Source code for common.pytorch.optim.lr_scheduler

# Copyright 2022 Cerebras Systems.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import abc
import math
import string
import warnings
from bisect import bisect_right
from typing import List

import torch

from modelzoo.common.pytorch import cb_model as cm

[docs]class LRScheduler(torch.optim.lr_scheduler.LambdaLR, abc.ABC): """ Cerebras specific learning rate scheduler base class. The learning rate schedulers implemented in this file are specifically designed to be run on a Cerebras system. This means that there are certain caveats to these custom schedulers that differ from a typical LR scheduler found in core PyTorch. The learning rate schedulers here are intended to be stepped at every iteration. This means `lr_scheduler.step()` should be called after every `optimizer.step()`. Hence, the learning rate schedulers operate on a step-by-step basis. Having said that, there are some variables used such as `last_epoch` that might indicate otherwise. The only reason these variables are used is to match what is used in core PyTorch. It does *not* indicate that things are operating on an epoch-by-epoch basis. Also, note that the above means that our LR schedulers are incompatible with the LR schedulers found in core PyTorch. The state cannot simply be transferred between the two. So, one of the LR schedulers defined here must be used in order to have LR scheduling on the Cerebras system. """ global_start_step = 0 initial_epoch = 0
[docs] def __init__( self, optimizer, decay_steps: int = None, disable_lr_steps_reset: bool = False, ): self.decay_steps = decay_steps self.disable_lr_steps_reset = disable_lr_steps_reset self.start_step = LRScheduler.global_start_step if decay_steps is not None: LRScheduler.global_start_step += decay_steps self.cb_scheduler = None # Cerebras specific learning rate scheduler configuration if cm.use_cs(): from modelzoo.common.pytorch import cbtorch if not isinstance(optimizer, cbtorch.optim.Optimizer): raise TypeError( f"Expected a Cerebras Optimizer. Got: {type(optimizer)}" ) self.cb_scheduler = self._configure_cerebras_lrs(optimizer) super().__init__(optimizer._optimizer, lr_lambda=self.lr_function) self._last_lr = 0.1 else: super().__init__(optimizer, lr_lambda=self.lr_function) LRScheduler.initial_epoch = self.last_epoch
def _configure_cerebras_lrs(self, optimizer): raise NotImplementedError( f"Cerebras LR scheduler configuration is not implemented for: {self}" )
[docs] def lr_function(self, global_step): if cm.use_cs(): # technically should be one lr tensor for each param group # for now assume all lr are same across param groups lr = self._lr_function(global_step) self._last_lr = [lr for group in self.optimizer.param_groups] return lr else: return self._lr_function(torch.tensor(global_step)).item()
@abc.abstractmethod def _lr_function(self, global_step): raise NotImplementedError( f"_lr_function is not implemented for: {self}" )
[docs] def get_lr(self): if not self._get_lr_called_within_step: warnings.warn( "to get the last learning rate computed by the scheduler, " "please use `get_last_lr()`." ) # note, different from the parent class, # we ignore the base learning rate entirely return [lmbda(self.last_epoch) for lmbda in self.lr_lambdas]
[docs] def state_dict(self): if cm.is_appliance(): # update last epoch as step is only called once self.last_epoch = cm.get_run_step() + LRScheduler.initial_epoch state = super().state_dict() state.pop("cb_scheduler", None) state.pop("_last_lr", None) return state
[docs] def load_state_dict(self, state_dict: dict): super().load_state_dict(state_dict) LRScheduler.initial_epoch = self.last_epoch # Make sure the learning rate schedules are set properly if not cm.use_cs(): self._step_count = 0 self.last_epoch -= 1 super().step()
[docs] def step(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Steps the scheduler and computes the latest learning rate Only sets the last_epoch if running on CS """ if cm.use_cs(): if self.last_epoch == -1: self.last_epoch = 0 else: self.last_epoch = cm.get_run_step() + LRScheduler.initial_epoch else: super().step(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class ConstantLR(LRScheduler): r"""Maintains a constant learning rate for each parameter group (no decaying). Args: optimizer: The optimizer to schedule val: The learning_rate value to maintain decay_steps: The number of steps to decay for """
[docs] def __init__( self, optimizer: torch.optim.Optimizer, val: float, decay_steps: int = None, disable_lr_steps_reset: bool = False, ): self.learning_rate = val super().__init__(optimizer, decay_steps, disable_lr_steps_reset)
def _configure_cerebras_lrs(self, optimizer): from modelzoo.common.pytorch import cbtorch return cbtorch.optim.lr_scheduler.Constant( optimizer, self.learning_rate, self.decay_steps, self.disable_lr_steps_reset, ) def _lr_function(self, global_step): return torch.tensor(self.learning_rate, device=global_step.device)
[docs]class PolynomialLR(LRScheduler): r"""Decays the learning rate of each parameter group using a polynomial function in the given `decay_steps`. This class is similar to the `Pytorch PolynomialLR LRS`_. Args: optimizer: The optimizer to schedule initial_learning_rate: The initial learning rate. end_learning_rate: The final learning rate decay_steps: Number of steps to perform the decay power: Exponent to apply to "x" (as in y=mx+b), which is ratio of step completion (1 for linear) Default: 1.0 (only Linear supported at the moment) cycle: Whether to cycle .. _Pytorch PolynomialLR LRS: """
[docs] def __init__( self, optimizer: torch.optim.Optimizer, initial_learning_rate: float, end_learning_rate: float, decay_steps: int, power: float = 1.0, cycle: bool = False, disable_lr_steps_reset: bool = False, ): self.initial_learning_rate = initial_learning_rate self.end_learning_rate = end_learning_rate self.power = power self.cycle = cycle super().__init__(optimizer, decay_steps, disable_lr_steps_reset)
def _configure_cerebras_lrs(self, optimizer): from modelzoo.common.pytorch import cbtorch return cbtorch.optim.lr_scheduler.Polynomial( optimizer, self.initial_learning_rate, self.end_learning_rate, self.decay_steps, self.power, self.cycle, self.disable_lr_steps_reset, ) def _lr_function(self, global_step): lr_diff = self.initial_learning_rate - self.end_learning_rate alpha = torch.tensor( 1.0, dtype=torch.float32, device=global_step.device ) if self.cycle: alpha = torch.add(global_step, 1).div(self.decay_steps).ceil() return torch.where( global_step >= self.decay_steps, torch.tensor( self.end_learning_rate, dtype=torch.float32, device=global_step.device, ), torch.sub( 1, torch.div(global_step, torch.mul(self.decay_steps, alpha)), ) .pow(self.power) .mul(lr_diff) .add(self.end_learning_rate) .float(), )
[docs]class ExponentialLR(LRScheduler): r"""Decays the learning rate of each parameter group by `decay_rate` every step. This class is similar to the `Pytorch ExponentialLR LRS`_. Args: optimizer: The optimizer to schedule initial_learning_rate: The initial learning rate. decay_steps: Number of steps to perform the decay decay_rate: The decay rate staircase: If True decay the learning rate at discrete intervals .. _Pytorch ExponentialLR LRS: """
[docs] def __init__( self, optimizer: torch.optim.Optimizer, initial_learning_rate: float, decay_steps: int, decay_rate: float, staircase: bool = False, disable_lr_steps_reset: bool = False, ): self.initial_learning_rate = float(initial_learning_rate) self.decay_rate = decay_rate self.staircase = staircase super().__init__(optimizer, decay_steps, disable_lr_steps_reset)
def _configure_cerebras_lrs(self, optimizer): from modelzoo.common.pytorch import cbtorch return cbtorch.optim.lr_scheduler.Exponential( optimizer, self.initial_learning_rate, self.decay_steps, self.decay_rate, self.staircase, self.disable_lr_steps_reset, ) def _lr_function(self, global_step): power = torch.div(global_step, self.decay_steps) if self.staircase: power.floor_() return torch.pow(self.decay_rate, power).mul(self.initial_learning_rate)
[docs]class InverseExponentialTimeDecayLR(LRScheduler): r"""Decays the learning rate inverse-exponentially over time, as described in the `Keras InverseTimeDecay class`_. Args: optimizer: The optimizer to schedule initial_learning_rate: The initial learning rate. step_exponent: Exponential value. decay_steps: Number of steps to perform the decay. decay_rate: The decay rate. staircase: If True decay the learning rate at discrete intervals. .. _Keras InverseTimeDecay class: """
[docs] def __init__( self, optimizer: torch.optim.Optimizer, initial_learning_rate: float, step_exponent: int, decay_steps: int, decay_rate: float, staircase: bool = False, disable_lr_steps_reset: bool = False, ): self.initial_learning_rate = initial_learning_rate self.step_exponent = step_exponent self.decay_rate = decay_rate self.staircase = staircase super().__init__(optimizer, decay_steps, disable_lr_steps_reset)
def _configure_cerebras_lrs(self, optimizer): from modelzoo.common.pytorch import cbtorch return cbtorch.optim.lr_scheduler.InverseExponentialTimeDecay( optimizer, self.initial_learning_rate, self.step_exponent, self.decay_steps, self.decay_rate, self.staircase, self.disable_lr_steps_reset, ) def _lr_function(self, global_step): alpha = torch.div( torch.pow(global_step.float(), self.step_exponent), self.decay_steps ) if self.staircase: alpha.floor_() return torch.div( torch.tensor( self.initial_learning_rate, dtype=torch.float32, device=global_step.device, ), torch.mul(alpha, self.decay_rate).add(1.0), )
[docs]class InverseSquareRootDecayLR(LRScheduler): r"""Decays the learning rate inverse-squareroot over time, as described in the following equation: .. math:: \begin{aligned} lr_t & = \frac{\text{scale}}{\sqrt{\max\{t, \text{warmup_steps}\}}}. \end{aligned} Args: optimizer: The optimizer to schedule initial_learning_rate: The initial learning rate. scale: Multiplicative factor to scale the result. warmup_steps: use initial_learning_rate for the first warmup_steps. """
[docs] def __init__( self, optimizer: torch.optim.Optimizer, initial_learning_rate: float, scale: float, warmup_steps: int, disable_lr_steps_reset: bool = False, ): self.initial_learning_rate = initial_learning_rate self.scale = scale self.warmup_steps = warmup_steps super().__init__( optimizer, decay_steps=None, disable_lr_steps_reset=disable_lr_steps_reset, )
def _configure_cerebras_lrs(self, optimizer): from modelzoo.common.pytorch import cbtorch return cbtorch.optim.lr_scheduler.InverseSquareRootDecay( optimizer, self.initial_learning_rate, self.scale, self.warmup_steps, self.disable_lr_steps_reset, ) def _lr_function(self, global_step): return torch.div( torch.tensor( self.scale, dtype=torch.float32, device=global_step.device ), torch.sqrt( torch.max( torch.tensor( self.warmup_steps, dtype=torch.float32, device=global_step.device, ), global_step, ) ), ).mul(self.initial_learning_rate)
[docs]class CosineDecayLR(LRScheduler): r"""Applies the cosine decay schedule as described in the `Keras CosineDecay class`_. Args: optimizer: The optimizer to schedule initial_learning_rate: The initial learning rate. end_learning_rate: The final learning rate decay_steps: Number of steps to perform the decay .. _Keras CosineDecay class: """
[docs] def __init__( self, optimizer: torch.optim.Optimizer, initial_learning_rate: float, end_learning_rate: float, decay_steps: int, disable_lr_steps_reset: bool = False, ): self.initial_learning_rate = initial_learning_rate self.end_learning_rate = end_learning_rate super().__init__(optimizer, decay_steps, disable_lr_steps_reset)
def _configure_cerebras_lrs(self, optimizer): from modelzoo.common.pytorch import cbtorch return cbtorch.optim.lr_scheduler.CosineDecay( optimizer, self.initial_learning_rate, self.end_learning_rate, self.decay_steps, self.disable_lr_steps_reset, ) def _lr_function(self, global_step): lr_diff = self.initial_learning_rate - self.end_learning_rate # clip the steps to be at most decay_steps step = torch.minimum( torch.tensor( self.decay_steps, dtype=torch.float32, device=global_step.device ), global_step, ) # where we are at the cosine curve progress = ( torch.div(math.pi, self.decay_steps).mul(step).cos().add(1).mul(0.5) ) return torch.mul(progress, lr_diff).add(self.end_learning_rate)
[docs]class SequentialLR(torch.optim.lr_scheduler.SequentialLR): r"""Receives the list of schedulers that is expected to be called sequentially during optimization process and milestone points that provides exact intervals to reflect which scheduler is supposed to be called at a given step. This class is a wrapper around the `Pytorch SequentialLR LRS`_. Args: optimizer: Wrapped optimizer schedulers (list): List of chained schedulers. milestones (list): List of integers that reflects milestone points. last_epoch (int): The index of last epoch. Default: -1. .. _Pytorch SequentialLR LRS: """
[docs] def __init__(self, optimizer, *args, **kwargs): if cm.use_cs(): from modelzoo.common.pytorch import cbtorch if not isinstance(optimizer, cbtorch.optim.Optimizer): raise TypeError( f"Expected a Cerebras Optimizer. Got: {type(optimizer)}" ) optimizer = optimizer._optimizer super().__init__(optimizer, *args, **kwargs) LRScheduler.initial_epoch = self.last_epoch self._init_step()
[docs] def state_dict(self): if cm.is_appliance(): # update last epoch as step is only called once self.last_epoch = cm.get_run_step() + LRScheduler.initial_epoch state = super().state_dict() state.pop("_last_lr", None) return state
[docs] def load_state_dict(self, state_dict: dict): super().load_state_dict(state_dict) LRScheduler.initial_epoch = self.last_epoch self._init_step()
def _init_step(self): # Step the current schedule once more in order to # make sure the learning rate is set properly if not cm.use_cs(): idx = bisect_right(self._milestones, self.last_epoch) scheduler = self._schedulers[idx] if idx > 0 and self._milestones[idx - 1] == self.last_epoch: scheduler.last_epoch = -1 scheduler._step_count = 0 else: scheduler.last_epoch -= 1 scheduler._step_count -= 1 scheduler.step() self._last_lr = scheduler.get_last_lr()
[docs] def lr_function(self, global_step): if cm.use_cs(): # technically should be one lr tensor for each param group # for now assume all lr are same across param groups lr = self._lr_function(global_step) self._last_lr = [lr for group in self.optimizer.param_groups] return lr else: return self._lr_function(torch.tensor(global_step)).item()
# Iterate through all milestones and select the correct LR scheduler # based on global step. def _lr_function(self, global_step): new_lr = self._schedulers[0].lr_function(global_step) for idx, milestone in enumerate(self._milestones): # If current global step is equal or greater than # the 'milestone', we will choose the corresponding # LR scheduler which is indexed 'idx+1' in 'self._schedulers`. # Otherwise, we will use the LR scheduler from previous iteration. res = torch.where( global_step < milestone, torch.tensor(new_lr, dtype=torch.float32), torch.tensor( self._schedulers[idx + 1].lr_function( global_step - milestone ), dtype=torch.float32, ), ) new_lr = res return new_lr
[docs] def step(self): if cm.use_cs(): self.last_epoch = cm.get_run_step() + LRScheduler.initial_epoch else: self.last_epoch += 1 idx = bisect_right(self._milestones, self.last_epoch) scheduler = self._schedulers[idx] if idx > 0 and self._milestones[idx - 1] == self.last_epoch: scheduler.last_epoch = -1 scheduler.step() if not cm.use_cs(): self._last_lr = scheduler.get_last_lr()
[docs]class PiecewiseConstantLR(SequentialLR): r"""Adjusts the learning rate to a predefined constant at each milestone and holds this value until the next milestone. Notice that such adjustment can happen simultaneously with other changes to the learning rate from outside this scheduler. Args: optimizer: The optimizer to schedule learning_rates: List of learning rates to maintain before/during each milestone. milestones: List of step indices. Must be increasing. """
[docs] def __init__( self, optimizer, learning_rates: List[float], milestones: List[int], disable_lr_steps_reset: bool = False, ): schedulers = [] boundaries = [0] boundaries.extend(milestones) for lr, b1, b2 in zip(learning_rates, boundaries[:-1], boundaries[1:]): schedulers.append( ConstantLR(optimizer, lr, b2 - b1, disable_lr_steps_reset) ) # Final learning rate schedulers.append( ConstantLR( optimizer, learning_rates[-1], disable_lr_steps_reset=disable_lr_steps_reset, ) ) super().__init__(optimizer, schedulers, milestones)
[docs]class MultiStepLR(LRScheduler): r"""Decays the learning rate of each parameter group by gamma once the number of steps reaches one of the milestones. Notice that such decay can happen simultaneously with other changes to the learning rate from outside this scheduler. This class is similar to the `Pytorch MultiStepLR LRS`_. Args: optimizer: The optimizer to schedule initial_learning_rate: The initial learning rate. gamma: Multiplicative factor of learning rate decay. milestones: List of step indices. Must be increasing. .. _Pytorch MultiStepLR LRS: """
[docs] def __init__( self, optimizer: torch.optim.Optimizer, initial_learning_rate: float, gamma: float, milestones: List[int], disable_lr_steps_reset: bool = False, ): self.initial_learning_rate = initial_learning_rate self.gamma = gamma self.milestones = milestones super().__init__( optimizer, decay_steps=None, disable_lr_steps_reset=False )
def _configure_cerebras_lrs(self, optimizer): from modelzoo.common.pytorch import cbtorch return cbtorch.optim.lr_scheduler.MultiStep( optimizer, self.initial_learning_rate, self.gamma, self.milestones, self.disable_lr_steps_reset, ) def _lr_function(self, global_step): new_lr = torch.tensor( self.initial_learning_rate, dtype=torch.float32, device=global_step.device, ) for milestone in self.milestones: res = torch.where( global_step < milestone, new_lr, torch.mul( torch.tensor( self.gamma, dtype=torch.float32, device=global_step.device, ), new_lr, ), ) new_lr = res return new_lr
[docs]class StepLR(LRScheduler): r"""Decays the learning rate of each parameter group by gamma every `step_size`. Notice that such decay can happen simultaneously with other changes to the learning rate from outside this scheduler. This class is similar to the `Pytorch StepLR LRS`_. Args: optimizer: The optimizer to schedule initial_learning_rate: The initial learning rate. step_size: Period of learning rate decay. gamma: Multiplicative factor of learning rate decay. .. _Pytorch StepLR LRS: """
[docs] def __init__( self, optimizer: torch.optim.Optimizer, initial_learning_rate: float, step_size: int, gamma: float, disable_lr_steps_reset: bool = False, ): self.initial_learning_rate = float(initial_learning_rate) self.gamma = gamma self.step_size = step_size super().__init__( optimizer, decay_steps=None, disable_lr_steps_reset=False )
def _configure_cerebras_lrs(self, optimizer): from modelzoo.common.pytorch import cbtorch return cbtorch.optim.lr_scheduler.Step( optimizer, self.initial_learning_rate, self.gamma, self.step_size, self.disable_lr_steps_reset, ) def _lr_function(self, global_step): return torch.mul( torch.pow( torch.tensor( self.gamma, dtype=torch.float32, device=global_step.device ), torch.div(global_step, self.step_size).floor_(), ), self.initial_learning_rate, )
[docs]class CosineAnnealingLR(LRScheduler): r"""Set the learning rate of each parameter group using a cosine annealing schedule, where :math:`\eta_{max}` is set to the initial lr and :math:`T_{cur}` is the number of steps since the last restart in SGDR: .. math:: \begin{aligned} \eta_t & = \eta_{min} + \frac{1}{2}(\eta_{max} - \eta_{min})\left(1 + \cos\left(\frac{T_{cur}}{T_{max}}\pi\right)\right), & T_{cur} \neq (2k+1)T_{max}; \\ \eta_{t+1} & = \eta_{t} + \frac{1}{2}(\eta_{max} - \eta_{min}) \left(1 - \cos\left(\frac{1}{T_{max}}\pi\right)\right), & T_{cur} = (2k+1)T_{max}. \end{aligned} Notice that because the schedule is defined recursively, the learning rate can be simultaneously modified outside this scheduler by other operators. If the learning rate is set solely by this scheduler, the learning rate at each step becomes: .. math:: \eta_t = \eta_{min} + \frac{1}{2}(\eta_{max} - \eta_{min})\left(1 + \cos\left(\frac{T_{cur}}{T_{max}}\pi\right)\right) It has been proposed in `SGDR: Stochastic Gradient Descent with Warm Restarts`_. Note that this only implements the cosine annealing part of SGDR, and not the restarts. This class is similar to the `Pytorch CosineAnnealingLR LRS`_. Args: optimizer: The optimizer to schedule initial_learning_rate: The initial learning rate. T_max: Maximum number of iterations. eta_min: Minimum learning rate. .. _SGDR\: Stochastic Gradient Descent with Warm Restarts: .. _Pytorch CosineAnnealingLR LRS: """
[docs] def __init__( self, optimizer: torch.optim.Optimizer, initial_learning_rate: float, T_max: int, eta_min: float, disable_lr_steps_reset: bool = False, ): self.initial_learning_rate = float(initial_learning_rate) self.T_max = T_max self.eta_min = eta_min super().__init__( optimizer, decay_steps=None, disable_lr_steps_reset=False )
def _configure_cerebras_lrs(self, optimizer): from modelzoo.common.pytorch import cbtorch return cbtorch.optim.lr_scheduler.CosineAnnealing( optimizer, self.initial_learning_rate, self.T_max, self.eta_min, self.disable_lr_steps_reset, ) def _lr_function(self, global_step): lr_diff = self.initial_learning_rate - self.eta_min a = torch.div( torch.mul(torch.div(global_step, self.T_max), math.pi).cos().add(1), 2, ) return torch.add(torch.mul(a, lr_diff), self.eta_min)
[docs]class LambdaLR(LRScheduler): r"""Sets the learning rate of each parameter group to the initial lr times a given function (which is specified by overriding `set_lr_lambda`). Args: optimizer: The optimizer to schedule initial_learning_rate: The initial learning rate. """
[docs] def __init__( self, optimizer: torch.optim.Optimizer, initial_learning_rate: float, disable_lr_steps_reset: bool = False, ): self.initial_learning_rate = initial_learning_rate super().__init__( optimizer, decay_steps=None, disable_lr_steps_reset=False )
[docs] def set_lr_lambda(self): lambda1 = lambda epoch: torch.div(epoch, 30) lambda2 = lambda epoch: torch.pow( torch.tensor(0.95, dtype=torch.float32, device=epoch.device), epoch, ) lr_lambda = [lambda1, lambda2] return lr_lambda
def _configure_cerebras_lrs(self, optimizer): from modelzoo.common.pytorch import cbtorch return cbtorch.optim.lr_scheduler.Lambda( optimizer, self.initial_learning_rate, self.disable_lr_steps_reset, ) def _lr_function(self, global_step): new_lr = torch.tensor( 1.0, dtype=torch.float32, device=global_step.device, ) lr_lambda = self.set_lr_lambda() for lr in lr_lambda: new_lr = torch.mul( torch.mul( torch.tensor( self.initial_learning_rate, dtype=torch.float32, device=global_step.device, ), lr(global_step), ), new_lr, ) return new_lr
[docs]class CosineAnnealingWarmRestarts(LRScheduler): r"""Set the learning rate of each parameter group using a cosine annealing schedule, where :math:`\eta_{max}` is set to the initial lr, :math:`T_{cur}` is the number of steps since the last restart and :math:`T_{i}` is the number of steps between two warm restarts in SGDR: .. math:: \eta_t = \eta_{min} + \frac{1}{2}(\eta_{max} - \eta_{min})\left(1 + \cos\left(\frac{T_{cur}}{T_{i}}\pi\right)\right) When :math:`T_{cur}=T_{i}`, set :math:`\eta_t = \eta_{min}`. When :math:`T_{cur}=0` after restart, set :math:`\eta_t=\eta_{max}`. It has been proposed in `SGDR: Stochastic Gradient Descent with Warm Restarts`_. This class is similar to the `Pytorch CosineAnnealingWarmRestarts LRS`_. Args: optimizer: The optimizer to schedule initial_learning_rate: The initial learning rate. T_0: Number of iterations for the first restart. T_mult: A factor increases Ti after a restart. Currently T_mult must be set to 1.0 eta_min: Minimum learning rate. .. _SGDR\: Stochastic Gradient Descent with Warm Restarts: .. _Pytorch CosineAnnealingWarmRestarts LRS: """
[docs] def __init__( self, optimizer: torch.optim.Optimizer, initial_learning_rate: float, T_0: int, T_mult: int, eta_min: float, disable_lr_steps_reset: bool = False, ): if T_mult != 1.0: raise ValueError( f"Unsupported value of Parameters 'T_mult' for LR scheduler type CosineAnnealingWarmRestarts, " f"Only supported default T_mult value: 1.0 (SW-76459). " ) self.initial_learning_rate = float(initial_learning_rate) self.T_0 = T_0 self.T_mult = T_mult self.eta_min = eta_min super().__init__( optimizer, decay_steps=None, disable_lr_steps_reset=False )
def _configure_cerebras_lrs(self, optimizer): from modelzoo.common.pytorch import cbtorch return cbtorch.optim.lr_scheduler.CosineAnnealingWarmRestarts( optimizer, self.initial_learning_rate, self.T_0, self.T_mult, self.eta_min, self.disable_lr_steps_reset, ) def _lr_function(self, global_step): tensor_t_i_1 = torch.tensor( self.T_0, dtype=torch.float32, device=global_step.device ) tensor_t_cur_1 = global_step.float() tensor_t_cur_2 = torch.sub( torch.torch.mul( torch.div(global_step, self.T_0).floor_(), self.T_0 ), self.T_0, ) tensor_t_mul = torch.tensor( self.T_mult, dtype=torch.float32, device=global_step.device ) nn = torch.mul( torch.div(global_step, self.T_0), tensor_t_mul.sub(1) ).add(1) n = torch.div(torch.log(nn), torch.log(tensor_t_mul)).floor_() tensor_t_i_3 = torch.pow(tensor_t_mul, n).mul(self.T_0) tensor_t_cur_3 = torch.sub( global_step, torch.div( torch.pow(tensor_t_mul, n).sub(1), tensor_t_mul.sub(1) ).mul(self.T_0), ).float() T_i = torch.where(tensor_t_mul == 1, tensor_t_i_1, tensor_t_i_3) T_cur = torch.where( global_step < self.T_0, tensor_t_cur_1, torch.where(tensor_t_mul == 1, tensor_t_cur_2, tensor_t_cur_3), ) lr_diff = self.initial_learning_rate - self.eta_min a = torch.div( torch.mul(torch.div(T_cur, T_i), math.pi).cos().add(1), 2, ) return torch.add(torch.mul(a, lr_diff), self.eta_min)
[docs]class MultiplicativeLR(LRScheduler): r"""Multiply the learning rate of each parameter group by the supplied coefficient. Args: optimizer: The optimizer to schedule initial_learning_rate: The initial learning rate. coefficient: Multiplicative factor of learning rate. """
[docs] def __init__( self, optimizer: torch.optim.Optimizer, initial_learning_rate: float, coefficient: float, disable_lr_steps_reset: bool = False, ): self.initial_learning_rate = initial_learning_rate self.coefficient = coefficient super().__init__( optimizer, decay_steps=None, disable_lr_steps_reset=False )
[docs] def set_lr_lambda(self): lr_lambda = lambda epoch: self.coefficient return lr_lambda
def _configure_cerebras_lrs(self, optimizer): from modelzoo.common.pytorch import cbtorch return cbtorch.optim.lr_scheduler.Multiplicative( optimizer, self.initial_learning_rate, self.coefficient, self.disable_lr_steps_reset, ) def _lr_function(self, global_step): new_lr = None lr_lambda = self.set_lr_lambda() new_lr = torch.mul( torch.pow( torch.tensor( lr_lambda(global_step), dtype=torch.float32, device=global_step.device, ), global_step, ), self.initial_learning_rate, ) return new_lr
[docs]class ChainedScheduler(torch.optim.lr_scheduler.ChainedScheduler): r"""Chains list of learning rate schedulers. It takes a list of chainable learning rate schedulers and performs consecutive step() functions belonging to them by just one call. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if cm.use_cs(): pass super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.optimizer = self._schedulers[0].optimizer self._init_step()
[docs] def state_dict(self): state = super().state_dict() state.pop("_last_lr", None) return state
def _init_step(self): if not cm.use_cs(): scheduler = self._schedulers scheduler[0].last_epoch = -1 scheduler[0]._step_count = -1 scheduler[0].step() lrs = scheduler[0].get_last_lr() for sched in scheduler[1:]: sched.last_epoch = -1 sched._step_count = 0 sched.step() for idx, lr in enumerate(lrs): lrs[idx] *= ( sched.get_last_lr()[idx] / sched.initial_learning_rate ) self._last_lr = lrs # Save the new rescaled lr into optimizer for idx, group in enumerate( self._schedulers[-1].optimizer.param_groups ): group['lr'] = self._last_lr[idx]
[docs] def lr_function(self, global_step): if cm.use_cs(): # technically should be one lr tensor for each param group # for now assume all lr are same across param groups lr = self._lr_function(global_step) self._last_lr = [lr for group in self.optimizer.param_groups] return lr else: return self._lr_function(torch.tensor(global_step)).item()
def _lr_function(self, global_step): new_lr = self._schedulers[0].lr_function(global_step) for scheduler in self._schedulers[1:]: new_lr = torch.mul( new_lr, torch.div( scheduler.lr_function(global_step), scheduler.initial_learning_rate, ), ) return new_lr
[docs] def step(self): if not cm.use_cs(): scheduler = self._schedulers scheduler[0].step() lrs = scheduler[0].get_last_lr() for sched in scheduler[1:]: sched.step() for idx, lr in enumerate(lrs): lrs[idx] *= ( sched.get_last_lr()[idx] / sched.initial_learning_rate ) self._last_lr = lrs # Save the new rescaled lr into optimizer for idx, group in enumerate( self._schedulers[-1].optimizer.param_groups ): group['lr'] = self._last_lr[idx]
[docs]class CyclicLR(LRScheduler): r"""Sets the learning rate of each parameter group according to cyclical learning rate policy (CLR). The policy cycles the learning rate between two boundaries with a constant frequency, as detailed in the paper `Cyclical Learning Rates for Training Neural Networks`_. The distance between the two boundaries can be scaled on a per-iteration or per-cycle basis. Cyclical learning rate policy changes the learning rate after every batch. `step` should be called after a batch has been used for training. This class has three built-in policies, as put forth in the paper: * "triangular": A basic triangular cycle without amplitude scaling. * "triangular2": A basic triangular cycle that scales initial amplitude by half each cycle. * "exp_range": A cycle that scales initial amplitude by :math:`\text{gamma}^{\text{cycle iterations}}` at each cycle iteration. This class is similar to the `Pytorch CyclicLR LRS`_. Args: optimizer: The optimizer to schedule. base_lr: Initial learning rate which is the lower boundary in the cycle. max_lr: Upper learning rate boundaries in the cycle. step_size_up: Number of training iterations in the increasing half of a cycle. step_size_down: Number of training iterations in the decreasing half of a cycle. mode: One of {'triangular', 'triangular2', 'exp_range'}. gamma: Constant in 'exp_range' scaling function: gamma**(cycle iterations). scale_mode: {'cycle', 'iterations'} Defines whether scale_fn is evaluated on cycle number or cycle iterations. .. _Cyclical Learning Rates for Training Neural Networks: .. _Pytorch CyclicLR LRS: """
[docs] def __init__( self, optimizer: torch.optim.Optimizer, base_lr: float, max_lr: float, step_size_up: int, step_size_down: int, mode: string, gamma: float, scale_mode: string, disable_lr_steps_reset: bool = False, ): self.base_lr = base_lr self.max_lr = max_lr self.step_size_up = step_size_up self.step_size_down = step_size_down self.mode = mode self.gamma = gamma self.scale_mode = scale_mode if self.step_size_down == None: self.step_size_down = step_size_up super().__init__( optimizer, decay_steps=None, disable_lr_steps_reset=False )
def _triangular_scale_fn(self, x): return 1.0 def _triangular2_scale_fn(self, x): return torch.div( torch.tensor(1, dtype=torch.float32, device=x.device), torch.pow( torch.tensor(2, dtype=torch.float32, device=x.device), torch.sub(x, 1), ), ) def _exp_range_scale_fn(self, x): return torch.pow( torch.tensor(self.gamma, dtype=torch.float32, device=x.device), x ) def _configure_cerebras_lrs(self, optimizer): from modelzoo.common.pytorch import cbtorch return cbtorch.optim.lr_scheduler.CyclicLR( optimizer, self.base_lr, self.max_lr, self.step_size_up, self.step_size_down, self.mode, self.gamma, self.scale_mode, self.disable_lr_steps_reset, )
[docs] def set_scale_fn(self): scale_fn = None if self.mode == 'triangular': scale_fn = self._triangular_scale_fn self.scale_mode = 'cycle' elif self.mode == 'triangular2': scale_fn = self._triangular2_scale_fn self.scale_mode = 'cycle' else: scale_fn = self._exp_range_scale_fn self.scale_mode = 'iterations' return scale_fn
def _lr_function(self, global_step): scale_fn = self.set_scale_fn() total_size = self.step_size_up + self.step_size_down step_ratio = self.step_size_up / total_size cycle = torch.floor(torch.div(global_step, total_size).add(1)) x = torch.sub(torch.div(global_step, total_size), cycle).add(1) scale_factor = torch.where( x <= step_ratio, torch.div(x, step_ratio), torch.div(torch.sub(x, 1), torch.sub(step_ratio, 1)), ) base_height = torch.mul((scale_factor), (self.max_lr - self.base_lr)) if self.scale_mode == "cycle": return torch.add( torch.mul(base_height, scale_fn(cycle)), self.base_lr ) else: return torch.add( torch.mul(base_height, scale_fn(global_step)), self.base_lr, )
[docs]class OneCycleLR(LRScheduler): r"""Sets the learning rate of each parameter group according to the 1cycle learning rate policy. The 1cycle policy anneals the learning rate from an initial learning rate to some maximum learning rate and then from that maximum learning rate to some minimum learning rate much lower than the initial learning rate. This policy was initially described in the paper `Super-Convergence: Very Fast Training of Neural Networks Using Large Learning Rates`_. This scheduler is not chainable. This class is similar to the `Pytorch OneCycleLR LRS`_. Args: optimizer: The optimizer to schedule initial_learning_rate: Initial learning rate. Compared with PyTorch, this is equivalent to max_lr / div_factor. max_lr: Upper learning rate boundaries in the cycle. total_steps: The total number of steps in the cycle. pct_start: The percentage of the cycle (in number of steps) spent increasing the learning rate. final_div_factor: Determines the minimum learning rate via min_lr = initial_lr/final_div_factor. three_phase: If True, use a third phase of the schedule to annihilate the learning rate anneal_strategy: Specifies the annealing strategy: “cos” for cosine annealing, “linear” for linear annealing. .. _Super-Convergence\: Very Fast Training of Neural Networks Using Large Learning Rates: .. _Pytorch OneCycleLR LRS: """
[docs] def __init__( self, optimizer: torch.optim.Optimizer, initial_learning_rate: float, max_lr: float, total_steps: int, pct_start: float, final_div_factor: float, three_phase: bool, anneal_strategy: string, disable_lr_steps_reset: bool = False, ): self.initial_learning_rate = initial_learning_rate self.max_lr = max_lr self.total_steps = total_steps self.pct_start = pct_start self.final_div_factor = final_div_factor self.three_phase = three_phase self.anneal_strategy = anneal_strategy super().__init__( optimizer, decay_steps=None, disable_lr_steps_reset=False )
def _configure_cerebras_lrs(self, optimizer): from modelzoo.common.pytorch import cbtorch return cbtorch.optim.lr_scheduler.OneCycleLR( optimizer, self.initial_learning_rate, self.max_lr, self.total_steps, self.pct_start, self.final_div_factor, self.three_phase, self.anneal_strategy, self.disable_lr_steps_reset, ) def _annealing_cos(self, start, end, pct): "Cosine anneal from `start` to `end` as pct goes from 0.0 to 1.0." cos_out = torch.mul(pct, math.pi).cos().add(1) return torch.add(torch.mul(cos_out, ((start - end) / 2.0)), end) def _annealing_linear(self, start, end, pct): "Linearly anneal from `start` to `end` as pct goes from 0.0 to 1.0." return torch.add(torch.mul(pct, (end - start)), start) def _lr_function(self, global_step): min_lr = self.initial_learning_rate / self.final_div_factor if self.three_phase: milestones = [ self.pct_start * self.total_steps - 1, 2 * self.pct_start * self.total_steps - 2, self.total_steps - 1, ] lr_start = [ self.initial_learning_rate, self.max_lr, self.initial_learning_rate, ] lr_end = [self.max_lr, self.initial_learning_rate, min_lr] else: milestones = [ self.pct_start * self.total_steps - 1, self.total_steps - 1, ] lr_start = [self.initial_learning_rate, self.max_lr] lr_end = [self.max_lr, min_lr] if self.anneal_strategy == "cos": anneal_func = self._annealing_cos else: anneal_func = self._annealing_linear start_step = 0 pct = torch.div( torch.sub(global_step, start_step), (milestones[0] - start_step), ) lr = anneal_func(lr_start[0], lr_end[0], pct) start_step = milestones[0] for idx, milestone in enumerate(milestones[1:]): pct = torch.div( torch.sub(global_step, start_step), (milestone - start_step), ) lr = torch.where( global_step > milestones[idx], anneal_func(lr_start[idx + 1], lr_end[idx + 1], pct), lr, ) start_step = milestone return lr
[docs]class ScalePerParamLR(LRScheduler): r"""Wraps a scheduler: torch.optim.lr_scheduler.LambdaLR object or torch.optim.lr_scheduler.SequentialLR object and scales the learning rate of a param_group based on the corresponding adjust_learning_rate factor Args: optimizer: The optimizer to schedule scheduler: The scheduler that provides updated lr with its _lr_function method decay_steps: Number of steps to perform the decay """
[docs] def __init__( self, optimizer: torch.optim.Optimizer, scheduler: torch.optim.lr_scheduler.LambdaLR, decay_steps: int, disable_lr_steps_reset: bool = False, ): self._scheduler_nested = scheduler self.decay_steps = decay_steps self.disable_lr_steps_reset = disable_lr_steps_reset self.lr_adjustment_scalars = [ param_group.get('adjust_learning_rate', 1.0) for param_group in optimizer.param_groups ] super().__init__(optimizer, decay_steps, disable_lr_steps_reset)
def _configure_cerebras_lrs(self, optimizer): from modelzoo.common.pytorch import cbtorch return cbtorch.optim.lr_scheduler.ScalePerParamLR( optimizer, self._scheduler_nested, self.decay_steps, self.disable_lr_steps_reset, )
[docs] def state_dict(self): s = super().state_dict() s["_scheduler"] = self._scheduler_nested.state_dict() s.pop("_scheduler_nested", None) s.pop("disable_lr_steps_reset", None) s.pop("verbose", None) s.pop("_get_lr_called_within_step", None) s["_scheduler"].pop("disable_lr_steps_reset", None) s["_scheduler"].pop("verbose", None) s["_scheduler"].pop("_get_lr_called_within_step", None) if not self.decay_steps: s.pop("decay_steps", None) if not s["_scheduler"].get("decay_steps"): s["_scheduler"].pop("decay_steps", None) return s
[docs] def load_state_dict(self, state_dict): super().load_state_dict(state_dict) _scheduler_dict = state_dict.pop('_scheduler') state_dict['_scheduler'] = _scheduler_dict self._scheduler_nested.load_state_dict(_scheduler_dict)
[docs] def lr_function(self, global_step, adjust_learning_rate=1.0): if cm.use_cs(): # technically should be one lr tensor for each param group # for now assume all lr are same across param groups lr = self._lr_function(global_step) self._last_lr = [ lr * self.lr_adjustment_scalars[group_idx] for group_idx, _ in enumerate(self.optimizer.param_groups) ] return lr else: return ( self._lr_function(torch.tensor(global_step)).item() * adjust_learning_rate )
[docs] def get_lr(self): if not self._get_lr_called_within_step: warnings.warn( "to get the last learning rate computed by the scheduler, " "please use `get_last_lr()`." ) # note, different from the parent class, # we ignore the base learning rate entirely return [ lmbda(self.last_epoch, self.lr_adjustment_scalars[i]) for i, lmbda in enumerate(self.lr_lambdas) ]
def _lr_function(self, global_step): return self._scheduler_nested._lr_function(global_step)