Source code for common.pytorch.summaries.cb_summary

# Copyright 2022 Cerebras Systems.
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Base class for creating summaries compatible with CPU/GPU/CS-X.

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import Any, Dict, List

import torch
from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter

from modelzoo.common.pytorch import cb_model as cm
from modelzoo.common.pytorch import cbtorch

# Keeps track of all registered summaries
_SUMMARIES: Dict[str, "CBSummary"] = dict()

[docs]@dataclass class DeviceOutputs: """Class for encapsulating the outputs of `CBSummary.run_on_device`. Args: args: postional arguments which are passed to `CBSummary.run_on_host` once they are converted to CPU tensors. kwargs: keyword arguments which are passed to `CBSummary.run_on_host` once they are converted to CPU tensors. """ args: List[Any] = field(default_factory=list) kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = field(default_factory=dict)
[docs]class CBSummaryMeta(ABCMeta): """Metaclass for CBSummary to handle instance creation.""" def __call__(cls, name, *args, **kwargs): # See if a summary with the given name already exists instance = _SUMMARIES.get(name) if name not in _SUMMARIES: # Create one if it doesn't exist instance = super().__call__(name, *args, **kwargs) # Register the summary in the global list _SUMMARIES[] = instance return instance
[docs]class CBSummary(metaclass=CBSummaryMeta): """Base class for creating summaries on CS devices. Subclasses must override methods to provide the full functionality of the metric. These methods are meant to split the summary operations into 3 portions: 1. run_on_device: Compiles and runs on the device (i.e., Cerebras). 2. run_on_host: Runs on the host (i.e., CPU). 3. save: Saves the results as summaries. These summaries also support running on CPU and GPU. """
[docs] def __init__(self, name: str): """Constructs a `CBSummary` instance. This also registers the summary in the global pool of summaries. Therefore, it is import for subclasses to call `super().__init__()`. Otherwise, the summaries will not run. Args: name: Name of the summary. Generally, this is the name used to tag the summaries with in TensorBoard. """ super().__init__() # SYNC mode not supported yet if cm.num_receivers() > 1: raise RuntimeError( "Summaries with multiple receiver ordinals are currently " f"not supported. `num_receivers` was {cm.num_receivers()}" ) self._name = name # Variable for storing the received summaries self._cached_cpu_activations = [] self._is_appliance = cm.is_appliance()
@property def name(self): """Returns the name of the metric.""" return self._name # pylint: disable=no-self-use
[docs] def run_on_device(self, *args, **kwargs) -> DeviceOutputs: """Define the portion of the summary computation that runs on device. This method must return a `DeviceOutputs` object whose args/kwargs can only contain a item/list/tuple/dict of torch tensors or Nones. These tensors may be converted to CPU tensors at the step boundary and passed to `run_on_host` to do the host (i.e. CPU) portion of the computation. The default implementation is just a passthrough where the arguments are converted to host tensors as is. This method is called for every iteration. NOTE: No tensors should be evaluated in this method. This method merely defines the operations in the graph that runs on device. Returns: An instance of `DeviceOutputs`. """ return DeviceOutputs(args=list(args), kwargs=kwargs)
[docs] @abstractmethod def run_on_host(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Any: """Define the portion of the summary computation that runs on host. This methods takes as inputs the outputs of `run_on_device` whose tensors have been evaluated and converted to CPU tensors. It can do any sort of computation on the host (e.g., applying reduction). Its return value is passed to `save_on_host`. This method is called only when the summary is to be saved. Returns: The computed summary value. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abstractmethod def save_on_host( self, host_outputs: Any, writer: SummaryWriter, step: int ) -> None: """Save the computed summary into events files. Args: host_outputs: The return value of `run_on_host` method. This is the computed summary value. writer: A writer for writing summaries to events files. step: The current global step. """ raise NotImplementedError
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: """Run the device portion of the computation and store its result. The arugments to this method are passed directly to `run_on_device`. """ # The device portion needs to run every step to produce a stable graph device_outputs = self.run_on_device(*args, **kwargs) assert isinstance(device_outputs, DeviceOutputs), ( f"Expected device outputs to be of type `DeviceOutputs`, " f"but got `{type(device_outputs)}`." ) # Detach and clone device outputs to ensure we use the "current" value for idx, tensor in enumerate(device_outputs.args): if isinstance(tensor, torch.Tensor): device_outputs.args[idx] = tensor.detach().clone() for key, tensor in device_outputs.kwargs.items(): if isinstance(tensor, torch.Tensor): device_outputs.kwargs[key] = tensor.detach().clone() if cm.use_cs(): state = cbtorch.state() state.track_object( { "cb_summary": { [device_outputs.args, device_outputs.kwargs] } }, force=self._is_appliance, ) if self._is_appliance: def _on_activations_received(): cpu_args = [ state.get_activation_for_output(tensor) if isinstance(tensor, torch.Tensor) else tensor for tensor in device_outputs.args ] cpu_kwargs = { key: state.get_activation_for_output(tensor) if isinstance(tensor, torch.Tensor) else tensor for key, tensor in device_outputs.kwargs.items() } self._cached_cpu_activations.append( self.run_on_host(*cpu_args, **cpu_kwargs) ) state.register_activation_callback(_on_activations_received) else: @cm.step_closure def _run_on_host_closure( device_args: List[Any], device_kwargs: Dict[str, Any], ): device_args = cm.to_cpu(device_args) device_kwargs = cm.to_cpu(device_kwargs) self._cached_cpu_activations.append( self.run_on_host(*device_args, **device_kwargs) ) _run_on_host_closure( device_outputs.args, device_outputs.kwargs, ) @cm.step_closure def save(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: """Saves the results. This method is intended to be called inside the training loop whenever the summary results need to be saved. The arguments are passed directly to the `save_on_host` method. NOTE: This method should not be overriden. Instead, `run_on_host` and `save_on_host` should be overriden to provide full functionality. """ if not self._cached_cpu_activations: raise RuntimeError( f"Attempting to save summary {self._name} before it " f"was fetched. Please ensure to run the summary's host " f"closure to fetch the latest value before calling " f"save()." ) for value in self._cached_cpu_activations: self.save_on_host(value, *args, **kwargs) self._cached_cpu_activations.clear() @cm.step_closure def discard(self) -> None: """Discards cached activations on host.""" self._cached_cpu_activations.clear()
[docs]def get_all_summaries() -> Dict[str, CBSummary]: """Returns all registered summaries.""" return _SUMMARIES
[docs]def save_all_summaries(writer: SummaryWriter, step: int) -> None: """Calls `save` on all registered summaries. Args: writer: A writer for writing summaries to events files. step: The current global step. """ for summary in get_all_summaries().values():, step)
[docs]def discard_cached_summaries() -> None: """Discards cached activations for all summaries.""" for summary in get_all_summaries().values(): summary.discard()