.. _multi-model-inference: Multi-model Inference ===================== You can run multiple models on the CS system, send inference requests to these models and receive prediction responses. These multiple models can be either the copies of the same model, or each a different model, or a combination of the two. See the following diagram: .. _fig-multi-model-inference: .. figure:: ../images/multi-model-inference.png :align: center :width: 900 px A High-level View of Multi-model Inference .. important:: The multi-model execution on the CS system is supported only for the inference. Running multi-model inference ----------------------------- Before proceeding further, refer to :ref:`train-eval-predict` on how to run the standard single-model inference on the CS system. Running a multi-model inference works like this: - Two functions, ``ModelInfo`` and ``MultiModelFusion`` are provided to handle the multi-model inference. - You use these two functions in your multi-model Python run script, for example, ``run_mm.py``, as described in this section. See :ref:`example-run-mm`. - Finally, run the ``run_mm.py`` script in the inference mode as follows: .. code-block:: bash python run_mm.py --mode predict \ --params configs/your-params-file.yaml \ --cs_ip ModelInfo ~~~~~~~~~ In your ``run_mm.py`` script, use the ``ModelInfo`` class to create instances of each individual model. Refer to the figure :ref:`fig-multi-model-inference`. The fields of the ``ModelInfo`` class are as follows: .. code-block:: python ModelInfo( model_fn=model_fn, input_fn=rebatch_input_fn(input_fn), params=params, deltat_scaling_factor=deltat_scale_factor, name="model_" + scenario ) Refer to the ``run_mm.py`` script for full details. MultiModelFusion ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Refer to the figure :ref:`fig-multi-model-inference`. The ``MultiModelFusion`` function accepts as input any number of models in the form of ``ModelInfo`` objects and fuses them together into a single TensorFlow model. This fused TensorFlow model is then passed to ``CerebrasEstimator`` for the normal compilation to occur. Each ``ModelInfo`` model object has a unique model ID. The input data streamers then route specific inference requests only to the targeted model ID. The ``CerebrasEstimator`` automatically assigns each worker to one model ID in a round-robin fashion. For example, if a compile contains 2 disjoint models and 3 workers, worker 1 is assigned to model 1, worker 2 is assigned to model 2, and worker 3 is assigned to model 1 and so on. Each worker uses the fused input function to generate the data for all the models, but only streams data for the model that it is assigned to. This happens automatically within the ``CerebrasEstimator``. .. _example-run-mm: Example run_mm.py ----------------- See the following Tensorflow example for a multi-model inference: .. code-block:: python """ Script to run multi model """ import argparse import os import sys import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf from cerebras.models.common.estimator.tf.cs_estimator import CerebrasEstimator from cerebras.models.common.estimator.tf.run_config import CSRunConfig from cerebras.models.common.run_utils import ( check_env, get_csrunconfig_dict, is_cs, save_params, update_params_from_args, ) from models.data import input_fn from models.model import model_fn from models.utils import get_params from cerebras.tf.model_fusion import MultiModelFusion from cerebras.tf.model_fusion import ModelInfo def rebatch_input_fn(input_fn, batch_size=1): """ Returns a modified input_fn with the batch size set to `batch_size`. :param input_fn: The original input_fn. :param batch_size: Batch size to set for the new input_fn. Defaults to 1. :returns: A modified input_fn whose batch size is `batch_size`. """ def _rebatched_input_fn(params): ds = input_fn(params) ds = ds.unbatch() ds = ds.batch(batch_size, drop_remainder=True) return ds return _rebatched_input_fn def build_model_instance(params_path, deltat_scale_factor: float, scenario: str = "base"): """ Returns a model info. :param mode: One of estimator mode keys to build the model with. :param scenario: Model scenario to build. :param deltat_scale_factor: DeltaT scaling factor to use. :returns: A model info object. """ params = get_params(params_path, config=scenario) params["model"]["n_towers"] = 2 params["model"]["in_parallel"] = True params["runconfig"]["mode"] = "infer" return ModelInfo( model_fn=model_fn, input_fn=rebatch_input_fn(input_fn), params=params, deltat_scaling_factor=deltat_scale_factor, name="model_" + scenario ) def create_arg_parser(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="run model in either train, eval, compile_only, or \ validate_only mode. example: python run.py -p params.yaml \ -m train" ) parser.add_argument( "--cs_ip", help="CS system IP address, defaults to None", default=None ) parser.add_argument( "-p", "--params", help="path to params yaml file", required=False, default="./params.yaml", ) parser.add_argument( "-m", "--mode", choices=[ "validate_only", "compile_only", "train", "eval", "infer", "infer_cpp", ], help=( "Can choose from validate_only, compile_only, train, infer " + "or eval. Defaults to validate_only." + " Validate only will only go up to kernel matching." + " Compile only continues through and generate compiled" + " executables." + " Train will compile and train if on CS system," + " and just train locally (CPU/GPU) if not on CS system." + " Eval will run eval locally." " Predict will generate predictions and will skip loss calculation.\ The number of generated inferences is given by \ params['inference']['infer_params']['max_steps']" ), ) parser.add_argument( "-o", "--model_dir", type=str, help="Save compilation and non-simfab outputs", default="./model_dir", ) parser.add_argument( "--variants", nargs="*", help="List of models to instantiate.", default=["base,1", "encoder_deep,1", "djinn_wide,1", "decoder_shallow,1"] ) return parser def main(): # SET UP parser = create_arg_parser() args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) params_path = args.params params = get_params(params_path) models = [] for variant_spec in args.variants: scenario, count = variant_spec.split(",") params = get_params(args.params, config=scenario) models.extend([ build_model_instance( params_path, deltat_scale_factor=1, scenario=scenario, ) for _ in range(int(count)) ]) fusion = MultiModelFusion(models) runconfig_params = params["runconfig"] update_params_from_args(args, runconfig_params) # save params for reproducibility save_params(params, model_dir=runconfig_params["model_dir"]) # get runtime configurations use_cs = is_cs(runconfig_params) csrunconfig_dict = get_csrunconfig_dict(runconfig_params) check_env(runconfig_params) if params["runconfig"]["mode"] == "infer_cpp": # This import will result in global imports of modules that are built # and thus not accessible on a gpu run (will result in import error). # So moving the import to the context it is needed. from cerebras.tf.utils import prep_orchestrator prep_orchestrator() stack_params = { "multi_model_info": fusion.stack_params, } est_config = CSRunConfig( stack_params=stack_params, cs_ip=runconfig_params["cs_ip"], **csrunconfig_dict, ) est = CerebrasEstimator( model_fn=fusion.model_fn, model_dir=runconfig_params["model_dir"], config=est_config, params=fusion.params, ) output = None if params["runconfig"]["mode"] == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN: est.train( input_fn=input_fn, max_steps=runconfig_params["max_steps"], use_cs=use_cs, ) elif params["runconfig"]["mode"] == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.EVAL: output = est.evaluate( input_fn=input_fn, steps=runconfig_params["eval_steps"], ) elif params["runconfig"]["mode"] == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.PREDICT: pred_dir = os.path.join(runconfig_params["model_dir"], "predictions") os.makedirs(pred_dir, exist_ok=True) sys_name = "cs" if use_cs else "tf" file_to_save = f"predictions_{sys_name}_{est_config.task_id}.npz" output = [] num_samples = runconfig_params["infer_steps"] preds = est.predict( input_fn=fusion.input_fn, num_samples=num_samples, use_cs=use_cs ) for pred in preds: output.append(pred) if len(output) > 0: np.savez(os.path.join(pred_dir, file_to_save), output) elif params["runconfig"]["mode"] == "infer_cpp": preds = est.predict( input_fn=fusion.input_fn, num_samples=1, use_cs=True ) else: est.compile( fusion.input_fn, validate_only=(params["runconfig"]["mode"] == "validate_only"), ) return output if __name__ == "__main__": tf.compat.v1.logging.set_verbosity(tf.compat.v1.logging.INFO) output = main()