Source code for common.pytorch.metrics.rouge_score

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Rouge Score metric for PyTorch.

import string
from collections import Counter
from typing import Optional

import numpy as np
import torch
from nltk import ngrams

from modelzoo.common.pytorch.metrics.cb_metric import CBMetric
from modelzoo.transformers.data_processing.tokenizers.Tokenization import (

class _PipelineRougeScoreMetric(CBMetric):
    """Custom evaluation metric for calculating rouge score when performing
    text summarization.

    ROUGE (Recall-Oriented Understudy for Gisting Evaluation).

    * the fraction of n-grams from abstracts included in the summarization.

    ROUGE-n(s) = \frac{\sum_{r \in R}\sum_{w} [w \in s][w \in r]}{\sum_{r \in R} \sum_{w} [w \in r]}

    *   $r \in R$ -- set of abstracts, written by humans.
    *   $s$ -- abstract, built by the system.
    *   higher the better -- for all metrics of ROUGE family.
    *   $n$ -- order of n-gram:
          * $n=1$ -- unigrams, $n=2$ -- bigrams, etc.
          * with increase of $n$, you achieve more accurate results.
          * with $n =$ len_of_abstract, we require full match of predicted
          text and the one written by humans.

    The num_matched_ngrams, num_references_ngrams, num_hypothesis_ngrams
    are accumulated in a rouge matrix, and rouge score (f1, precision, recall)
    is then calculated from it.

    def __init__(
        self, vocab_file: str, max_n: int = 1, name: Optional[str] = None
            vocab_file: Path to the vocab file.
            max_n: Optional maximum size of n-grams to consider. Default is 1.
            name: Name of the metric.
        self.max_n = max_n
        self.vocab_file = vocab_file
        self.tokenizer = FullTokenizer(self.vocab_file)

    def init_state(self):

    def reset_state(self):
        # We store 3 items: num_matched_ngrams, num_references_ngrams
        # and num_hypothesis_ngrams.
        self.rouge_matrix = np.zeros((3,), dtype=np.float64)

    def update_on_host(
        self, labels, predictions, cls_indices, cls_weights, input_ids
        Compute and aggregate rouge_matrix every iteration.
        Each computation comprises of:
            1. Convert labels to references.
            2. Convert predictions to hypotheses.
            3. Convert hypotheses and references to ngrams.
            4. Calculate rouge matrix.

        def _preprocess_before_rouge(sentences):
            def _preprocess_sentence_before_rouge(sentence):
                special_words = {"[pad]", "[cls]", "[sep]"}
                punctuation_words = set(string.punctuation)
                words_to_ignore = punctuation_words | special_words
                words_in_sentence = [word.lower() for word in sentence]
                words_in_sentence = list(
                        lambda word: word not in words_to_ignore,

                return " ".join(words_in_sentence)

            words = np.array(
                    for sentence in sentences
            return words

        predictions = predictions.detach()
        labels = labels.detach()
        cls_indices = cls_indices.detach()
        cls_weights = cls_weights.detach()
        input_ids = input_ids.detach()
        hypotheses = extract_text_words_given_cls_indices(
            predictions, cls_indices, cls_weights, input_ids, self.tokenizer
        references = extract_text_words_given_cls_indices(
            labels, cls_indices, cls_weights, input_ids, self.tokenizer

        hypotheses = _preprocess_before_rouge(hypotheses)
        references = _preprocess_before_rouge(references)

        current_rouge_matrix = np.zeros((3,), dtype=np.float64)

        hypotheses = [x.split(" ") for x in hypotheses]
        references = [x.split(" ") for x in references]

        hypotheses_ngrams = [
            ngrams(sentence, self.max_n) for sentence in hypotheses
        references_ngrams = [
            ngrams(sentence, self.max_n) for sentence in references

        hypotheses_freq = [
            for hypotheses_sentence_ngrams in hypotheses_ngrams
        references_freq = [
            for references_sentence_ngrams in references_ngrams

        matched_ngrams_freq = []
        num_matched_ngrams = 0
        num_references_ngrams = 0
        num_hypotheses_ngrams = 0

        # For each sentence, compute the number of matched n-grams, and
        # total n-grams in hypotheses and references.
        for sent_idx in range(len(hypotheses_freq)):
                hypotheses_freq[sent_idx] & references_freq[sent_idx]
            num_matched_ngrams += sum(matched_ngrams_freq[-1].values())
            num_references_ngrams += sum(references_freq[sent_idx].values())
            num_hypotheses_ngrams += sum(hypotheses_freq[sent_idx].values())

        current_rouge_matrix[0] = num_matched_ngrams
        current_rouge_matrix[1] = num_references_ngrams
        current_rouge_matrix[2] = num_hypotheses_ngrams

        self.rouge_matrix += current_rouge_matrix

    def compute(self):
        Compute the f1, precision, recall score via the rouge matrix.
        num_matched_ngrams = self.rouge_matrix[0]
        num_references_ngrams = self.rouge_matrix[1]
        num_hypotheses_ngrams = self.rouge_matrix[2]

        precision = (
            num_matched_ngrams if num_hypotheses_ngrams else 0.0
        ) / num_hypotheses_ngrams

        recall = (
            num_matched_ngrams if num_references_ngrams else 0.0
        ) / num_references_ngrams

        f1_score = (2 * recall * precision if recall and precision else 0.0) / (
            recall + precision

        return {
            "precision": precision,
            "recall": recall,
            "f1_score": f1_score,

[docs]def extract_text_words_given_cls_indices( labels, cls_indices, cls_weights, input_ids, tokenizer ): """Extract text words that belongs to segments which CLS tokens have labels equal to 1. Example: [[CLS, label=1] Dogs, like, cats, [CLS, label=0], Cats, like, dogs] -> [Dogs, like, cats]. Args: labels: Tensor of shape (batch_size, max_cls_tokens). cls_indices: Tensor of shape (batch_size, max_cls_tokens). cls_weights: Tensor of shape (batch_size, max_cls_tokens). input_ids: Tensor of shape (batch_size, max_sequence_length). tokenizer: Tokenizer to be used. Returns: extracted_words: Tensor with extracted words. """ batch_size = labels.shape[0] # token_ids = [] extracted_words_batch = [] max_sequence_length = input_ids.shape[-1] for i in range(batch_size): extracted_token_ids = extract_text_tokens_given_cls_indices( labels[i], cls_indices[i], cls_weights[i], input_ids[i] ) extracted_words = extract_text_words_by_token_ids( extracted_token_ids, tokenizer, max_sequence_length ) extracted_words_batch.append(extracted_words) return np.array(extracted_words_batch)
[docs]def extract_text_tokens_given_cls_indices( labels, cls_indices, cls_weights, input_ids ): """ Extract text tokens that belongs to segments which CLS tokens have labels equal to 1. Example: [[CLS, label=1] Dogs, like, cats, [CLS, label=0], Cats, like, dogs] -> [Dogs, like, cats]. Args: labels: Numpy array of shape (max_cls_tokens,). cls_indices: Numpy array of shape (max_cls_tokens). cls_weights: Numpy array of shape (max_cls_tokens,). input_ids: Numpy array of shape (max_sequence_length,). Returns: extracted_input_ids: Numpy array with extracted input ids. """ # Extract only useful tokens with cls weights # and labels not eq 0. mask = (labels * cls_weights) != 0 starts = cls_indices[mask] ends = torch.roll(cls_indices, shifts=-1)[mask] # In case we reached end of sequence, the end # index should be max seq length. if len(ends) > 0 and ends[-1] == 0: ends[-1] = input_ids.shape[0] extracted_token_ids = [] for start_index, end_index in zip(starts, ends): extracted_token_ids.extend(input_ids[start_index:end_index].numpy()) return np.array(extracted_token_ids, dtype=np.int64)
def _pad_input_sequence(input_sequence, max_sequence_length): input_sequence = input_sequence + ["[pad]"] * ( max_sequence_length - len(input_sequence) ) return np.array(input_sequence, dtype=object)
[docs]def extract_text_words_by_token_ids(input_ids, tokenizer, max_sequence_length): """ Takes input ids of tokens and convert them to a tensor with words. Args: input_ids: Numpy array of shape (max_sequence_length,). tokenizer: Tokenizer object which contains functions to convert words to token and vice versa. max_sequence_length: int, maximum length of the sequence. Returns: words_padded: Numpy array with computed words padded to max seq length. """ extracted_text_tokens = tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens(input_ids) # There is no decode method provided in FullTokenizer # which is usually used with bert. Thus, we join word pieces and remove `##` # symbols that define boundaries between word pieces to form words from token # indices. text = " ".join(extracted_text_tokens) text = text.replace(" ##", "") words = text.split(" ") words_padded = _pad_input_sequence(words, max_sequence_length) return words_padded
# Create a factory for creating a metric depending on execution strategy RougeScoreMetric = CBMetric.create_metric_impl_factory( pipeline_metric_cls=_PipelineRougeScoreMetric, ws_metric_cls=None )