source code for data_processing.bert.mlm_only_processor

# Copyright 2022 Cerebras Systems.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import os
import random
from functools import reduce

import spacy
from tqdm import tqdm

from modelzoo.transformers.data_processing.tokenizers.Tokenization import (
from modelzoo.transformers.data_processing.utils import (

[docs]class MLMOnlyInstance: """ A single training MLMOnly instance. :param list tokens: List of tokens for MLM example :param list masked_lm_positions: List of masked lm positions for sentence pair :param list masked_lm_labels: List of masked lm labels for example """
[docs] def __init__( self, tokens, masked_lm_positions, masked_lm_labels, ): self.tokens = tokens self.masked_lm_labels = masked_lm_labels self.masked_lm_positions = masked_lm_positions
def __str__(self): tokens = " ".join([convert_to_unicode(x) for x in self.tokens]) mlm_positions = " ".join([str(x) for x in self.masked_lm_positions]) mlm_labels = " ".join( [convert_to_unicode(x) for x in self.masked_lm_labels] ) s = f"MLMOnlyInstance: \n" s += f"tokens: {tokens}\n" s += f"masked_lm_positions: {mlm_positions}\n" s += f"masked_lm_labels: {mlm_labels}\n" s += "\n" return s def __repr__(self): return self.__str__()
[docs]def data_generator( metadata_files, vocab_file, do_lower, disable_masking, mask_whole_word, max_seq_length, max_predictions_per_seq, masked_lm_prob, dupe_factor, output_type_shapes, multiple_docs_in_single_file=False, multiple_docs_separator="\n", single_sentence_per_line=False, buffer_size=1e6, min_short_seq_length=None, overlap_size=None, short_seq_prob=0, spacy_model="en_core_web_sm", inverted_mask=False, allow_cross_document_examples=True, document_separator_token="[SEP]", seed=None, input_files_prefix="", ): """ Generator function used to create input dataset for MLM only dataset. 1. Generate raw examples with tokens based on "overlap_size", "max_sequence_length", "allow_cross_document_examples" and "document_separator_token" and using a sliding window approach. The exact steps are detailed in "_create_examples_from_document" function 2. Mask the raw examples based on "max_predictions_per_seq" 3. Pad the masked example to "max_sequence_length" if less that msl :param str or list[str] metadata_files: A string or strings list each pointing to a metadata file. A metadata file contains file paths for flat text cleaned documents. It has one file path per line. :param str vocab_file: Vocabulary file, to build tokenization from :param bool do_lower: Boolean value indicating if words should be converted to lowercase or not :param bool disable_masking: whether masking should be disabled :param bool mask_whole_word: If True, all subtokens corresponding to a word will be masked. :param int max_seq_length: Maximum length of the sequence to generate :param int max_predictions_per_seq: Maximum number of Masked tokens in a sequence :param float masked_lm_prob: Proportion of tokens to be masked :param int dupe_factor: Number of times to duplicate the dataset with different static masks :param dict output_type_shapes: Dictionary indicating the shapes of different outputs :param bool multiple_docs_in_single_file: True, when a single text file contains multiple documents separated by <multiple_docs_separator> :param str multiple_docs_separator: String which separates multiple documents in a single text file. :param single_sentence_per_line: True,when the document is already split into sentences with one sentence in each line and there is no requirement for further sentence segmentation of a document :param int buffer_size: Number of tokens to be processed at a time :param int min_short_seq_length: When short_seq_prob > 0, this number indicates the least number of tokens that each example should have i.e the num_tokens (excluding pad) would be in the range [min_short_seq_length, MSL] :param int overlap_size: Number of tokens that overlap with previous example when processing buffer with a sliding window approach. If None, defaults to overlap to max_seq_len/4. :param int short_seq_prob: Probability of a short sequence. Defaults to 0. Sometimes we want to use shorter sequences to minimize the mismatch between pre-training and fine-tuning. :param spacy_model: spaCy model to load, i.e. shortcut link, package name or path. Used to segment text into sentences. :param bool inverted_mask: If set to False, has 0's on padded positions and 1's elsewhere. Otherwise, "inverts" the mask, so that 1's are on padded positions and 0's elsewhere. :param bool allow_cross_document_examples: If True, the sequences can contain tokens from the next document. :param str document_separator_token: String to separate tokens from one document and the next when sequences span documents :param int seed: Random seed. :param str input_file_prefix: Prefix to be added to paths of the input files. :returns: yields training examples (feature, []) """ ## Set defaults if values passed are None if overlap_size is None: overlap_size = int(max_seq_length / 4) print( f"--- Setting overlap_size to {overlap_size} since None value passed" ) if not allow_cross_document_examples and document_separator_token: print( f"--- Since example cannot span documents " f"(allow_cross_document_examples: {allow_cross_document_examples})," f" document_separator_token: {document_separator_token} will be ignored" ) if min_short_seq_length is None: min_short_seq_length = 2 + overlap_size elif (min_short_seq_length < (2 + overlap_size)) or ( min_short_seq_length > max_seq_length - 2 ): raise ValueError( f"The min_short_seq_len param {min_short_seq_length} is invalid. \n" f"Allowed values are [{2 + overlap_size}, {max_seq_length - 2})" ) # define tokenizer tokenizer = FullTokenizer(vocab_file, do_lower) vocab_words = tokenizer.get_vocab_words() if do_lower: document_separator_token = document_separator_token.lower() assert ( document_separator_token in vocab_words ), f" document_separator_token: {document_separator_token} not present in vocab file" rng = random.Random(seed) # get all text files by reading metadata files if isinstance(metadata_files, str): metadata_files = [metadata_files] input_files = [] for _file in metadata_files: with open(_file, "r") as _fin: input_files.extend(_fin.readlines()) input_files = [x.strip() for x in input_files if x] num_input_files = len(input_files) rng.shuffle(input_files) def _generate_train_feature(example): if disable_masking: return example else: return create_masked_lm_features( example, vocab_words, max_seq_length, mask_whole_word, max_predictions_per_seq, masked_lm_prob, document_separator_token, rng, tokenizer, output_type_shapes, inverted_mask, ) current_buffer_length = 0 buffer_documents = [] # to speed up processing load spacy module once here # disable the ununsed pipeline stages to speed up processing nlp = spacy.load(spacy_model, disable=['tagger', 'ner']) for _ in tqdm(range(dupe_factor)): # Reset buffers prev_tokens = [] for _file_num, _file in enumerate(input_files): _fin_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(input_files_prefix, _file)) with open(_fin_path, "r") as _fin: _fin_data = processed_doc, num_tokens = text_to_tokenized_documents( _fin_data, tokenizer, multiple_docs_in_single_file, multiple_docs_separator, single_sentence_per_line, nlp, ) # Flatten one level buffer_documents.extend( [ reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, doc_list) for doc_list in processed_doc ] ) current_buffer_length += num_tokens # Continue if we don't have enough tokens if ( current_buffer_length < buffer_size and _file_num < num_input_files - 1 ): continue rng.shuffle(buffer_documents) # When enough tokens available, yield examples for document_index, document in enumerate(buffer_documents): _example_generator = _create_examples_from_document( document, allow_cross_document_examples, document_separator_token, overlap_size, prev_tokens, max_seq_length, short_seq_prob, min_short_seq_length, rng, ) for example, prev_tokens in _example_generator: if example: yield _generate_train_feature(example) # Fix buffer lengths, buffer etc buffer_documents = [] current_buffer_length = 0 # Last few tokens remaining after processing all input_files if prev_tokens: yield _generate_train_feature(["[CLS]"] + prev_tokens + ["[SEP]"])
[docs]def create_masked_lm_features( example, vocab_words, max_seq_length, mask_whole_word, max_predictions_per_seq, masked_lm_prob, document_separator_token, rng, tokenizer, output_type_shapes, inverted_mask, ): exclude_from_masking = list( set(["[CLS]", "[SEP]", document_separator_token]) ) ( masked_example_tokens, masked_lm_positions, masked_lm_labels, ) = create_masked_lm_predictions( example, vocab_words, mask_whole_word, max_predictions_per_seq, masked_lm_prob, rng, exclude_from_masking, ) masked_lm_instance = MLMOnlyInstance( tokens=masked_example_tokens, masked_lm_positions=masked_lm_positions, masked_lm_labels=masked_lm_labels, ) # pad to MSL feature, label = pad_instance_to_max_seq_length( instance=masked_lm_instance, mlm_only=True, tokenizer=tokenizer, max_seq_length=max_seq_length, max_predictions_per_seq=max_predictions_per_seq, output_type_shapes=output_type_shapes, inverted_mask=inverted_mask, ) return feature, label
def _create_examples_from_document( document, allow_cross_document_examples, document_separator_token, overlap_size, prev_tokens, max_seq_length, short_seq_prob, min_short_seq_length, rng, ): # Process for generating an example # 1. The text from metadata files is read and accumulated in a buffer # until the buffer_size limit is hit. Note that documents are always # read entirely before the buffer_size limit is checked # 2. Next, reading one document at a time from "buffer", # we slide a window of size "max_sequence_length" and construct an example. # 3. If "overlap_size" is set, then when generating the next example, # the window is slided back by "overlap_size" and the next example is constructed # 4. If an example can span multiple documents, # i.e "allow_cross_document_examples" is set to True, # then we use "document_separator_token" to separate tokens # from the two documents # i.e [CLS] <tokens-doc1> <document_separator_token><tokens-doc2>[SEP] # 5. The last remaining tokens are used to contruct the final example # and this example most of the times will have tokens less than "max_sequence_length" # and would be padded to "max_sequence_length" max_num_tokens = max_seq_length - 2 start_idx = 0 # We usually want to fill up the entire sequence since we are padding # to `max_seq_length` anyways, so short sequences are generally not # needed. However, we sometimes (i.e., short_seq_prob = 0.1 == 10% of # the time) want to use shorter sequences to minimize the mismatch # between pre-training and fine-tuning. The `target_seq_len` is just a # rough target however, whereas `max_seq_length` is a hard limit target_seq_len = max_num_tokens if rng.random() < short_seq_prob: target_seq_len = rng.randint(min_short_seq_length, max_num_tokens) assert ( len(prev_tokens) <= max_seq_length ), "Number of leftover tokens i.e len(prev_tokens) > max_seq_length" # NOTE: prev_tokens cannot be more than MSL. # Basically, we do a windowing to construct examples and "overlap_size" # refers to the amount we push the window back. # "buffer_size", on the other hand enables us to process more than one # document at once if the document contains fewer tokens. # So, at a single time we can process "buffer_size" number of tokens if prev_tokens: document = prev_tokens + [document_separator_token] + document prev_tokens = [] start_idx = 0 # inclusive of this element end_idx = start_idx + target_seq_len - 1 # inclusive of this element while end_idx < len(document): example = document[ start_idx : end_idx + 1 ] # All elements from start_idx to end_idx (inclusive) # add special token for input start and end assert ( len(example) > overlap_size ), f"Length of example {len(example)} less than overlap_size {overlap_size}" assert ( len(example) <= max_num_tokens ), f"Length of example greater than max_num_tokens {max_num_tokens}" example.insert(0, "[CLS]") example.append("[SEP]") yield example, prev_tokens start_idx = end_idx - overlap_size + 1 # Recalculate target_seq_len, if rng.random() < short_seq_prob: target_seq_len = rng.randint(min_short_seq_length, max_num_tokens) end_idx = start_idx + target_seq_len - 1 assert ( end_idx > 0 ), f" When generating example, end_idx {end_idx} is less than zero." assert ( start_idx >= 0 ), f" When generating example, start_idx {start_idx} is less than zero." if allow_cross_document_examples: example = [] prev_tokens = document[start_idx:] else: example = ["[CLS]"] + document[start_idx:] + ["[SEP]"] prev_tokens = [] yield example, prev_tokens