Source code for common.pytorch.run_cstorch_flow

# Copyright 2022 Cerebras Systems.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""Generic run scripts build using the cstorch API"""
import logging
import os
import re
import time
import warnings
from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path

import torch

from modelzoo.common.pytorch.half_dtype import half_dtype_instance
from modelzoo.common.pytorch.utils import (
from modelzoo.common.run_utils.utils import DeviceType

[docs]def run_cstorch_flow(params, model_fn, train_data_fn, eval_data_fn): """ Set up the cstorch run and call the appropriate helper based on the mode Args: params: the params dictionary extracted from the params.yaml used model_fn: A callable that takes in the params dictionary and returns a torch.nn.Module train_data_fn: A callable that takes in the param dictionary and returns a eval_data_fn: A callable that takes in the param dictionary and returns a """ import cerebras_pytorch.experimental as cstorch from cerebras_appliance.run_utils import get_debug_args runconfig = params["runconfig"] if "seed" in runconfig: # Ensure we set seed before any model initialization torch.manual_seed(runconfig["seed"]) debug_args = None if runconfig.get("debug_args_path"): debug_args = get_debug_args(runconfig["debug_args_path"]) # Configure the Cerebras Wafer Scale cluster cs_config = cstorch.utils.CSConfig( num_csx=runconfig.get("num_csx"), max_wgt_servers=runconfig.get("num_wgt_servers"), mgmt_address=runconfig.get("mgmt_address"), credentials_path=runconfig.get("credentials_path"), debug_args=debug_args, mount_dirs=runconfig.get("mount_dirs"), python_paths=runconfig.get("python_paths"), transfer_processes=runconfig.get("transfer_processes"), num_workers_per_csx=runconfig.get("num_workers_per_csx"), job_labels=runconfig.get("job_labels"), max_act_per_csx=runconfig.get("num_act_servers"), job_time_sec=runconfig.get("job_time_sec"), disable_version_check=runconfig["disable_version_check"], ) # Set up logging level setup_logging( runconfig.get("logging"), runconfig.get("streamer_logging"), logging_dir=runconfig.get("model_dir"), ) if runconfig["mode"] == "train": run_cstorch_train(params, model_fn, train_data_fn, cs_config) elif runconfig["mode"] == "eval": run_cstorch_eval(params, model_fn, eval_data_fn, cs_config)
[docs]def run_cstorch_train(params, model_fn, input_fn, cs_config): """ Runs the training workflow built using the cstorch API Args: params: the params dictionary extracted from the params.yaml used model_fn: A callable that takes in the params dictionary and returns a torch.nn.Module input_data_fn: A callable that takes in the param dictionary and returns a """ import cerebras_pytorch.experimental as cstorch runconfig = params["runconfig"] model_dir = runconfig["model_dir"] compile_dir = runconfig.get("compile_dir") log_steps = runconfig.get("log_steps") checkpoint_steps = runconfig.get("checkpoint_steps") compile_only = runconfig.get("compile_only", False) validate_only = runconfig.get("validate_only", False) drop_data = runconfig.get("drop_data", False) log_summaries = params["optimizer"].get("log_summaries", False) precision_opt_level = None model_pol = params["model"].get("precision_opt_level") if model_pol is not None: warnings.warn( "Passing `precision_opt_level` via `model` params is deprecated. " "Please use `params[\"runconfig\"][\"precision_opt_level\"]`" ) precision_opt_level = runconfig.get("precision_opt_level", model_pol) if precision_opt_level != model_pol and model_pol is not None: logging.warning( f"Using `precision_opt_level:{precision_opt_level}` from `runconfig` " f"instead of `{model_pol}` from `model`" ) if precision_opt_level is None: precision_opt_level = 1 cs_config.precision_opt_level = precision_opt_level use_bfloat16 = params["model"].get("use_bfloat16", False) half_dtype_instance.use_bfloat16 = use_bfloat16 if use_bfloat16: cstorch.amp.use_bfloat16(True) optimizer_params = params["optimizer"] grad_scaler = None loss_scale = params["optimizer"].get("loss_scaling_factor", 1.0) if loss_scale == "dynamic" and use_bfloat16: optimizer_params["loss_scaling_factor"] = 1.0 f"No need to use DLS for loss when `use_bfloat16` is set to" " `True`. Setting `loss_scaling_factor ` to `1.0`." ) use_cstorch_optimizer_step = runconfig.get( "use_cstorch_optimizer_step", False ) # Default to only keeping the 5 latest checkpoints. max_checkpoints = runconfig.get("max_checkpoints", 5) target_device = runconfig["target_device"] if target_device == DeviceType.CSX: backend = cstorch.backend( "CSX", artifact_dir=os.path.join(model_dir, "cerebras_logs"), compile_dir=compile_dir, compile_only=compile_only, validate_only=validate_only, drop_data=drop_data, max_checkpoints=max_checkpoints, ) elif target_device == DeviceType.CPU: backend = cstorch.backend("CPU", max_checkpoints=max_checkpoints,) with backend.device: model = model_fn(params) compiled_model = cstorch.compile(model, backend) compiled_model.train() # learning rate scaling params lr_adjustment_scalars = [] lr_adjustment_layers = [] if optimizer_params.get("adjust_learning_rate"): for layer_type, adjustment_scalar in optimizer_params.get( "adjust_learning_rate" ).items(): lr_adjustment_layers.append(layer_type) lr_adjustment_scalars.append(adjustment_scalar) assert len(lr_adjustment_scalars) == len( lr_adjustment_layers ), "number of keys for layer types should match the number of scalars" param_optimizer = list(named_parameters_requiring_grad(model)) # default: assemble all params in 1 group param_optimizer_grouped = [{"params": list(param_optimizer)}] # split param_groups in 2 groups: with and without weight decay param_optimizer_grouped = partition_params_groups_with_weight_decay( model, param_optimizer_grouped, optimizer_params.get("weight_decay_rate", 0.0), ) # create additional param groups for each layer type with lr adjustment scalar param_optimizer_grouped = partition_params_groups_with_adjusted_lr( model, param_optimizer_grouped, lr_adjustment_layers, lr_adjustment_scalars, ) # remove param name from the (name, param) tuple as the name was only used for referencing # while grouping params for group_idx in range(len(param_optimizer_grouped)): param_list = [] for _, param in param_optimizer_grouped[group_idx]["params"]: param_list.append(param) param_optimizer_grouped[group_idx].pop("params") param_optimizer_grouped[group_idx]["params"] = param_list optimizer = cstorch.optim.configure_optimizer( optimizer_type=optimizer_params.pop("optimizer_type"), params=param_optimizer_grouped, **optimizer_params, ) lr_scheduler = cstorch.optim.configure_lr_scheduler( optimizer, optimizer_params.get("learning_rate"), ) if loss_scale is not None: if backend.is_csx: grad_scaler = cstorch.amp.GradScaler( loss_scale=optimizer_params.get("loss_scaling_factor"), init_scale=optimizer_params.get("initial_loss_scale"), steps_per_increase=optimizer_params.get("steps_per_increase"), min_loss_scale=optimizer_params.get("min_loss_scale"), max_loss_scale=optimizer_params.get("max_loss_scale"), max_gradient_norm=optimizer_params.get("max_gradient_norm"), ) elif backend.is_gpu: grad_scaler = torch.cuda.amp.GradScaler() else: logging.warning( f"Gradient scaling is not supported on " f"{}. " f"Disabling gradient scaling for this run" ) @cstorch.checkpoint_closure def save_checkpoint(step):"Saving checkpoint at step {step}") checkpoint_file = os.path.join(model_dir, f"checkpoint_{step}.mdl") if os.path.exists(checkpoint_file): # If checkpoint path already exists, need to come up with a unique # name. Appending the current time, should be sufficient checkpoint_file = os.path.join( model_dir, f"checkpoint_{step}_{}.mdl", ) state_dict = { "model": model.state_dict(), "optimizer": optimizer.state_dict(), } if lr_scheduler: state_dict["lr_scheduler"] = lr_scheduler.state_dict() if grad_scaler: state_dict["grad_scaler"] = grad_scaler.state_dict() state_dict["global_step"] = step, checkpoint_file)"Saved checkpoint {checkpoint_file}") def load_checkpoint(checkpoint_path):"Loading weights from checkpoint {checkpoint_path}") state_dict = cstorch.load(checkpoint_path) model.load_state_dict(state_dict["model"]) if not runconfig.get("is_pretrained_checkpoint", False): optimizer.load_state_dict(state_dict["optimizer"]) if lr_scheduler and "lr_scheduler" in state_dict: lr_scheduler.load_state_dict(state_dict["lr_scheduler"]) if grad_scaler and "grad_scaler" in state_dict: grad_scaler.load_state_dict(state_dict["grad_scaler"]) global_step = state_dict.get("global_step", 0) return global_step global_step = 0 if compile_only or validate_only: # Don't bother loading a checkpoint if only compiling/validating pass elif runconfig.get("checkpoint_path") is not None: global_step = load_checkpoint(runconfig["checkpoint_path"]) elif runconfig.get("autoload_last_checkpoint", True): # get the path to the checkpoint with the highest global step last_checkpoint = get_latest_checkpoint(model_dir) if last_checkpoint:"Found latest checkpoint at {last_checkpoint}") global_step = load_checkpoint(last_checkpoint) else: f"Expected checkpoints named `checkpoint_(\\d+).mdl` " f"in {model_dir} but found None. " f"Using randomly initialized model parameters." ) else: f"No checkpoint was provided, using randomly initialized model " f"parameters." ) if runconfig.get("save_initial_checkpoint", False) and not compile_only: save_checkpoint(global_step) writer = cstorch.utils.tensorboard.SummaryWriter( log_dir=os.path.join(model_dir, "train") ) @cstorch.compile_step def training_step(*args, **kwargs): loss = compiled_model(*args, **kwargs) if log_summaries: compute_params_norm(compiled_model) if not grad_scaler: optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() optimizer.step() elif use_cstorch_optimizer_step: cstorch.amp.optimizer_step( loss, optimizer, grad_scaler, max_gradient_norm=optimizer_params.get("max_gradient_norm"), max_gradient_value=optimizer_params.get("max_gradient_value"), ) else: optimizer_step_with_summaries( loss, optimizer, grad_scaler, max_gradient_norm=optimizer_params.get("max_gradient_norm"), max_gradient_value=optimizer_params.get("max_gradient_value"), log_summaries=log_summaries, model=compiled_model, ) if lr_scheduler: lr_scheduler.step() # Extract the loss scale value from the grad scaler loss_scale = None # return final values return loss, loss_scale # Counts the total number of steps actually executed total_steps = 0 @cstorch.step_closure def post_training_step(loss, loss_scale): nonlocal total_steps is_log_step = executor.on_final_iteration or ( log_steps and global_step % log_steps == 0 ) # extract the loss scalar if is_log_step: rate = executor.profiler.rate() global_rate = executor.profiler.global_rate() # Print some logs to provide an update to the client f"| Train Device={backend.device}, " f"Step={global_step}, " f"Loss={loss.item():.5f}, " f"Rate={rate:.2f} samples/sec, " f"GlobalRate={global_rate:.2f} samples/sec" ) # record rates in tensorboard for future reference writer.add_scalar("local_samples_per_sec", rate, global_step) writer.add_scalar("avg_samples_per_sec", global_rate, global_step) writer.add_scalar( "avg_steps_per_sec", global_rate / dataloader.batch_size, global_step, ) # Save the loss value to be able to plot the loss curve writer.add_scalar("loss", loss.item(), global_step) msg_postfix = ( "This could potentially be due to selected hyperparameters such as " "the learning rate, batch size, etc. or it could due an internal " "error. Please try with different set of hyperparameters and " "contact Cerebras Support if the issue persists." ) if torch.isnan(loss).any().item(): raise ValueError(f"NaN loss detected. {msg_postfix}") if torch.isinf(loss).any().item(): raise ValueError(f"inf loss detected. {msg_postfix}") if lr_scheduler: for group, lr in enumerate(lr_scheduler.get_last_lr()): writer.add_scalar(f"lr.{group}", lr, global_step) total_steps += 1 dataloader =, params) if compile_only or validate_only: num_steps = None else: num_steps = dataloader, initial_step=global_step, num_steps=runconfig.get("num_steps"), max_steps=runconfig.get("max_steps"), num_epochs=runconfig.get("num_epochs"), steps_per_epoch=runconfig.get("steps_per_epoch"), ) executor = dataloader, num_steps=num_steps, checkpoint_steps=checkpoint_steps, cs_config=cs_config, writer=writer, ) start_time = time.time() # The main training loop try: for batch in executor: loss, loss_scale = training_step(batch) global_step += 1 # Wait for outputs to become available to fetch from the CS system(s) post_training_step(loss, loss_scale) # only saves checkpoint if current step is a checkpoint step save_checkpoint(global_step) if not (compile_only or validate_only):"Training completed successfully!") finally: if not (compile_only or validate_only): # compute the total samples processed based on the number of steps # and the number of Cerebras systems in the cluster total_samples = total_steps * dataloader.batch_size end_time = time.time() f"Processed {total_samples} sample(s) " f"in {end_time - start_time} seconds." )
[docs]def run_cstorch_eval(params, model_fn, input_fn, cs_config): """ Runs the evaluatiion workflow built using the cstorch API Args: params: the params dictionary extracted from the params.yaml used model_fn: A callable that takes in the params dictionary and returns a torch.nn.Module input_data_fn: A callable that takes in the param dictionary and returns a """ import cerebras_pytorch.experimental as cstorch import cerebras_pytorch.experimental.metrics as metrics runconfig = params["runconfig"] model_dir = runconfig["model_dir"] compile_dir = runconfig.get("compile_dir") log_steps = runconfig.get("log_steps") compile_only = runconfig.get("compile_only", False) validate_only = runconfig.get("validate_only", False) drop_data = runconfig.get("drop_data", False) precision_opt_level = None model_pol = params["model"].get("precision_opt_level") if model_pol is not None: warnings.warn( "Passing `precision_opt_level` via `model` params is deprecated. " "Please use `params[\"runconfig\"][\"precision_opt_level\"]`" ) precision_opt_level = runconfig.get("precision_opt_level", model_pol) if precision_opt_level != model_pol and model_pol is not None: logging.warning( f"Using `precision_opt_level:{precision_opt_level}` from `runconfig` " f"instead of `{model_pol}` from `model`" ) if precision_opt_level is None: precision_opt_level = 1 cs_config.precision_opt_level = precision_opt_level use_bfloat16 = params["model"].get("use_bfloat16", False) half_dtype_instance.use_bfloat16 = use_bfloat16 if use_bfloat16: cstorch.amp.use_bfloat16(True) target_device = runconfig["target_device"] if target_device == DeviceType.CSX: backend = cstorch.backend( "CSX", artifact_dir=os.path.join(model_dir, "cerebras_logs"), compile_dir=compile_dir, compile_only=compile_only, validate_only=validate_only, drop_data=drop_data, ) elif target_device == DeviceType.CPU: backend = cstorch.backend("CPU") with backend.device: model = model_fn(params) compiled_model = cstorch.compile(model, backend) def load_checkpoint(checkpoint_path):"Loading weights from checkpoint {checkpoint_path}") state_dict = cstorch.load(checkpoint_path) model.load_state_dict(state_dict["model"]) global_step = state_dict.get("global_step", 0) return global_step global_step = 0 if compile_only or validate_only: # Don't bother loading a checkpoint if only compiling/validating pass elif runconfig.get("checkpoint_path") is not None: global_step = load_checkpoint(runconfig["checkpoint_path"]) elif runconfig.get("autoload_last_checkpoint", True): # get the path to the checkpoint with the highest global step last_checkpoint = get_latest_checkpoint(model_dir) if last_checkpoint:"Found latest checkpoint at {last_checkpoint}") global_step = load_checkpoint(last_checkpoint) else: f"Expected checkpoints named `checkpoint_(\\d+).mdl` " f"in {model_dir} but found None. " f"Using randomly initialized model parameters." ) else: f"No checkpoint was provided, using randomly initialized model " f"parameters." ) writer = cstorch.utils.tensorboard.SummaryWriter( log_dir=os.path.join(model_dir, "eval") ) @cstorch.compile_step def eval_step(*args, **kwargs): loss = compiled_model(*args, **kwargs) return loss total_loss = 0 total_steps = 0 @cstorch.step_closure def post_eval_step(loss, step): nonlocal total_loss nonlocal total_steps is_log_step = executor.on_final_iteration or ( log_steps and step % log_steps == 0 ) rate = executor.profiler.rate() global_rate = executor.profiler.global_rate() is_log_step = executor.on_final_iteration or ( log_steps and global_step % log_steps == 0 ) if is_log_step: # Print some logs to provide an update to the client f"| Eval Device={backend.device}, " f"Step={step}, " f"Loss={loss.item():.5f}, " f"Rate={rate:.2f} samples/sec, " f"GlobalRate={global_rate:.2f} samples/sec" ) if executor.on_final_iteration: # log the throughput of the eval run to tensorboard on the last step writer.add_scalar("local_samples_per_sec", rate, global_step) writer.add_scalar("avg_samples_per_sec", global_rate, global_step) writer.add_scalar( "avg_steps_per_sec", global_rate / dataloader.batch_size, global_step, ) if torch.isnan(loss).any().item(): raise ValueError("NaN loss detected.") if torch.isinf(loss).any().item(): raise ValueError("inf loss detected.") total_loss += loss.item() total_steps += 1 dataloader =, params) if compile_only or validate_only: num_steps = None else: num_steps = dataloader, num_steps=runconfig.get("eval_steps"), num_epochs=1 ) executor = dataloader, num_steps=num_steps, cs_config=cs_config, writer=writer, ) start_time = time.time() try: for step, batch in enumerate(executor, start=1): loss = eval_step(batch) post_eval_step(loss, step) if not (compile_only or validate_only): for name, value in metrics.compute_all_metrics().items(): writer.add_scalar(name, value, global_step)"Metric: {name} = {value}") avg_eval_loss = total_loss / total_steps writer.add_scalar("loss", avg_eval_loss, global_step)"Avg Eval Loss: {avg_eval_loss}")"Evaluation completed successfully!") finally: if not (compile_only or validate_only): # compute the total samples processed based on the number of steps # and the number of Cerebras systems in the cluster end_time = time.time() total_samples = total_steps * dataloader.batch_size f"Processed {total_samples} sample(s) " f"in {end_time - start_time} seconds." )
[docs]def get_latest_checkpoint(model_dir): """Get the path to the checkpoint with the highest global step""" checkpoints = sorted( Path(model_dir).glob("checkpoint_*.mdl"), key=lambda p: int(re.match(r"checkpoint_(\d+).mdl",, ) if len(checkpoints) > 0: return checkpoints[-1] else: return None
[docs]def compute_params_norm(model): """Compute the model wise norm of the parameters""" import cerebras_pytorch.experimental as cstorch param_norm = torch.tensor(0.0).to(model.device) for _, param in model.named_parameters(): if param.requires_grad: # simply add if we want to include all params param_norm += torch.pow(torch.norm(param), 2.0) cstorch.summarize_scalar("model_wise_params_norm", torch.sqrt(param_norm))
[docs]def compute_grad_norm(model): """Compute the model wise and per layer norm of the gradients""" import cerebras_pytorch.experimental as cstorch params_grad_norm = torch.tensor(0.0).to(model.device) for _, param in model.named_parameters(): if param.grad is not None: params_grad_norm += torch.pow(torch.norm(param.grad), 2.0) params_grad_norm = torch.sqrt(params_grad_norm) cstorch.summarize_scalar("model_wise_grad_norm", params_grad_norm) per_layer_grad_norm = {} layer_pattern = re.compile(r".*(layers\.)(\d+)(\.).*") for name, param in model.named_parameters(): if param.grad is None: continue # get a match if module name contains `layers.i.0` where i is layer num match = layer_pattern.match(name) if match: layer_id = if layer_id not in per_layer_grad_norm: per_layer_grad_norm[layer_id] = torch.tensor(0.0).to( model.device ) per_layer_grad_norm[layer_id] += torch.pow( torch.norm(param.grad), 2.0 ) for layer_id in per_layer_grad_norm: cstorch.summarize_scalar( f"per_layer_grad_norm/layer_{layer_id}", torch.sqrt(per_layer_grad_norm[layer_id]), )
[docs]def optimizer_step_with_summaries( loss: torch.Tensor, optimizer: "cstorch.optim.Optimizer", grad_scaler: "cstorch.amp.GradScaler", max_gradient_norm: float = None, max_gradient_value: float = None, log_summaries: bool = False, model: torch.nn.Module = None, ): """ Customized equivalent to cstorch.amp.optimizer_step additionally featuring grad norm summaries """ optimizer.zero_grad() grad_scaler.scale(loss).backward() # Unscales the gradients of optimizer's assigned params in-place grad_scaler.unscale_(optimizer) if log_summaries: assert model is not None compute_grad_norm(model) # gradient clipping if max_gradient_norm is not None and max_gradient_norm < 0.0: raise ValueError( f"max_gradient_norm has to be a non-negative float. Got " f"{max_gradient_norm}" ) if max_gradient_value is not None and max_gradient_value < 0.0: raise ValueError( f"max_gradient_value has to be a non-negative float. Got " f"{max_gradient_value}" ) if max_gradient_norm is not None and max_gradient_value is not None: raise ValueError( f"Gradients can be clipped by norm(={max_gradient_norm}) or by " f"value(={max_gradient_value}), but not both. " f"Do not set both `max_gradient_norm` and `max_gradient_value`." ) params = ( p for param_group in optimizer.param_groups for p in param_group["params"] ) if max_gradient_norm is not None: torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(list(params), max_gradient_norm) elif max_gradient_value is not None: torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_value_(list(params), max_gradient_value) grad_scaler.step(optimizer) grad_scaler.update()